
Chapter 31: Questionable?!

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"I spoke to you yesterday evening about the matters of my magical guardianship, how I did not want Albus Dumbledore to retain such position nor anyone else, for fear that they might abuse that power over me, and by an extent use that control to control house Black, and after talking with grandfather."

"I was informed that there was no way to prevent someone from being placed as my magical guardian nor to keep Albus Dumbledore from taking that position as he does with every muggle born or orphaned child that goes to Hogwarts."

Magnus started his eyes never leaving the portrait's, "The steps that I have taken today were to keep this from becoming an issue in the future, by choosing my own magical guardian on my own terms to prevent any such abuse of power over myself or house Black."

"As such Cousin Andromeda has been reinstated into house Black on my authority along with her daughter Nymphadora, both are now as they should have always been daughters of house Black."

"Because of the rules in place I retain my heirship of house Black, and through negotiations house Black and house Tonks are now allied houses with Cousin Andromeda taking up my Magical guardianship to which extent...."

"....She signed a contract that stipulates exactly what control she has over me and house Black which is exactly none, meaning she is only a figure head."

"A place filler as it where to keep the position from being filled by another who would not be limited by the contract she signed," Magnus continued as he watched Walburga's eyes continue to widen more and more at his every word.

"On top of this I also retained her husband's services as a Law-wizard for house Black and he will begin searching into the questionable incarceration of my Uncle some eleven years ago which I am certain...."

"....He will find there is something amiss with, every action I have taken this day is for the betterment of house Black and myself, all of which leave you no ground to voice your objections to my actions."

Walburga seemed to be pensive at that comment while Andromeda seemed to look on impressed at Magnus's stance, he didn't let her have any ground in that argument.

She didn't see much that Walburga could argue against his actions with, everything had been done as he said for the betterment of him and the house.

After several seconds Walburga cleared her throat and nodded to Magnus, "I concede that your actions have had the effect that you wanted them to have, even though you did so through questionable means." She said as she eyed Andromeda with distaste.

Magnus narrowed his eyes, "Please elaborate grandmother, in what way do you define my means as questionable," he asked his tone not wavering as he did so, he was more than ready to defend all his actions.

Walburga raised her chin slightly at the question, "Bringing back a blood traitor into the family, Andromeda chose to shun the family when she married that mud blood husband of hers."

"She is a traitor to her house, it was the reason she was cast out, you could have sought out her sister, Narcissa is a fine woman and am sure would have gladly have taken up your guardianship had you asked her to do so."

Magnus shook his head, "Let me go in reverse order here and tell you why I did as I did, your recommendation of Narcissa is noted, but you fail to note one key fact."

"Her son Draco was, before I was discovered, the next in line for heirship of house Black, had she been informed of my existence she would have told her husband about it."

"From what I know of Lucius Malfoy he would not take kindly to what he would perceive as my stealing his sons heirship especially when his son realises how much he's lost out on and starts complaining about it."

"If Narcissa was my magical guardian it would only be too easy for her husband to see me shuffle off this mortal coil in order for his son to slip right back into his position as the next heir Black."

He explained making Walburga's eyes widened before they narrowed somewhat and she began to nod in agreement, she hadn't taken in that into account apparently.

Andromeda on her part snorted in amusement she knew her sister well, and it wouldn't have been on Lucius's orders.

Narcissa would have taken the initiative herself to see her son as the next lord black before ever consorting with her husband.

It was no secret how badly her sister wanted back into the black vault and the wealth inside it, sure the Malfoys had money but they were nowhere near as wealthy as the blacks and even with both her allowance as Lady Malfoy and her trust vault from being a daughter of the house of Black she still wanted more.

With her son to become the next Lord Black she was sure to get it, well that was until Magnus showed up and snatched that hope away.

She had no doubt that if given the chance Narcissa would see Magnus disappear if it meant her son would become Lord black.

"Now to address your comment about her being a blood traitor," Magnus continued unaware of the thoughts going through Andromeda's mind.

"That is complete dragon dung, her actions in marrying Ted Tonks should be commended, because of their outcome which is one of the reasons I find her banishment so unfair and was why I was so quick to rectify it."

He stated and saw the look of shock and Confusion on Walburga's face and the look of confusion that came over Andromeda when he said that.

"Let me explained as I can see you are both confused on this, tell me grandmother what is one of the blacks magical skills that has all but died out over the generations?" he asked.

Walburga frowned at this before she spoke, "The skills of the Metamorphmagus, it used to be that such skill was ours but as the years went by the skill has faded from our blood, but what does any of this have to do with what we speak of now."

Andromeda's eyes widened hearing that and she looked like Christmas had just come early as Magnus spoke.


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