
How To Cheat Your Way To The Top

Soooo, I died. Well, long story cut short, I wake up in this forest full of magical creatures, demons, angels, you name it, the forest's got it. Usually, I'd crap my pants off at the first sight of flying whales, or at the fact that there's more than one moon in the sky (How does that even work?), but I'm not. Why? Well, I got a pretty funny cheat to abuse until I can munchkin my way up to the top of this universe. Although, I really need to figure out what I should cook for dinner first. Or, what I should do to reach the top of this world? Oh, I could just ask a [Question] for that. Silly me. ____________________________________________________________________ Also posting on royalroadl.

Zeus_Machina · Fantasía
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18 Chs

I'm Dead


I looked around, suspiciously. Where on earth am I? I didn't understand anything, I couldn't understand anything except that this definitely wasn't earth. Ouch. Memories I didn't know I had poured into my head, literally pounding against any mental walls I might have, before I knew who I was.

Who I was. But, not how I died.

"Jesus," I muttered. "That's gotta be one of the worst ways to die. I hope I didn't die from something stupid." I looked around my surroundings again. 

"I died. No wonder everything's white."

If it weren't for the lack of angels, gold or the ringing of heavenly bells, I'd think I was at, well, heaven. But there was nothing around. Nothingness, Limbo would be the correct term to describe my surroundings. I'd poke and probe at it if I had limbs, or anything at all. 

I didn't even know how I looked right now. Perhaps, I was completely naked. Perhaps, I was in my pure, baby form as suggested by biblical tales of the afterlife.

But seriously, there's nothing at all. Nothing to do around here except stare at the ungodly amount of whiteness in here. Was that racist?

"This can't be right," I said. "Hello? Is anybody there? God? Devil?. .. Buddha?" Still nothing. "Hey, I know I wasn't that nice of a dude but don't you think it's a little mean of you guys to give me the silent treatment?"

Again, still nothing. "Oh for fuc-"

Then, there was something; something appeared in front of me. It looked like a touch screen, floating in the air, disembodied. I reached out to touch it with an experimental finger, but remembered I had no sense of touch nor fingers for that matter. But mysteriously enough, the touch screen thing shimmered as if it knew what I wanted to do.

There was text on the screen, which I started reading.


You have died. 

You have arrived in Limbo (Origin) and have acquired the chance to roll three times. Will you roll now?

I was absolutely stunned. Baffled. "What on earth's going on?" If I didn't know any better, I'd think I was in some sort of generic portal fantasy plot. But magic's not real. Yes, I understood that saying that while in Limbo was somewhat ironic but magic can't be real. It shouldn't be. Fuck, my head.

Re-reading the little holographic text message, I couldn't decide whether I should follow the text bar and just click on 'Yes' to roll but then, what would I be rolling for anyway? My next life? Status? An opportunity to get out of this boring void? There wasn't any big show biz wheel in front of me that I could roll on. 

"Fuck. I'm not going nuts now, am I?" Again, a little redundant with my sentence there but oh god, was I confused.

I checked my surroundings again. Nothing out of the ordinary. Still the boring white space. Staring into the blank emptiness of space or 'Limbo' as they called it, I felt myself becoming. . .empty.

I checked the message text again. I needed to make a choice now. The longer I stay here, the more I can feel bits of my soul vaporizing. Hell, I couldn't even remember some of my past life now.

"Fuck it," I clicked on the 'Yes' button mentally and immediately, the text message collapsed away before a golden slot machine with a lever appeared in front of me. The lever was technically useless since I only looked at it before it slid down by itself, as the slot machine rolled.

It continued to roll, and roll, and roll.

Before it stopped. Then, a text message appeared in front of me again.

Congratulations. You have obtained one anomalous-ranked roll and two busts.

Would you like to check your reward? Y/N


Now, I've never gambled on anything my entire past life but I did understand a miracle gamble when I saw one. I didn't even need to look twice at the rank of my roll before I understood that I had immensely lucked out, ignoring the two busts.

Clicking immediately on 'Yes', three message boards appeared in front of me. "Holy shit."

Opening Anomalous-Ranked roll. Congratulations, you have obtained [Constitution Of The Origin]. Would you like to retrieve it? Y/N

If I possessed any emotion other than boredom and stale-ness, I would have jumped my shit right here, right now. Now, mind you, I didn't understand anything about what I had just received but just the name sounded absolutely epic.

