
HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

Some or maybe many of you have read about a guy dies and then if he lucky or by just circumstances he get to reincarnate into the world of that person choosing or by random. I'm a fan of Harry Potter, and I have been reborn in Harry Potter World aka A magical world where there is wizards, villain, mysteries, and more importantly a Protagonist, and many other more things. but I didn't reincarnated as a protagnist Or someone strong but as a that many readers call them that term who isn't that important 'extra' if you may say or may not, And I will ge going to attend the hogwarts soon, but hey atleast I jabe knowledge of the world and it's future events.

Yggdrasil_loki · Derivados de obras
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93 Chs

Chapter 36: Jealous Git!

If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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The first trap, Fluffy, the Cerberus, is a class five dangerous beast, and he puts it behind a door that can be open by a simple first-year charm in a school full of children?

And his only preventative measure is him at the beginning of the year saying for them not to go near the corridor?

Then the second trap, Devil snare, no strike that, a Giant Devil snare, a plant that strangled people to death, dangerous for people like Ron Weasley who don't pay attention in class and know how to get out of it.

Which it just so happens is a topic taught to first years, one hell of a coincidence that don't you think.

Then the next two traps the keys and the chest set are both blatantly obvious about who they are targeted too.

Harry being the youngest seeker in a century and then Ron and his passion for chest about the only bloody thing the idiot is good for.

Then if you follow the books over the movies there's the troll which Quirrell dispatches and the potions riddle to get through the enchanted fire to the final test and this is what really gets me.

The mirror of Erised, how the hell did Dumbledore think that taking that mirror into a school of children and leaving it in an unguarded classroom was a good idea.

Everything I've read about the mirror screams dangerous, the thing is enchanted to compel people to look into it and when you do you don't ever want to look away.

I suspect that the only reason Harry was able to was because of Dumbledore messing with it in order to change the enchantment such as to protect the philosopher stone.

The mirror would have trapped him otherwise, and like Dumbledore even said, people have wasted away in front of it, yet he puts it in a castle full of children.

Taking all that into mind I'm of a firm believe that the title Harry Potter and the philosopher stone should be changed to Harry Potter and the school full of death traps that don't work.

Because while all those things are dangerous, there is no way in hell that they would stop someone of significant power like Voldemort.

I mean come on, Quirrell made it right to the very end, Dumbledore was out of the castle and if Harry hadn't turned up given enough time Voldemort would have figured out how to get the stone and then he would have returned four years earlier and Harry would have been as good as dead.

My own plans for the year were somewhat, proactive, given that my goal was to pilfer the stone myself.

I had already devised a number of ways that Quirrell or any death eater could have gotten through those traps with the smallest of efforts.

I figured I'd give it until I knew that the stone was in the mirror and then make my move to get it myself.

I have my own reasons for wanting the stone. If the stone turned out to be the real deal that is.

I figured that the odds were about fifty-fifty in my favour that the stone was the real thing. It could have been a fake for a number of reasons.

Flamel tricking Dumbledore and gave him a fake stone is the first reason that comes to mind.

Mainly because I don't think the man would be dumb enough to just hand over his key to immortality to anyone just like that.

Another could be that Dumbledore made a fake copy of the stone himself to use as bate while he keeps the real one safe in his office.

Where he could try to find out its secrets and make his own, or just so that the real stone was never in danger and thus Voldemort never had a chance that way of actually coming back.

I just wanted to see for myself if the stone was the real thing, and see if my plans on how to get it worked, and if along the way the stone did turn out to be the real thing and not a fake....

....well, that was just the icing on the cake knowing that when I had it and Dumbledore tried to retrieve it he would be unable to do so.

He'd likely be pulling his hair out trying to figure out why he couldn't retrieve the stone, and then he would have to tell his friend that he had lost the stone that he had so graciously leant him for his plans.

Oh, what I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.

Some might call it underhanded that I would steal the stone but the way I look at it, it's Flamel's own fault if the stone turns out to be the real deal.

He shouldn't have so foolishly leant it to the old manipulator in the first place. He created it anyway.

If he wants another he can just make it himself and hopefully be a little more careful with the second one.

I sat back in my seat putting my feet up on the other side and leaning back to get comfortable as I waited for the train to leave as the time approached.

Originally I had pondered the idea about going in search for Harry on the train, but I decided against that after a few minutes of thought.

Given my name things would only turn out poorly the second Weasley turned up, and to be honest I don't want anything to do with that jealous git.

Plus my interference at such an early stage could mess things up in the time line, not that it already hasn't I know for a fact in four or five years' time I'm going to have a headache on my hands when the order of the phoenix is brought back.

When Black manor was meant to be the meeting place for the order after Sirius offered it as such, now I have no idea where they will try and base the order so things will be thrown for a loop when we reach that point.

Not that it matters much, really what did the order of the fried chicken, really do when Voldemort came back the second time other than play bodyguards for Harry when he was out of Hogwarts, that was it.

They were, on a whole, useless.


If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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