
Chapter 55: Lemon Drop?!

If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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Magnus continued to follow Professor Flitwick through the corridors as the small Professor led him to Dumbledore's office.

All the while Magnus was memorising the route and doing his best to calm himself and control his emotions.

So he was reasonably calm as they came up to the large stone griffon that guarded the entrance to the stairs to the Headmasters office and stopped as he listened to Professor Flitwick speak the password.

"Acid Pops." Professor Flitwick states with amusement and they both watched on as the wings of the griffon raised up as it turned and the steps begin to rise up after it.

"The headmaster has a liking for muggle sweets," Professor Flitwick offered in explanation with an amused shake of his head before starting up the stairs as Magnus followed up behind him a moment after.

The Professor had only just knocked on the door when Dumbledore's voice spoke from the other side of it, "Come in Filius, Mister Black," he called before the door began to open on its own as if commanded.

Magnus felt himself tense slightly, 'How did he know that we were even out here, was he just guessing or was it some subtle magic.' Magnus thought as he followed the Professor into the office only to find himself taken aback by the fact that it wasn't just Dumbledore waiting for them but also both Professor McGonagall and Snape.

'Talk about an ambush, all who's missing is Professor Sprout and this would be a head of staff meeting just to see to one first-year student.'

Magnus mentally worried while he kept his features as regular as he could with his occlumency training and smiled a little nervously, as any child would be walking into a room full of adults.

"Good morning Professors, Headmaster." Magnus greeted them politely.

Snape didn't seem to even acknowledge his greeting in the slightest, not that Magnus expected he would, but both McGonagall and Dumbledore both gave the young boy gentle smiles back.

While Magnus also got an eye twinkle from Dumbledore through his half-moon spectacles but Magnus already had his barriers up and keep his gaze away from the old man's eyes.

'Already trying to draw my eye to read my thoughts, he doesn't waste any time,' Magnus worried to himself internally as he kept his worries from his face.

Dumbledore at the same time internally frowned as he failed to make eye contact with the boy, he had planned to do a quick mental probe to see the boys thoughts on things so far to try and find an opening to exploit but the boy didn't seem to want to make eye contact with him.

For a second he worried that the boy knew about legilimency, but cast that thought aside after a moment of thought, the boy was obviously just a little intimidated, he would get an opening soon enough.

With the first hurdle averted Magnus decided it was best to shift his gaze for now so as not to give Dumbledore another chance at getting even a glance at his thoughts and moved his gaze to Professor McGonagall.

"Hello Professor it's nice to see you again," Magnus smiled, "Sorry I'm not in your house, looks like I'm not as brave as I thought." He lightly joked remembering some of the conversation they had shared about the Hogwarts houses when she had given him the full introduction at the orphanage.

Professor McGonagall's smile was small but warm, she had taken a liking to Magnus when she had first met him at the orphanage and was a little sad that he wasn't one of her lions but that didn't mean she'd treat him poorly now because of where he was placed.

"Indeed. It's nice to see you again as well Mister Black, you seem to have caused quite the stir with your new name."

Magnus rubbed the back of his head as he feigns embarrassment, "it wasn't on purpose Professor honest," he said as he did his best to act like an embarrassed young boy who'd was embarrassed about the whole thing.

Professor McGonagall smile grew a little bit seeing Magnus respond as he had, as he reminded her of the only Black to go through her house, and she didn't know to be happy or a little worried about that given how that Black had turned out in the end.

Dumbledore seeing the opening smiled as he rose from behind his desk, "Yes well hopefully we can get to the bottom of this before we all go to breakfast this morning." He said in his best grandfatherly tone as his eyes twinkled before he looked to Flitwick.

"Thank you Filius you can go, I'm sure you're hungry." He said in an effort to dismiss the small Professor, having Minerva there he would be limited enough as it was.

But the small Professor just stood his ground, "Thank you, headmaster, but I think I'll stay, young Mister Black here has requested beforehand that I attend this meeting as well as his head of house, as the Hogwarts charter allows him to do." Professor Flitwick stated knowing he was in the right.

Dumbledore paused for a moment shocked at the rebuttal but didn't let his irritation be shown on his face at being refused.

"Very well Filius if you insist." He said as if it was no problem before once more turning his twinkling gaze to Magnus and with a flourish of his hand conjured a chair for the boy.

"Please have a seat, my boy." He said before gesturing to the bowl on his desk, "Lemon drop?" He offered.

Magnus nodded his head politely and took the offered seat, and looked at the candy that he was offered and instantly had warning bells going off in his head about all the fanfictions that had suspicions about those sweets, he would find out not if any of them held true.


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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