Constitution of the Origin. Fucking awesome.

"Retrieve," I muttered calmly, like I could muster up any other emotions. 

Homely. Nostalgia. Memory. Words couldn't describe how at peace, how wonderful I felt when the three message texts dissolved, leaving behind one shining, ashy white orb melting and mending with my soul. It was like meeting a friend from high school. . .despite the both of you already being grandpa-age. It just felt. . .nostalgic. I could feel my rolls assimilate within me, turning into pure energy that coursed through every part of my soul, consciousness and everything in between. 

After what seemed like forever, It felt like I had been renewed, no that wasn't the right word. I felt like I was finally complete, like the roll was always meant to be with me since time immemorial. 

Then, the text message appeared again. 

Congratulations, you have successfully assimilated with your rolls. Preparations are complete. Realm and World have been chosen. Race has been chosen. Karma has been determined. 

You shall be transmigrated into the high world of Alterr-Error-. Recalibrating, failure. Restart. Before so, please utter the word, 'status'.

I was too engrossed in my cool new fantastical skill that I didn't catch the system being fucked up. I didn't hesitate as much this time. "Status." Another screen appeared next to the previous one.

(Name Undecided) (Title Undecided) (Female)

Race: Transmigrator

Rank: Null

Faith: Null

Core Abilities/Item

Constitution Of The Origin [1/2]








I clicked on the core abilities that I had, which allowed for the text messages to appear again. 

[Constitution Of The Origin] [1/2]: A core ability that was obtained from the user's soul-seek for the truth, the beginning and the end. 

[Skill] [Question]: A skill that allows the user to ask a question once per day. A suitable answer will be provided. Can grow along the user.


"Godroll. I managed to pull a fucking godroll,"I whispered, as if there was someone listening to me right now. Or perhaps there was. I mean, nothing makes sense right now. Things were getting harder and harder for me to explain, but from the information I had gathered from my status screen, he understood that the rolls I had obtained were extremely good, especially the [Constitution Of The Origin]. 

By reading through it's explanation, wasn't it basically saying that it was essentially g**gle? It was a shame that I could only ask one question per day but then after thinking over it, it was still extremely broken since it would give out a direct, true answer rather than the millions of scam newslets you would have to go through on g**gle before you got an answer to 'What is the powerhouse of the cell?'.

The possibilities were endless. Imagine if I got this in my previous world. I could have easily asked the number of a lottery ticket, or if a woman held feelings for me or the like. 

I would have essentially been God. It was definitely worth it for the two other rolls to be a bust if it meant I got such a heaven-defying skill. Or, maybe not. This core skill felt a little too broken to be true and I was expecting it to be nerfed by the time I transmigrated. 

I felt like I wanted to close my eyes and groan, rub my eyebrows a little to express what would be a massive headache pounding my head but instead, I just watched with a dull heart as I realized that I was going to be transmigrated into a new world. 

One that wasn't Earth. One that didn't have my mother, father or any of the friends I had in my past life. None of my achievements and progress would carry over as well, even if there wasn't much to begin with. 

I would be starting anew in a new world, with new people, and possibly, new fantastical things like magic. Gods and demons would probably spill out the mouths of the common people there like we would when we were talking about the latest celebrity gossip. Anime-like things would be ordinary there, with beings that could flatten mountains and vaporize entire seas. Maybe, maybe there'd be beings far beyond, hiding behind stars and galaxies, waiting to consume new, little worlds like a certain comic book celestial.

Was I ready? Hell no. 

Was I excited? Hell yes, I think. Still no heart or brain. Either way, I was going to be transmigrated.

"Let's do this," I muttered before clicking on yes. The hologram collapsed before beeping, showing a timer of five seconds until the new world.

I bid farewell to this lonely place, wishing that no one else would experience the boredom that came with this place. When the timer was on three, I saw that my being was turning into little motes of light, starting with my feet and with that, I found that I could. . .feel.

Other senses returned the more my being turned into light particles and as my heart beat it's first throb, I knew what I was feeling right now. 

Trepidation. Fear. But most importantly, a whole lot of excitement. 

"I'll be okay," I told myself. I could hear now and something sounded off. Then, the timer went to zero.

"For fuc-" I was transmigrated to the new world.
