
How I lived through Great shinobi wars

Im_really_bored · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 15 (Into the land of water)

...MC's POV...

After a full day of tree jumping without rest we finally arrived at the boarder of the land of fire and land of water. The patrol team of the land of fire let us pass after we showed them the proof of our mission.

The environment drastically changed from a forest to bare land filled with mist. We stood there gazing at the mist ahead of us.

"Okay our mission is to catch a spy of the Mist village that somehow got his hands on an S rank Konoha scroll. If we cause a ruckus in the land of water they might take it as a declaration of war."

We all gulped as we heard of the risk of failure and of what rest on our shoulders. Hearing this Jiraiya laughed as flickered entering the mist. We looked at each other and followed our teacher.


After taking a boat and sailing half a day across the sea we finally reached the official land of water. The mist was now a little thicker than before.

After walking for some time we finally reached a town. On the boat we had worn disguises so that we weren't recognized as Konoha ninja. The people in this town minded their own businesses and didn't ask questions about our origins. We booked a room at an inn and after making sure there wasn't anyone spying did we start our plans.

"The spy we are looking for is in this town. He may already know about our arrival. We need to kill him before he sends the information he possesses. It may sound simple but there maybe unplanned and sudden surprises."

Jiraiya said.

….......Unknown POV......…

As I was walking to the inn, I bumped a boy with raven black. He looked me into the eyes and apologized sincerely.

After some, I felt some eyes on myself. It seems someone is following me. I instantly try to think of who it might be but I immediately stop realizing the list a was was quite long. Hoping it wouldn't be someone I couldn't handle. Even though I am an expert at espionage and infiltration I was average everywhere else. I was an espionage tobeketsu Jonin after all.

Knowing that taking shortcuts with few people was suicidal for me I took the main road packed with people. I just needed to reach the inn where there was reinforcements. I somehow managed to reach the inn. I told the reinforcements about the stalker and we laughed it off and I went to bed.

As I was about to close my eyes to sleep my surroundings started to shift. It wasn't my bed anymore but I was still in the street where I met the boy. As I started to make my way home again I bumped into the same boy again. I instantly started panicking knowing I was in a very strong Genjutsu.

"Release!!" I shouted as I stopped the flow of my chakra and the surroundings changed again.

This time I found myself tied to a tree surrounded by four people, ninja presumably, three children and one of them was the one I had bumped into.

The white haired adult among the four pulled out a kunai.

"So where should we start?" He asked me. I looking at his headband only to see a Konoha sign.