
How I lived through Great shinobi wars

Im_really_bored · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 14(First mission)

...…General POV...

At about half past five at the East Gate of the Village Hidden in The leaves stood two men. One was in his thirties with brown spiky hair and a beard, he was wearing white robes with a red cloak on top. He was holding a smoking pipe.

"So do you really think they can handle this B rank mission, Jiraiya" said Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third Hokage then he sucked from his pipe and breathed out white smoke.

The second man with long spiky white hair wearing the normal Jonin outfit smiled at his teacher.

"They can manage. One of them is even really close to Jonin level" Jiraiya replied. This surprised the Hokage a bit but he didn't argue .

"You know them better than I do" Hiruzen said as he waved his hand to gesture the end of this topic.

"Jiraiya remember if you even slightly stray from the plan the war could start earlier than anticipated" Hiruzen said.

As soon as Hiruzen said this he looked towards me village and Jiraiya followed suit.

Two figures could be seen running towards the gate. The two of them were boys, one with blonde hair and the other with black.

Hiruzen disappeared before they could see him.

"Jiraiya-sensei good morning" said Minato as he stopped next to his teacher with the black haired boy.

Suddenly before them stood a girl with long jet-black hair and she looked tired. She could barely keep her eyes open.

"Morning team, today we are doing a A rank mission in the land of water. This mission needs extreme precision and stealth." said Jiraiya " if we make a slight mistake we might start another ninja war."

The two boys looked surprised. However Himeko looked as if she went deep in thought after hearing this.

"We are to infiltrate the land of water and ambush some spies before they give them important information on the village" Jiraiya continued " and as of why I'm taking some newbie Genin on such a mission..."

The three kids looked at him intently waiting for his answer. Why would he take three fresh Genin straight out of the academy on an A rank mission.

"Never mind!!" Laughed Jiraiya as he slapped Minato on the back so hard he almost fell.

"Let's take off I'll fill you in on the way to the land of water" he said as he started walking and the rest followed him.

They then flickered away after walking a distance from the gate of the village.

This was the first mission for these three Genin and for what happened on this mission, only time will tell.