
Chapter 107: Delusion?!

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Smirking to himself as the ink dried he neatly folded the parchment and placed it into a letter and sealed it with a drop of wax with a stylized M press over the top, and to finish, the letter was addressed to "the red-haired devil twins!"

"So let me get this straight. You want me to deliver this letter to these Weasley twins and expect them to just hand over their map just like that?" Erebus asked from his perch.

"You're taking an awfully big risk with this, what's to stop them taking the letter to McGonagall or the Headmaster?"

Magnus smirked, "They won't, firstly they are pranksters themselves and they look up to the marauders they'll respect the fact that the map belongs to Harry and me."

"Secondly, they can't do so without exposing the fact that they have the map and it would be confiscated if they did, third and finally they won't want to pass up the chance to meet their heroes, a promise of which I fully intend to make good on either way. They won't want to risk that chance by ratting on fellow pranksters"

"And I suppose the fact that if it even looks like they are going to I can just grab the letter and flame away leaving them with nothing to prove their claims just slipped your mind." Erebus drolled.

Magnus nodded, "I thought it went without saying, also the fact that the letter is being delivered by a Phoenix of all messengers would more than likely shock and awe them into complying"

Erebus ruffles his feathers at that, "I don't know whether to find your use of my magnificent complement or insulting that you are using me for shock and awe."

Magnus gave an actual bark of laughter and just held up the letter, "oh go on then, you know you want to. If just to see the looks on their faces"

Erebus seemed to glare at Magnus for a moment, looking like he wasn't going to do it before with another ruffle of his feathers took off from his perch and flew over and snatched the letter from Magnus' outstretched hand with one of his talons before turning in mid-air and smacking him across the back of the head with one of his wings with a thought of "Arse" before vanishing into a swirl of crimson flames.

Magnus rubbed the back of his head rolling his eyes at Erebus' antics, "overgrown chicken," he grouched before reclining back into his chair to wait for his familiar's return.

He didn't have to wait long as but only a few minutes later Erebus returned in a burst of flames overhead making a U-turn in midair as he dropped the parchment onto Magnus' desk before soaring back to his perch.

"Done!" Erebus said as he stretched his wings before settling on his perch.

"That was fast, I would have thought you'd have basked in their awe a bit longer." Magnus smirked as he took up the parchment.

"Oh please, I may be prideful but I don't make me sound so vain, I know I look good, doesn't mean I want to be gawked at because of it." Erebus snorted.

"Duly noted," Magnus remarked as he drew his wand and tapped it on the parchment as he spoke, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," before watching with glee as the magics took effect and bit by bit the map appeared.

Grinning he opened it and began to look through it, this was perfect. With this, he would be able to move forward with everything he wanted to do without having to be paranoid about someone watching him. 

Sure he knew that in the books Dumbledore claimed to have never known about the map nor the marauders' animagus forms but he found it doubtful. 

While he was sure that James, Sirius and Lupin would be able to hide such things, Peter was another story. 

While he was a spy that wasn't until later in life and if Regulus had been able to learn about their forms it would be child's play for Dumbledore especially for a master of Legilimency, all it would take would be a single glance into Peter's eyes and all their secrets would be revealed.

After spending a few minutes going over the map and admiring it he closed it up and cast the concealing charm again before putting it away into the top drawer of his desk. 

He had every intention of showing it to Harry, but in due time, right now he didn't need to know and besides it was a risk to do so until he was completely ready, until he had his heir ring and his own occlumency barriers in place. 

Which reminded him, he'd need to be sure to introduce that to Harry in the coming weeks to get him started. 

The sooner Harry's mind was protected the better, he doubted that he could truly keep Voldemort out with that piece of him in his forehead. 

But it was worth a shot and until he took the snake faced fucker down they'd have little other option.


Magnus hadn't been the only one who had been keeping themselves busy as of late. Ever since he had discovered Sirius' lack of a trial. 

Ted had been working overtime, putting in every hour that he could into digging into any other discrepancies he could find revolving around the deaths of the Potters and Sirius' near-immediate arrest and incarceration, and what he had found made him both shocked and disgusted him.

In the wake of the death's of Lily and James, and the subsequent fall of the dark lord, the Ministry had swooped in and all but claimed their house in Godric's Hollow as a public venue to mark the end of the war. 

They had paid no money to the potters for the claim, they had just taken it. 

On top of that, there had been no evidence at all collected from the inside of the house at the time, only the bodies of Lily and James along with their wands, everything else had been left to the elements over the years and was now no doubt destroyed.


If you want to read ahead by 25+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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