
How to be a light fury in Harry Potter

An ordinary person died after filling out a survey on internet and reborn in Harry Potter

Sybaris · Película
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11 Chs

The Weasley family

"Oh. Look what we have here, Fred"George

"I see him well, George"Fred

"It seems that he is…"George

"A lost boy"Fred

I smiled while looking at the 10-year-old redhead twins.

"I am not lost. I came to see the kings of the pranks.

The red-haired twins who will rule the world of pranks in the future!"Arthur

"Oh, Fred, is he… "George

"talk about us?"Fred

"You have come to the right place, young traveler"Fred

"Your long journey was not in vain. Tell us your wish"George

"I came to learn your legendary prank art!"Arthur

I said with an overreaction.

"We can teach you, but…"George

"are you qualified to learn it?"Fred

Suddenly, their expressions turned serious.

"I will prove myself!!"Arthur

"This is the spirit" x2

They said with their smiles increasing.


"Mom, we have a guest"Fred

"Who is George?"Molly

"Good day, Mrs. Weasley. My name is Arthur Cardinal .I apologize for coming without an appointment"Arthur

I received the red-haired lady who was in the kitchen.

"Oh, what a polite child , don't worry, you are welcome at any time, especially our magical neighbors"Molly

"How did you get here? We are outside the village after all"Molly

"I was curious about the cute red-haired family that lived outside the village"Arthur

"I didn't know that May had a polite child like you. You should come visit us one day. We've not met for a while."Molly

"Of course I will tell my mom"Arthur


Twins Wesley took me on a tour of the house.I met the rest of the Wesley family. starting from the youngest Ginny Wesley to Charlie Wesley.

Ginny is a cute girl with freckles on her face.Percy Weasley, a tall, thin red-haired man with a serious face.I don't like him very much, There are many reasons to hate him, from his unnecessarily serious personality to his foolish choices, such as his attitude towards his family after Voldemort's resurrection.

And Ron is… well, Ron.

I don't like him very much either. He's lazy and reckless. compared to his wonderful brothers, He's nothing. In addition, he has a bad influence on Harry.

There is also Charlie who is still studying at Hogwarts.A great quidditch player with excellent grades, like most Weasley kids. In addition, he is a nice person.

There is Bill Weasley, the eldest Weasley son, but unfortunately he is now working in Egypt as a curse breaker.That's a shame, I wanted to meet him, he is my favorite Weasley.

Mr. Weasley is now working at the Ministry of Magic so I couldn't meet him.


"Break time, girls!"Arthur

"Yay, cookies"Kana

I said while getting some cakes and cookies that I baked myself.

Cooking and baking have always been my hobby, something I got from my old life. Although the sweets of the wizarding world are good, they do not compare to non-magical sweets at all.

By the way, I invited Luna and Ginny to play with Kana for a bit. They are the same age after all.

" Arthur, where did you learn to bake these cookies? I think my mother doesn't even know how."Kana

"It's a secret"Arthur

I said with a smile.Of course, I will not say this because I learned it from my previous life, which ended because of a flying truck.Maybe I should learn more spells...or should I learn new potion recipes?

I noticed Luna staring at me.

"is there a problem?"Arthur

Do you always overthink? You are stressed. You need to take some rest.

"Why do you think that?"Arthur

"I can feel the helichacaris circling around you"Luna

"And what are they?"Arthur

I said with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

"They are creatures that gather around a person who has a lot of things going on in his head. Like people who have a lot of responsibilities."Luna

In fact, this is not far from the truth at all.I always have a lot of things on my mind.I've always wondered what's in Luna's head.Why don't I take a look?

I used legitimacy to see what she is thinking.

Suddenly, I felt as if my mind was entering a blender due to the abundance of strange and illogical information entering my mind.

Wha…what's this !!?How can a person think 42 illogical things at the same time!?

I thought with a pale face and a feeling of shock.

I've always thought Luna was special. Maybe she has talents in the mind arts. I'll train her later.Now let's relieve my mind of the amount of nonsense that has entered it now.