
Chapter 54: Headmaster Office!

If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Good morning Professor, I take it you're here to escort me to my meeting with the headmaster?" I asked politely.

Professor Flitwick gave me a smile and a nod, "Indeed I am Mister Black. I must say it's good to see you're up, I was wondering if I would have to send one of the older students up to wake you." He said lightly still smiling.

I shook my head, "I'm an early riser Professor, always have been."

Professor Flitwick chuckled, "Indeed, a good habit that." he said warmly, "Right then, come along Mister Black, we don't want to keep the headmaster waiting now do we."

"After you Professor," I said and with a bow of my head and a smile, 'Well no backing out now.'

Professor Flitwick turned and started towards the exit of the common room and I followed close behind as I brought up some of my occlumency shields to try and calm myself down.

I could feel my heart thumping with worry, time to meet the headmaster.


Headmasters office:---

In the large and grand office, Dumbledore sat behind his oversized desk as he sucked on one of his favourite muggle sweets that he had taken a fancy to in his many years as he waited for young Magnus to arrive.

To the right of his desk stood Severus Snape, whom he allowed to attend due to sate his curiosity, that they all shared about the appearance of the young Magnus.

And to the left Minerva McGonagall whom had insisted on being here as her right as deputy headmistress and given that she had been the one to do the meet and greet with Magnus when she delivered his Hogwarts letter Albus had seen no way to deny her, and he didn't see the harm in it.

He had reasoned with himself that Minerva's presence might help the boy to be at ease more so they could get answers out of him easier.

Or if it didn't then he could always resort to the lemon drops, the ones that he had out on his desk that he had Severus seep calming draught in, to help lower the boys guard and get answers out of him that way he was only a child after all, and children loved candy.

He had already gleaned as much information as he could from his deputy about Magnus as possible he had only stopped shy of asking for her memory of the boy, knowing that she would refuse him as she would never give over something so personal as a memory for another to view, not even to him.

He had gathered from what she had told him about the boy, that he was quite smart but well mannered and respectable, though when she had also mentioned that she found his rather rapid hair growth odd, but he didn't pay that any serious attention to that.

Right now Albus only interest was in getting the boy under his thumb as another pawn that he knew would prove to be useful, especially with how full the Black vault was said to be.

Though he knew there would be dark items in the vault given the family's past, he only cared for the galleons he could gain from acquiring control over such a reputable vault.

While siphoning from the Potter vault would see his reserves well full in due time, the process was slow given that he was limited by the orders left with the account manager that limited the yearly amount he was able to take out of the vault, the amount that he claimed he was putting into the care of young Harry.

But he knew that there would be no such restrictions on the Black vault and that he could drain it dry in a matter of minutes.

What use did two young boys have for such wealth anyway? Much better that it go to someone who could make use of it, mainly him.

And now Albus started to think what he could do with all that gold once he'd taken control of the Black vault as he thought of all the uses he'd have for it.

It would mean that he wouldn't be limited in his bribing funds anymore, not that he'd need to do much with both Potter and Black seats in his pocket.

His attention was taken however by the thrills of his familiar who was sitting on his perch off to the far left of them.

Albus just smiled his grandfatherly smile as he looked to his familiar, whom he had acquired many years ago.

He could tell that Fawkes was unhappy as he normally was, though today he seemed particularly so.

Perhaps he would buy him a new perch with some of the money, one that was grander and with gemstones on it, such a purchase would only boost his reputation more if his familiar was on such a perch.

Fawkes thrilled sadly, the perverse link that he had with Dumbledore told him what the old man was thinking and planning, and he could only watch on as his captor continued to get his way not caring for other and using them to achieve his own ends.

The bond that the old man had forced on him years ago limited his powers severely and weakened him physically.

Oh how he despised the old man and cursed himself for letting down his guard all those years ago and allowing himself to be captured and bond like this with no hope of escape and forced to watch on with no way of stopping the old man from achieving his ends which he could see would not bode well for the wizarding world if he succeeded.


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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