
Cp 2

"Holy Shit! That hit the spot" Said Harry. As he felt every physical ache in every inch of his body. Memories come by in waves, as he clutched his hands together to form a fist and ride out the painful memories. After everything was done he let out a soft moan and controlled his breathing and started making use of his inner control to open the door the cupboard.

" I wonder what time it is?" Said Harry. Whilst looking around finally finding the clock" Huh! It's 01h00. Better get going before they wake" Said Harry. Walking towards the storage to grab Vernon's hunting knife. Which was still brand new, seeing as Vernon never went hunting, than Harry walks towards the door and waves his hand, the door opens and he exits the house.

As Harry is outside he slow draws the knife and cuts his palm. Drawing out blood, he places the knife back in his pocket. He drops to on knee and with his blooded hand takes a handful of soil and he softly starts chanting" Gâsthâlig sunucennicge, giefend orgilde ferhð hwæðre drýlic. Hierdeman râd mîn brêostloca hûru hierde of mîn drýlic. Yfeltôclypian [thee]ontýnan bâm pæððan frambringan mîn geard ðêah−hwæðere hûswist. Sê eorðe ðigen frumsceaft râd mîn ealdor lôca in [theirs] ðam ðâs. Feccan me êðel m êðles âcennicge dwolcræft. Yfel biddan râd [thee] [

So] yfel forewrîtan, adverbial phrases môrbêam ðæge pro w¯æren." than he slow blew the blooded soil from his hand and it began to glow a slight Gold colour as it travelled with the wind and form a circle in front of Harry. It began to break apart the space in the middle of it and show a castle on top of a hill overlooking the crystal blue ocean. As Harry walked through he felt the magic in the air as it filled his lungs. He walked towards the door while admiring the place and stop when he saw the crest printed on the door. He slowly traced his family crest as he suddenly felt he's magic link and connect with the magic of the land.

{Pop} "Master has come home, Loppy, happy to see young master" said loppy

" Hello, loppy. I am Harry Potter, Can I ask you to show me around?" asked Harry

"Yes! loppy be showing master Harry around, Yes loppy will. But master must go to the room be controlling the house." said loppy

" Yes, loppy take us there, please" said Harry

{Pop} "we's be here!" said loppy

" Thank you loppy, you may leave" said Harry

{ Pop}

Harry than sent out a wave of magic that bounced around the room and went back to Harry. Harry closed he's eyes and took in the information he just received. He went to the wall he felt was gathering a huge amount of magic, as soon as he got close he felt his magic waver and open the secret teleportation circle which took him to the ward room. As he appeared he saw that he was in a huge Pentagon shaped room and that in the middle the was a huge stone craved in runes some of which are lost to time. At each connecting point of the room were stones of the same size and shape. He felt compelled to walk closer and draw fresh blood and pour it on all the stones in the room. He regained Free will when he was done and felt the whole land shake and shiver due to it beginning to fully power up after all these years. He Felt connected to every inch connected to the ward stones, the barrier regaining full power. The strengthening defences and attacks. As Harry sat before the main ward stone connecting and powering the 5 other stones, he drove deep into understanding the runes and spells that made up and protected his Ancestral seat of power.

The 1st stone protected the family library and all the knowledge that passed through the family and it's bloodline. It's self updating books regarding the understanding of a particular path of magic made it more knowledgeable than Hogwarts.

The 2nd stone protected the combat room. Where all forms of knowledge regarding Fighting styles, weapon styles, offensive spells and defensive spells the family made trained and practise was kept to be taught to any descendent of the family.

The 3rd stone was probably the second strongest ward stone in the building as it protected the ritual chamber where the the family's first and most protected rituals are housed.

The 4th stone powers and protects the medical bay in the building.

The 5th and last stone protects and hides Potter forging secrets . Where every head and heir of house would go after completing weapons training. To make and forge their weapons. Legends say the only weapons greater than a Potter weapon is forged by the Goblins and Dwarfs themselves.

The main stone dealt with overall defence and attack as well as hiding the ancestral grounds to all who seek to harm and destroy the family and it's history.

After Harry was done looking through the info he saw a Apparition of a knight standing and waiting for him to finish what he was doing." Excuse me! may I help you?" asked Harry

" Hadrian, Son of James , Heir to the House of Potter, Follow for you have much to learn...

" And You are?" asked Harry

" I am Herold Peverell, The last head of house Peverell and The first Head of House Potter. The crossroad between the old world and the new. Do follow descendent for we have much to teach you and you much to learn..." said Herold while smirking

Holy mother, giver of life and magic. Keeper of my soul and guardian of my magic. I call upon thee to open a path to my land and home. Land and home of my ancestors and theirs before them. Take me home mother magic. I beg of the

So I say, So mote it be

the spell used by Harry is chanted in Anglo-Saxon or Old english

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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