
How to hug a thigh as a shark-kin

*Reverse harem* This is the story of a shark-kin girl who wanted to hug a thigh to escape her fate but instead dropped a stone on her own foot. She had instead awakened something within her 'thigh' that she could not control, making him as black-bellied as herself and drawing the attention of several other 'thighs' who offered themselves to her willingly. -- Step 1: Be cute Step 2: bootlick Step 3: make sure you know your target, you really don't want to f*ck yourself. Step 4: don't be a white lotus, don't be green tea, don't be on anyone's side but the thigh's. Step 5: have no boyfriend, limit your friends Step 6: be able to cook, wash, clean and drive like a boss, know how to speak, walk, and if push comes to shove socialise. Step 7 : make sure you know the worth of yourself and make sure it can be at least high enough for your thigh to become your shield when in need. He will not hesitate. Step 8: when you grow up, make sure you are still holding that thigh and have an extra or erm two. Step 9: don't fall for the thigh you are hugging. Step 10: forget it, escaping now is futile. I had hugged my thigh too well, sigh. there are two types of thigh hugging: cheap persistent and annoying, or the high-class version: act in a way the thigh will want to pamper and protect you. The answer is obvious. --- Take note: pov will change, but female lead will remain constant. This book has a sea world theme within but that is not fixed. World building, action, slight disturbing scenes. Romance is slow burn, so please take note but we will have fluff moments!!! --- (Cover not mine credit to the owner, if there are any issues, please let me know and I will take it down.)

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66 Chs

Old madam Kai 2

(various pov) 

"Grandson, some family matters are difficult, but since she is your saviour we shall keep her as repayment."

Old madam Kai said softly.

Hearing her grandson, who for the most part did not show any affection or concern for another, state such a thing in a tone, old madam Kai could not help but feel her hearts aching.

Yet, even if she ached, still, old madam Kai remained composed, not a ripple shown on her otherwise neutral features.

A servant appeared at her side holding in her two hands a clear tray made from 'glaze' a precious mineral found directly in the middle of the hot and cold areas.

Sitting on top of the tray was a Bone-Ash cup with delicate carvings on the outside of the triple peaks located in the most dangerous place in the world.

Reaching out, she took the tea offered by her personal servant and took a leisure sip.

She pondered a moment feeling her spirits suddenly rise at what she saw.

Looking at this Grandson she felt her hope increase even further with ideas taking root in her mind.

The small girl he held so close seemed to fit well with him, even if she is dark, this is the times past. Even though people of her descent are quite rare and seen as an otherwise 'unique' existence, the old madam Kai still pondered a bit.

The Kai family consist of the old madam and this one grandson, they had a rich history and deep roots.

Yet because of this, they had suffered in the past until this one grandson related by blood to the Kai clan remained.

The secrets the Kai clan possessed before can topple an entire kingdom, weak and ostracized to the point they are merely a middle-classed family they have no choice but to stay aloof, simply to continue surviving.

Even if her grandson marries, the woman might simply become an issue.

So the old madam Kai pondered before her gaze fell on the small bundle once more.

"Your father, has he contacted you, since your return?"

"Grandmother, I have sent father a message."


She took another sip, while allowing her eyes to flutter close.

That husband of her deceased daughter had been a decent male, he had married her only daughter after all and had of course showed his good side.

But ultimately, he became worthless.

Especially when he noticed he could not swallow the Kai family's assets.

Daring to take concubines, belittling her daughter, her precious daughter who was too weak-- the old madam Kai decided to repress those thoughts.

If she dared to dwell on those things, then perhaps she would have unknowingly lost control of herself and do something that might truly cause the downfall of her precious grandson.

That man, he had neglected his only legal born son. 

Her grandson would have not suffered so if it had not been for that woman who became the wife. 

Wanted to step over the head of a legal born son as a second wife and worse, from being a mere lowly concubine!

Old madam Kai had always hated concubines, they were so treacherous in an effort to claim what they should not claim. 

Simply know your place as a pleasure slave merely one rank above a first-class servant, unable to be shown in public and only useful for breeding 'fillers'.

Eyes still on the little one resting, she thought for a moment and decided that it would be good to have a granddaughter, girls were scarce anyway and her paternal family had been clamouring to send one of their children for her to raise. 

Of course, she had rejected them, there had been no need but now looking at the little girl resting comfortably beside her grandson.

Old madam Kai could not help but to continue with her thoughts, this small child is too precious, she can not let her go.

With this child, she can raise her and perhaps she can later become the granddaughter in law. 

If she became a granddaughter in law, then her grandson will have a smooth life, look at him after spending only a few days with her. 

He had already risen four levels, almost five. 

Her family doesn't want her, that is even better, she can afford to raise her. 

"If they don't want her, I can take her. Spend a few days with grandmother before returning to the Au family."

"Yes grandmother, I shall inform father first," 


The old lady then waved him away. When he left, she continued to stare at the small girl who suddenly woke. 

Before, she looked like a sleeping doll, awake the old madam could not help but to blink in fascination. 

This child was truly blessed as a little beauty, her face was flawless even though the shape was not that attractive due to her defined square jawline and a slight dent in the middle of the chin area and her dark skin, but each feature made her seem that much more Otherworldly. 

Those long thick lashes, her noble nose, and full bow-shaped lips, with her thin brow with a slight arc. 

Looking at her only made her seem all the more beautiful. 

Yes, this small child can be raised to be her granddaughter in law, the only flaw is her dark skin and bright silver-grey eyes, but that can be overlooked. 

The girl yawned, then stretched resembling a cat, her gaze slowly travelled around the room before she finally looked at the old madam.

Calm and steady with a bearing of someone born from a noble family.

This small child is only two but her bearing... The old madam Kai watched the little girl subtly taking note that a child so small, her power can not even be measured.

In fact, in her presence with that gaze resting steadily on her person, the old madam Kai felt that she was being evaluated by a powerful being.

When the gaze retracted and fell on her grandson the old madam felt her entire person relax.

What was that feeling?

"Big brother~"



~*Hearts: throughout this book, I will be saying 'hearts' and heart. Do take note that some with a single heart are still powerful.

~*Glaze: glass

~*Fillers: children birthed by a concubine or bed warmer. They are used as back up in case the main wife is unable to give birth to her own children or something happens to the legal born sons/daughters. On a normal day, they are treated fairly but are still viewed as a half servant die to their birth mother. (further explanation in future chapters.)

Have you ever seen something, that would make your eyes grow round, your hearts accelerate, mouth water and hands itch to touch or claim?

Yeh, me neither--unless it's food~Satrya Bennett

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