
How Mr. Popular stole my first kiss and Other disasters

Hana Han, Otaku, gamer and all round genius, already has enough on her plate, she needs to figure out life and the last thing she needs is some guy on her case! Kai Liu found out the worse way he had lost the finals of his favorite game to a girl! It wasn't enough he had to deal with moving to a new town, cousins he barely knew and a new school, nope the gods had also made it their business to put him in the same place has his worst enemy. Revenge? Rematch? Love to hate or hate to love ... how will these two come to terms at the most important crossroads in life? Come check it out... UPDATES WHEN THE WRITER HAS A CHAPTER READY...

Unikeverse · Integral
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7 Chs

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer???

"I swear Jenny, I'm gonna pop a vein if you talk about that dude!" I stare at my best friend, hoping she takes the hint.

"Oh but I thought you wanted to know all the juicy bits I have on him." she pouts looking kind of sad, I can't believe what comes out of my mouth next.

"Juicy? About Kai? Really?" curiosity is a monster, it's worse than all the cravings you could ever have put together, to me it's pretty much up there with chocolate craving during that time of the month.

"HummHumm! So you want to know or what??" Jenny baits me knowing I won't resist.

"Shoot!" I ask her.

" So you know he's sort of related to Mark, right?" I say, "Right." Jenny continues flamboyantly walking around the room, her hands everywhere, ( she talks with her hands... a lot... sort of a drama queen) she walks up to me, sits on the bed, " So do you also know why he moved here?" I nod negatively telling her with my look that she should just tell me what she knows, "OK, OK no more beating around the bush, his parents are doctors and they came to UCSD Medical Center, his father is also a Professor."

"That's it?" I ask disappointed. "No, he also happens to be moving in next door to you, they bought the house from Mrs. Tillman, she wants to move closer to her daughter, didn't you know?" Jenny gives me the evil eye, saying with no words that I spend too much time with myself.

"About Mrs. Tillman, sure I did, I love her to bits, it's kind of sad to see her go. What I didn't know was that the Anti-Christ was moving next door!!!" I snort.

"Really? Anti-Christ? And they call me drama queen?" Jenny laughs rolling her eyes.

"So that's probably why he's met my mom! She didn't say anything to me about this..." my Mom is known for her match-making prowess, and I just got a weird feeling.

"Yeah, I was there when they met, his parents were going through the house with Mrs. Tillman and your mom arrived when they were leaving, Mrs. Tillman introduced them." Jenny's got that gleam in her eyes that tell me she knows something I don't.

"Jenny...What aren't you telling me?" I ask silkily.

"Nothingggg..." her voice trembles just the tiniest bit, a telltale that she's lying, Jenny couldn't keep something from me even if her life depended on it!

"Oh come on! Just spill it, you know you want to!" I make a move to grab her, but she manages to escape.

"Ok, Ok...no tickling me! Kai's parents are going away for a few weeks to lecture at various Universities Summer courses and felt bad leaving him in a Hotel while the house is being renovated, so Mrs. Tillman talked to your mom and she offered to have him stay over."

My brain froze, it took a while for Jenny's words to sink in, my brain computed them slowly as if recuperating from a short circuit and every time I tried to talk it would re-start again.

"My...my...my...stay...my...house...house...stay...anti....Christ..." I was totally done for.

"Well, that's a first..." Jenny said taking my hand and guiding me to sit in my bed, but right then my brain kick starts and goes into hyper drive.

"MOM!!!!!!!!" I yell yanking my bedroom door open and making my way to the kitchen, Jenny right behind me.

"Whatever is the matter Hana, that you had to yell?" my mom asks, turning from the open fridge.

"Please call and tell the guy next door parents that something came up and he can't stay over." I must look like a deranged person, from the look my mom is giving me, but right now I don't care, she can think whatever as long as she does what I ask.

" I most certainly will not! What's gotten into you? The Liu's are very kind people and amazing doctors to boot, they are entrusting us their son for a short time period, I will not break that trust, they are our new neighbors, they are here to stay, so you, young lady, better behave, or..." mom's words are like daggers, she doesn't look happy, I'm so gonna get grounded if I chase this.

Jenny pulls my hand, whispers in my ear, when my mom turns to get what she was getting from the fridge.

"You better retreat, you can't go against your mom, please, remember the last time you tried." Jenny still remembered for how long I was grounded last time I didn't do what my mom wanted, hell, I did too, so I quietly retreated to the Bat Cave, Jenny on my heels.

I closed the door to my bedroom, looked directly at Jenny and asked, "So how long do I have before the anti-Christ moves in?"

"Not long, but what are you going to do? I'm sure Kai's going to want to pay you back for what you did...hummm...it sure sucks to be you right now!" Jenny says pained.

"Yeah...tell me about it..."