
Chapter 109: Secret Keeper!

If you want to read ahead by 25+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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That glare disappeared however as she looked up to him and she blinked for a moment as the glare faded to a light scowl and a small confused frown.

"Ted? What are you…" she began to say before looking up to the clock on the wall and blinked again, before muttering a curse under her breath, "Sorry Ted, our meeting I know," she said as she folded the parchment and pushed it out of the way, "time got away from me." She sighed.

Ted gave a light chuckle, "I know how it is Amelia, rough day?" He asked as he walked in, closing the door behind him before he took a seat across from her at her desk.

"More like a rough month, several of them in fact." Amelia sighed as she plucked her monocle from her eye and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"It's just cut back after cut back, the Ministry has cut our funding by a third twice in the past four months, Cornelius claims that because crime is at an all-time low since the war we don't need as many aurors, bloody damn politician."

"And he doesn't even have the stones to come down here and tell me myself, instead, he sends that infernal woman to do it." She groaned, "I just want to hex her.

"Umbridge, yes I remember, always hated her, but I doubt there is a muggle-born who has heard of her that doesn't." Ted sympathised.

"Yes, dreadful woman," Amelia agreed as she put her monocle back in place before leaning back in her chair.

"Now, I doubt you made a meeting with me to just come here and gripe about how stupid and unpleasant politicians are Ted, what can I do for you. Do you have a case for me to have looked into?"

"Something like that Amelia," Ted said as he put the folders on his lap, "I take it that you have heard about recent events, of Andy's banishment from House Black being lifted?"

Amelia nodded, "Yes, this new heir Black, Magnus, seems to be making quite the impression with his actions, first coming out of nowhere, then bringing back your wife and daughter into the fold, and then his duel with the Malfoy heir." She listed.

"Moody gave quite the review of his duelling prowess, no doubt a benefit of having Andy as an instructor."

Ted nodded with a smile, "Yes, he does certainly like to make a strong first impression. He did so with my wife."

"I and my daughter by having our Gringotts account manager call us in for a meeting upon his request before propositioning us for Andy and Dora's reinstatement into House Black, and retaining my services as a solicitor for House Black for a weekly retainer that is more than generous."

Amelia arched her eyebrow as she kept her monocle in place, "I see, clearly he's rather smart then, I take it you are here to see me on his and House Black's request then?"

Ted nodded and put the folders on the desk, "I am, this was something that Magnus asked me to look into, on the down-low. Something bothered him about it and I can see why. It's also something that I feel that you will want to handle personally given who it pertains to." He said as he slid the folders across her desk to her.

Amelia looked at them for a moment as she waited for Ted to continue, when he didn't her curiosity got the better and she reached over and took them up.

"And who just might that be?" She asked as she flipped the first file open to bring up a set of court records.

"Sirius Orion Black, and his incarceration without due process or fair trial." Ted spoke, keeping his tone calm as he braced for what he knew was about to come.

Out in the auror bullpen, every auror nearly jumped out of their desk chairs when the door to Madam Bones office practically shook with a yell of,"WHAT!" the first of many as Ted began to lay out all of his findings for her and run her through the timeline to prove his facts.

And after two hours of explanation, Madam Bones sat behind her desk, her monocle hanging from her neck as she shook her head. 

Pinching the bridge of her nose with her eyes squeezed shut as she muttered under her breath, "Bastards, bastards, bastards, bastards, the whole bloody lot of them."

"I take it, I've convinced you then," Ted said as he put the last of the parchment away.

"Of course you bloody have." Amelia said as she took her hand away from her nose and stood up walking over to a small table with crystal glasses on it and poured herself two fingers of the brown liquid.

"Something never sat right with me about his arrest, I didn't want to believe it," she said as she downed the glass before pouring herself another finger.

"I knew I should have looked into it, but I was only a junior at the time, and I let myself be warned off by the higher-ups, like a stupid cow."

"Don't beat yourself up Amelia, it won't help matters now, what matters is that we fix this now that we know," Ted stated plainly, "Can we count on your support?"

"Of course you bloody well can, what kind of question is that," Amelia said as she sat down in her chair again.

"You were right to be sneaky about this, this whole thing spells political scandal for the ministry, if anyone caught on to what you were doing it would have been hushed up."

"We'll have to move slowly and carefully, and I'll have to call in nearly every favour I have, but we'll get him out of there and get him a trial, but do you know what concerns me the most?"

Ted nodded, "If Sirius wasn't the Potters secret keeper, who was?"


If you want to read ahead by 25+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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