
How to re-write the Evil Stepmother

As she walked back to her room, her mind raced. "Oh no. I'm inside a novel. This novel," she thought, panic bubbling beneath her composed exterior. She was living in the world of the book she had been so engrossed in, reincarnated as the character everyone loved to hate. Determined to survive and rewrite her fate, Amelia resolved to navigate this treacherous new world with care. She would use her knowledge of the novel to her advantage, starting with maintaining her new persona as the overly friendly, reformed stepmother. And perhaps, just perhaps, she might even find a way to win the cold duke's heart.

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71 Chs

Chapter Fifty-Five - Morning Bliss

Amelia woke up, goosebumps and a cold gust of wind gracing her. The window was left open and the curtain danced in the wind. Golden light shone through the window, and as Amelia turned, her head flushed redder than a tomato. Alister, laying next to her, without any clothes.

"An angel!" Amelia began. "No. God." She continued, her forehead wrinkling. "NO! That would make me a sinner! Oh my. I have sullied god's child!"

Amelia clasped her hands, looking at the roof of their canopy, as if it was heaven itself. "Oh God, I am sorry!" She looked worried. "I have done worse things to your perfect-incarnation! If you find it deep within your, ever so forgiving heart, please. Oh god! Erase all my—" She stopped, turning her head downwards. "Hell no!"

"Let me continue to indulge in this perfect husband!" She looked at him, his hair falling in strands over his head. Her cheeks growing hot as she remembered last night. "He sure has stamina and is skilled." She pouted. 

Her hand reached out, caressing her husband's bare chest. A mischievous grin, many touches later, she felt satisfied, but as she wanted to retract her hand, her husband pulled her.

Pinning her down, his eyes ever so clear. Amelia flushed. "G-good. Morning." She turned her head.

Alister grinned, his weight pressing down on her, his skin hot. "Why stop?"

Amelia kept her head turned; it only turned redder. "Stop? I don't know..."

"What I mean? Must I remind you? Your hand—"

"Kyaa~" Amelia turned her head. But looking into his eyes made nothing any better. "Mhh... I am sor—"

"Oh. No. You won't." Alister interrupted her with his curt attitude. "You've done worse."

At this moment, one couldn't tell the red of a tomato from Amelia's face. She stammered, trying to form a coherent sentence. "I-I was just..."

Alister's grin widened, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Just what?"

"I was just... admiring," Amelia confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Admiring, huh?" Alister's voice dropped to a husky whisper. "Well, I admire you too."

He leaned down, capturing her lips in a searing kiss. Amelia melted into the kiss, her hands instinctively wrapping around his neck. She could feel the warmth of his skin, the steady beat of his heart against her chest.

When they finally broke apart, both of them were breathing heavily. "You're impossible," Amelia muttered, her face still flushed.

"And you love it," Alister teased, nipping at her earlobe.

Amelia shivered, a giggle escaping her lips. "Maybe I do."

"Only maybe?" Alister raised an eyebrow, feigning offense.

"Fine, fine," Amelia laughed. "I do love it. Happy now?"

"Very," Alister said, kissing her forehead. He rolled off her, lying on his back and pulling her into his side.

Amelia snuggled against him, resting her head on his chest. "I could stay like this forever," she murmured.

"So could I," Alister agreed, stroking her hair. "But we do have responsibilities."

Amelia groaned, burying her face in his chest. "Don't remind me."

"We can face them together," Alister said gently. "Just like we've faced everything else."

Amelia nodded, feeling a surge of affection for her husband. "You're right. Together."

They lay there for a few more moments, enjoying the peace and quiet of the early morning. Eventually, Amelia sighed and sat up, the sheet slipping down to her waist.

"I suppose we should get up," she said reluctantly.

"I suppose," Alister echoed, though he made no move to rise.

Amelia smiled and leaned down to kiss him. "Come on, lazybones. We have a day to conquer."

Alister groaned but sat up, stretching his arms over his head. "Fine, fine. But only because you asked so nicely."

They got dressed and made their way downstairs, where breakfast was already being prepared. As they ate, they discussed the events of the previous day and the plans for the day ahead.

"Do you think Lady Constance will actually face any real consequences?" Amelia asked, frowning.

"I hope so," Alister said grimly. "She caused a lot of harm. She needs to be held accountable."

"I still can't believe she did all that," Amelia said, shaking her head. "What kind of person does something like that out of jealousy?"

"A very disturbed person," Alister replied. "But she's out of our lives now. We can focus on moving forward."

Amelia nodded, though the thought of Lady Constance still made her uneasy. "I just hope she doesn't try anything else."

"We'll be ready if she does," Alister assured her. "And we have the support of the council and the crown princess. We're not alone in this."

Amelia smiled, feeling a sense of relief. "You're right. We're not alone."

They finished their breakfast and prepared to face the day. As they stepped out into the bright morning light, Amelia felt a renewed sense of hope and determination.

"We've been through so much," she said, taking Alister's hand. "But we always come out stronger."

"That's because we have each other," Alister said, squeezing her hand. "And nothing can break us."

Amelia looked up at him, her heart swelling with love. "I love you, Alister."

"I love you too, Amelia," he replied, leaning down to kiss her. "Always."

They walked hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges the day might bring. With Alister by her side, Amelia felt like she could conquer anything.

As they made their way through the bustling streets, Amelia couldn't help but reflect on how much had changed since she first arrived in this strange new world. She had found love, faced danger, and forged powerful alliances. She had grown stronger, more confident, and more determined than ever to protect those she loved.

And with Alister by her side, she knew that anything was possible. They were a team, a force to be reckoned with. And together, they would continue to build a future filled with love, hope, and endless possibilities.

As they walked, the memories of the past began to fade, replaced by the promise of a bright and beautiful future. And for the first time in a long time, Amelia felt truly at peace.

(-_-) zzZ

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