
HP: Heir of Salazar

The wizarding world is about to change. It is about to face a force that it had never felt since the time of the founding fathers. After all, this force is of the past. A past that will change the present. Current Update: 3 times a Week __________________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Derivados de obras
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30 Chs

Visit to Memory Land

[[Moments Before The Council]]

"Professor Dumbledore," Snape frowned as he rushed behind the headmaster. "He is the heir to the only Salazar Slytherin. That should have been obvious that something like this would have occurred."

"But for a basilisk to appear at his family treasury and for that basilisk to be kept as a guard…" Dumbledore strided through the hallway. "Basilisks are beasts that even the ministry fears and as much as I want this situation to not be brought to the attention of others, the ministry has to know."

Dumbledore could still hide the situation but he knew that with Sebastian, things would get chaotic with time. So it was best in their interest to have their grounds protected and to not lose reputation for Hogwarts.

"What if the others come to know of this situation?" Snape asked, not liking the idea of the press and the other opportunistic rats to flock at Hogwarts.

"It will not." Dumbledore assured, "I will make sure that the ministry does not leak this information to anyone."

That was a bold claim, Snape knew that. But Snape was also aware of what Dumbledore was capable of. Not just through his magic but through his political powers too.

"And even if they do, we won't have to fear."

"You mean…" Snape's eyes bore into Dumbledore's back, yet neither of their feets pausing.

"We will do the sorting ceremony for Sebastian the moment he returns." Dumbledore declared, "He is gifted. He can use wandless magic without harming himself or losing the magical power. So, we will do the sorting before the purchase of wands and books."

Dumbledore was breaking multiple rules and multiple common practices, yet Snape could not complain.

He knew that this was the best bet.

"I will contact the ministry and prepare a trial." Dumbledore said, "If we win, the Basilisk will be under Sebastian and Hogwarts and even if we lose, we will prevent losing reputation by not hiding the presence of a near extinct beast."

Snape nodded, "That… will be for the best."

However, there was something still bugging Snape.

"Sir…" He muttered, "From what I have read, Salazar Slytherin was a very prideful man but he did not care about wealth much. And there is no reason for a Basilisk to be made the guard of some graves either, even if they are the graves of his own children."

"His magic alone would have been enough to protect the graves." Dumbledore said, understanding what Snape was trying to say. "And he did not care about wealth so for him to keep a basilisk… He was hiding something. No, he was protecting something."

"And do you believe Sebastian knew about it?"

Dumbledore remained quiet on that matter.

"Even if he did, there is no reason he would tell us the truth." Snape was aware of the situation.

"Indeed. And at the moment all we can do is speculate." Dumbeldore frowned a little, "Speculate as to what kind of a treasure it was for Salazar to keep a basilisk and Sebastian to lie."

"There are many reasons."

Sebastian said, as he and Hagrid walked through the lit pathway.

"There are many treasures that are worth more than gold and knowledge that is invaluable."

It was true.

The scrolls, the herbs and the books that were present were far greater than any treasure.

"And my grandfather was prideful. He would never allow just any wizard to walk into his treasury of defile the grave of his children and my parents. So, he had multiple reasons to keep Atlas as the guardian to this treasury."

Sebastian hid the truth about the certain spell book that he obtained.

The moment Atlas recognized Sebastian and the heir's blood came in contact with the seal –it opened and the spellbook that Salazar left for his heir was in Sebastian's possession.

Even before Hagrid appeared, Sebastian immediately stored the book into his spatial inventory –masking the magic that the book emitted.

The book was not something that anyone other than him should be aware of and while he was certain that it had seals that prevented anyone other than the true Salazar heir to read –It was still going to be annoying if the authorities were to learn about it.

Better to keep it to himself than to have a bunch of officials begging him for the contents of the book.

"I understand." Hagrid nodded, believing his words. "But once the rest knows about this treasure, while it will still be yours, you will have to go through a lot of legal procedures to keep it in your name and maybe even pay quite a bit in the name of taxes."

