
Chapter 111: Letter!

If you want to read ahead by 25+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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All of the dark families believed it was a woman's place to serve their lords' needs, and as the wife of a suspected death eater, and a dark witch herself, she doubted that any of the light would even bat an eye at her suffering.

No, her only hope was to reach out to her sister and hope that she could convince the future Lord Black to give her and Draco the aid they needed.

She was sitting in her favourite chair passing the time by reading one of the many books she had in her private library. 

When Dobby appeared at her door.

"Begging Mistress's pardon, a letter has arrived from Master Draco for Mistress, Dobby took it before Master Lucien could burn it," The small elf said bowing as he held the letter out for her.

Putting her book down Narcissa got up and took the letter and Dobby disappeared with a pop as she walked to her desk to read it.


I wish that this letter bore good news but it doesn't. Things are not going as well at Hogwarts as I had hoped. 

With the loss of my Heir status my position in Slytherin house has all but dwindled to nothing. My so-called friends all but treat me as if I was a pariah like I was some lowly mud blood.

I know that father has some plan to try and reinstate my status as Heir Malfoy but I write to you now to ask your advice on what I should do in the meantime.

I want to get revenge against Magnus for what he has done but I know I cannot beat him by myself, I plan on waiting until he shows weakness to make my move, just like father taught me.

I hope you are well, and send you all my love.

Your son,


As soon as she was done reading the letter she immediately began writing both her response and her letter to her sister. 

She had planned on waiting closer to the summer before she contacted Andromeda but if Draco was thinking about attacking the Black Heir then there would be no chance in him being given sanctuary.

As much as she loved her son there was no doubt in her mind he took after his father when it came to his line of thinking.

Lucien would no doubt seek his own revenge, but while Hogwarts was still in session both he and Draco would be safe.

With her letters written she quickly called for Dobby to have them sent, she could only hope that they reached her son and Andromeda before Draco did anything that could lose them both any chance of sanctuary with her birth house.


The next morning the castle everyone was settling into their regular routines going to breakfast to prepare for the day of classes ahead.

Still sleepy students were making their way to their house tables and began to fill up on the various breakfast foods available.

Some were watching with anticipation if the previous morning's prank would be repeated on the head table, but as the half hour mark passed they were left disappointed when nothing happened.

Meanwhile up at the head table a few of the professors had taken some precautions to cast a few detection charms and spells around the table, not wanting to be caught by another prank.

Andromeda for her part had just taken her seat, Magnus hadn't warned her of any pranks so she knew nothing was going to happen. 

Though she had to suppress her smirk when she watched McGonnagal stand casting detection spells for five minutes before finally taking her seat.

Breakfast continued as normal and the hall filled with normal chatter as the students began to wake up properly, soon the beating of wings could be heard as the morning mail arrived.

As the owls swooped in Andromeda's continued with her breakfast not expecting anything aside from her copy of the daily prophet to arrive as usual. 

Which is why her interest was piqued when not only did it arrive, but a second delivery came by way of an elegant looking eagle owl who dropped only a single letter on the table in front of her plate before it made a sharp turn in the air and began to fly towards the Slytherin table.

Andromeda didn't have to watch it to know where it was going. She had immediately recognised the hand writing on the front of the letter that spelled out her name. 

The curves and slants were exactly the way she had been taught to use a quill when growing up, there was no doubt in her mind just who had sent the letter.

Interested in just what her sister was writing to her about Andromeda drew her wand and cast a few detection charms over it. 

Given who her sister had married and recent events she didn't put it past either her sister or Lucius to have hexed the letter in order to get some kind of vengeance.

But upon finding none her interest grew even more and after casting a subtle privacy charm over the letter that would make it read gibberish to anyone not holding it she took it up and began to open and read it.

"Dear Sister,

Andromeda, I know it has been too long since we last spoke, since before your banishment by our parents. I deeply regret that, and I make no excuse for it or for myself. We grew up as sisters and I should have taken a stand alongside you when you stood up to mother and father as you did, perhaps together we might have changed their minds on both our situations.

Regardless all I can do now is apologise for not doing so at the time and hope that you do not hold my lack of action, or contact, against me in my hour of need of which I now find myself in.----


If you want to read ahead by 25+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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