
Chapter 23: Account Manager!

If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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Ironclaw grinned a toothy grin at my statement, "Indeed we are Master Black, and what are matters can Gringotts bank assist the House of Black in today?" He asked as he gestured for me to sit down in the chair on the opposite side of his desk.

I nodded and took my seat, "Well as you can likely imagine after so many years of sitting ideal, Black manor has fallen into disrepair, I have recently restored the wards and bound them to myself with my Grandfathers instructions on how to do so, they are working well. It is the rest of the house that needs to be seen to, I would like to ask to enlist Gringotts aid to see the manor restored."

Ironclaw nodded on this, "Yes I had suspected as much, we can easily arrange to have renovations be done on Black manor, but we will need to have a surveyor out to see all that needs doing before we can begin, of course, all with complete confidentiality as expected," he grinned.

"Of course," I nodded in response, "We can schedule a day, I was hoping to have the renovations start in the next week or so, and take however long is needed, as I will be away at Hogwarts in the months following this," I explained.

"Now, as to the next matter, I am sure you are aware being the account manager for the house of Black that the manor only has one house elf, Kreacher, and he is getting on in age and it is this fact that has caused the manor to fall into such a statestate."

"I was informed that Gringotts could arrange for the acquisition of a new house elf, preferably a young one or even a pair that could better care for the house and aid its heir, me, in anything I need."

Ironclaw nodded once again, "A very expensive purchase but a necessary expenditure, I can arrange to have a showing of elves for you in the next two to three days for you to take your pick, would that be acceptable?"

I nodded, "Yes. Would the showing take place here at the bank?" Ironclaw nodded and I nodded once more, "Send me an owl with notice as to the time and date when you know and I shall attend, now this third matter is one that I need to be taken care of today, that is of the utmost importance." I said as I lent forward.

"As I came into the wizarding world just recently, I was only made aware of the fact that when I attend Hogwarts that the headmaster will take on the responsibilities of being my Magical guardian as I have none and will do so for the time I am there."

Ironclaw nodded, "Yes this is fact, it was put into place in the beginning of Hogwarts when it was obvious that those with only muggle parents couldn't make informed decisions for their children when attending the school, rather foolish if you ask me."

I nodded, "Yes and something I want to prevent happening to myself, but as I have been informed by my grandparents it cannot be stopped, so there is only one option left to me, and that is to choose my own magical guardian before I attend Hogwarts so that the headmaster can't do so for me."

Ironclaw grinned, "A wise decision indeed, I take it you have some people you would like to ask?"

I nodded, "I do and I have a proposition to make them involving it after all one never goes to someone to ask for something and not have a way to make sure they get what they want out of it"

Ironclaw seemed to chuckle darkly at that statement, "Indeed young master Black, do tell me more" he inquired.


Andromeda Tonks Nee Black, was not a woman most people dared trifle with, as most people knew the women of the house of Black were forced to be reckoned with.

And regardless of the woman's chosen profession of being a Med-witch, she could still throw curses and hexes like Blacks were known for when angered.

Her husband, Edward "Ted" Tonks was another who most knew not to cross as he was an ex-auror who retired to become a law-wizard after his daughter was born....

....but still kept up his training and could keep up with his wife in order to have her back in any duel or fight.

Their daughter Nymphadora Tonks, who hated her first name, was a recent graduate of Hogwarts, and was currently sporting her latest bright pink hairstyle as she and her mother and father walked up the steps of Gringotts bank after receiving a missive from the Tonks account manager requesting a meeting with all three Tonks most urgently, but none had any idea as to why it was requested as the letter hadn't specified.

"This is really strange, you sure you have no idea what this could be about?" Tonks asked her father.

Ted shook his head, "Not a clue Dora, we'll just have to wait and see" he said as they walked in.

Andromeda was watching around wearily, "I don't like this why would they ask for all three of us, it doesn't make sense," she said as she voiced her concerns.

Ted nodded his head, "It is unusual but I highly doubt the goblins mean us any wrong, come on let go."

He placated her as the three turned and headed down a side corridor where the lesser account managers were and soon came to theirs and with a knock and a call to enter they did so.


If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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