This was exactly the reason he had no intention of letting the authorities know of the spellbook.

And while it was annoying that they would be eyeing the herbs and other artifacts, those were still things that were not significant to Sebastian.

He was definitely going to check and keep the things of utmost importance to himself, but if the authorities asked for some things –he didn't mind giving away a bit of gold.

Besides there was another thing that he knew he could use to keep the majority, if not all of the inheritance.

"We… are close."

But as he took a few more steps, he didn't think about the money, instead thought of something totally different.

"Is… is it alright for me to be here?" Hagrid asked.

"You already came inside so there is nothing much to be done." Sebastian shrugged, "Feel free to follow."

Although he did say that, he felt differently. And Hagrid noticed that.

"I… will wait around here." Hagrid said, understanding that it was best for him not to follow.

This surprised Sebastian, but he felt happy about it.

"Thank you."

Sebastian didn't say it, but he knew Hagrid was a good person. He was easy to read and carried his thoughts on his face –which was totally different from Dumbledore.

Walking for minutes through the enchanted cave, Sebastian finally noticed something.

"The air… feels calm."

The air around him felt much more calm, much more clear and much comfier.

"He never showed it." Sebastian's face softened, "he was always the strict father to them and the strict grandfather to me."

He walked towards the source of the clean air.

"But he did love them." Sebastian felt refreshed, "My father was his son just like uncle. And no matter how strict he was, he cared for them."

The fact that the graves were in his treasury meant that his parents indeed died before him, which was tragic for any father –but there was nothing that could be done.

He felt nervous as he walked.

"And no matter what… no matter how ignored I was…"

He gulped thickly, "I am still their son."

He finally saw it.

A meadow.

One filled with the scent of flowers and the calmness of nature.

Walking through the hard rocky cave, he stepped foot into the magical meadow –the soft and beautiful grass.

The fresh air, the calmness and the sweet scent surrounded him.

The entire surrounding changed and he felt himself into an entirely different place.

"There they are."

And in the far depths of the beautiful meadow, were two stones.

Not stones, but beautiful marble structures.

"Why does it hurt?"

He asked himself.

He walked closer but he knew he could never be as close to them as he wanted.

"You two never showed much care for me."

His steps were small and slow, but they still made their way towards the two marble structures.

"You two left me in my grandfather's care while working all your life."

Sebastian felt angry, he felt disgusted.

"Did you think that would make your father proud?"

He asked, his steps not slowing.

"Were you really that hungry for his attention that you left me, your son without any attention?"

His fists were clenched, his heart was heavy and his voice was low.

"Didn't you end up doing the same to me that your father did to you?"

He asked, but he knew he would not get any answers.

"I hate the both of you, you know that?"

He said, standing just a few feet away from the graves.

"Grandfather was the worst guardian." He said, "He would leave me on my own to study, he would scold me for making even the simplest of mistakes, he would yell at me for messing up a spell that a child should never even be taught."

Anyone could feel the hurt in his voice.

"But in the end… I knew he was there for me. No matter how much he left me on my own, no matter how strict he was…"

His fists clenched tighter.

"He would still rush to my side each time I got hurt, each time I fell and each time I cried." He mumbled, "He was the worst. But he was there for me."

He walked another few steps, just till he was an inch away from the step –and fell on his knees.

"I hate the two of you."

He declared.

"But I also love you."

Sentences that were both contradictory and heartfelt.

"Maybe it is just how we are."

His eyes were a little wet, not crying but a little wet.

"Despite your father ignoring you for most of your life, you still loved him and chased after his acknowledgement." Sebastian said, "And maybe… maybe I am the same."

He closed his eyes, "After all, you two are still my parents and I am still here. Despite the years of ignorance."

Despite the pain, he gave out a smile.

"Despite it all, you are still my parents and I still love you."

A sentiment that nearly all children shared.


[[A/N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead of WN on Patreon.

25 Advanced Chapters for Harry Potter on https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2P96N3zurc

P.S. Before anyone says anything –He is 11, a child.
