
Chapter 52: Raven's Nest!

If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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Aunt Andy nodded her head as she looked to be in thought, "I see, yes just as we suspected then, Ted has already dropped off the information with the Daily Prophet as you wanted.... and I'll make sure I'm free tomorrow morning to floo to Hogwarts for that meeting if you need me."

I nodded, "Good, oh and tell Ted that he'll want to be ready, I met cousin Draco on the train, he's no doubt send an owl off to his father and that will likely stir up some trouble." I explained.

Aunt Andy nodded, "Will do, knowing dear sweet Lucius as I do, he'll likely try something soon as soon as he hears, but given the time it won't be until the mornings prophet until we find out what, but we've got our bases covered so we're ready for whatever he can pull," she said with a confident smirk.

Tonks finally had enough, "Oh enough of the boring stuff already, come on the suspense is killing me, come on what house are you in?" She asked as Aunt Andy sighed.

I smirked, "I landed in the raven's nest," I said with amusement to Tonk's playful attitude. Something that I had come to grow accustomed to over the month I'd known her.

"Ravenclaw!" Tonks said with a grin, "you landed with the know-it-alls? Ow!" she said only to get another smack to the back of the head from her mother again.

Aunt Andy rolled her eyes at Tonks, "Well it was going to be that or Slytherin, no way you would have been in Gryffindor."

"I think Aunt Walburga's portrait would have died itself if you had been. I can see your idea of how the houses are actually sorted was true then, about their values and not their actual traits?"

"Hm, what?" Tonks asked completely out of the loop on the matter as I had only discussed my idea with Aunt Andy on this for her insight.

I smirked, "Aunt Andy can explain it to you later Tonks, but the gist is, I'm a Ravenclaw with Slytherin tendencies… a snake in the raven's nest if you will." I explained and it seemed to dawn on her then.

"You mean you tricked the hat?" Tonks asked in shock.

I shook my head, "Nope, I just figured out how the sorting really is done, and used that to my advantage, after all, think about it, how Slytherin is it to be put into Slytherin?" I asked.

Tonks giggled, "Now that you put it like that, not real-ow!" She replied only to get a smack to the back of the head again from Aunt Andy whose eye was twitching in irritation as she gave me a narrowed glare through the mirror.

I chuckled, "Still sensitive about that hm?" I asked grinning.

"Be thankful that I can't send stinging hexes through this mirror young man, or you'd be getting a few." Andy said with irritation in her voice.

I just grinned, "Well you can always try if you're here tomorrow, but you know I'm just stating the truth," I smiled only to get a grumbled response of "Wise-ass kid," through the mirror making both Tonks and me chuckle.

"Well I have to go, wanna get a good night sleep if I have to deal with the old coot in the morning," I said with a grin, "talk with you both later, bye Aunt Andy," I said before my grin grew, "bye Nymphadora~" I chimed as I ended the call as I saw red hair and hear a cry of, "Hey!"

I chuckled as I put the mirror on my bed table and then when to get ready for bed, it had been a hell of a long day.


My first morning in Hogwarts started out like all my mornings had for the past month as I woke up taking my wand in hand and cast a quick tempus to check the time.

It was just before six in the morning before I got up and went to do my morning training, which wasn't a lot considering I'm in the body of an eleven-year-old but enough to really make me sweat.

Before going for a shower and grabbing a quick bite to eat in the kitchen before heading to my office for my morning occlumency session to strengthen my mental shields.

As I was sitting cross-legged in my office space reinforcing my shields, I took the time to review my memories from the day before on my conversation with the sorting hat.

The more I did the more I berated myself for not asking if there was any way I could free Hogwarts from the old coot's control.

I would have to figure out another way to talk with the hat to see if it knows how I would go about it, but I knew I would have to be careful.

If I took the control of the school away from Dumbledore that could cause a whole mess of problems, not just for my plans but for my future knowledge if his control of the school is crucial to anything that is meant to happen.

I would have a lot of further planning to do to decide when the best time to do that would be so as not to mess anything up that I need to happen.

'I believe that I may be able to help you there.' Came the voice of my phoenix familiar, Erebus, in my head.

'Oh, and how would you be able to help?' I asked in response not opening my eyes as I replied mentally.

'You do recall I am a phoenix, there is nowhere I cannot go, and I can see from your thoughts that you know where the hat is kept. I could easily bring the hat to you so that you may ask it your questions.' Erebus stated as if it was obvious.

I mentally nodded, 'That could work, but we'll have to wait for an opportunity to do so. The last thing I need is to send you to pick up the hat and then either Dumbledore sees you or notices the hat is missing."

"We need to keep to the shadows, for now, the old man is both magically and politically powerful, taking him head on and out in the open would be foolish'.


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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