
Host of Love System

one day zhou Qingqing was bound to " love system " due to car accident after being cheat by her boyfriend . system said if she clear the missions given by him. she can return to her world or grant one wish . In order to return home she start to complete the missions. later she discovered that her all missions targets were all freaking abnormal . First World murder male lead : xiao Qing do you want me to lock you up zhou Qingqing :no , why!!! murder male lead : then say I love you zhou Qingqing : I love you murder male lead : good girl Second World emperor : won't you take responsibility of me zhou Qingqing : but... emperor show her sword : you don't want to zhou Qingqing : no, I will take responsibility emperor smile : come here wifey Another w Marshal : will you marry me zhou Qingqing : why would I Marshal : oh, you want child first . let's make one zhou Qingqing : stop . I will marry you . . . . . . . Few worlds later zhou Qingqing : wuwuwu system I want to quite system : you jumped into the pit yourself A/N : English is not my first language, so if I make some mistakes. let me know, so I can correct them and thanks for reading my novel. Tags # System # Modern world # western # fantasy # Historical # vampire # cultivator # beastmen # mafia # demons # game # obsessive male lead # quick transmigration # game #zombies #ghost #CEO # survival.

NightFariy · LGBT+
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21 Chs


Room fell into silence once again, Emmy seriously asked " when, where ,who "

" You know him very well "

They see each other faces, we know him .

She wink playfully " I will give you an other hint "

" Wait , wait don't tell me you're talking about that tyrant emperor " Louis massage his forehead.

She smile brightly " that's why I like you, you caught up immediately "

Emmy eyes widen " seriously ,all of people you really Fall in love with him , you hate nobles more than us . Just what he did to you "

Xiao Qing stand up " maybe a magic.... a love magic.His golden hair shine like sun and his golden eyes are sharp like they can see your soul , his lips are ... "

" STOP " Alex stop her . Before Their ears gonna start bleeding from that all nonsense, they know when rose set her mind on something no one can change her decision.

Louis asked " then what about assassin, what should we say to client "

Xiao Qing face turned dark " am I look like joke to you, give him his money back and if he make a fuss then silence him " she smile evily.

Louis give up " ok "

Alex mumble " just what kind of person he is to make you go crazy for him "

Xiao Qing pet his shoulder " you will know what kind of person he is, because soon you all will meet him "

Their thoughts were same , we are waiting for that day "

" If all is clear then I'm going to rest " Xiao Qing said come to her room.

Others were talking about,How to deal with count , he was the one who requested assassin of the emperor.

On the other hand , Xiao Qing fell into bed . Before she thought something . little white jumped on her out of nowhere ( host , why are you lying , what love ....meow, meow did you really Fall in love host ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ )

Xiao Qing wanted to tease little white ( come here you little )

Little white set beside her ( well what you think )

Little white ( (⁠ノ⁠ ̄⁠皿⁠ ̄⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠⌒⁠=⁠=⁠ ⁠┫ )

Xiao Qing laughed loudly ( hahaha.... I was joking, well I'm clearing your mess )

Little white intensely stare at her .

( well listen know)

Little white listen to her (like you know our mission target in this world is Levi , there is no way an assassin can get close to emperor . So , I will make that opportunity, there are also many things that don't match world plot. This body has different information then that mentioned in world plot , there are many loopholes. The rebilling that mentioned in storyline would take place in one year later but we have to keep 6 months in mind "

Little white ( host , falling in love with tyrant emperor was also part of your plan (⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠)⁠! )

Xiao Qing smile ( yeah )

Little white excitedly jumped around her (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

Little white ( I have to be careful around that freak (⁠눈^⁠눈⁠) I can't let him scedue my host like lu chenan , I will protect my host from him ) he laughed evily.

After eating dinner Xiao Qing play with little white, Xiao Qing asked (show me reward of the last world and status window)

Little white lazily open it .

System : 01001

Host : Zhou Qingqing

World Difficulty : E

Soul Rank : S

Ability : Heal , Blade dance, sword aura , shadow steps.

Cards : enchanting body x3 , speed x3 , shadow skill x2

Cions. : 28,800

Current Condition : Strong

( Hmmm.... Reward is good but mission this time is make tyrant emperor fall in love with you )

( There is also side mission , Stop the rebellion )

Suddenly her back start burning , Xiao Qing undo her shirt till shoulders .

Little white ears turn pink ( host , what are you doing. I'm not ready yet )

Seriously what is he thinking ( little white, scan this mark )

The mark was glowing red , first time she saw this mark when she took a shower and thought maybe it's birth mark but a birth mark can't glow , Something is very wrong .

Little white scan that mark .

( little white : what the hell, what is this doing here meow (°•言•°╬⁠)

Xiao Qing button up her shirt ( so what is it )

( Little white : Host , it's a soul mark . Soul mark is something that makes that person do anything mark owner wants , they become puppets for them and don't have any will of them )

Xiao Qing shudder ( who do you think can do this )

Little white thoughtfully said ( For a mark like this, it has to be class 7 mage at least and some one who use drak magic . Rose is swordmaster so she can't be control like others completely)

Xiao Qing pet him ( I see , that's why some memories of her are missing )

Well I can guess who is behind but we will leave it to time .

Xiao Qing feel drowsy ( little white last question, I feel this every time when I possessed some one. I can't act like myself, am I under their influence )

Little white lick his paws ( yes host there some restrictions but don't worry they won't affect your personality. after you become officially my host they will be lifted )

( When will I become officially your host ) Xioa Qing rub his ears .

( Little white: Three triels give to them, after one more world you will be mine forever...

I mean my host )

Xiao Qing smile, this kid thought show on his face.

( Good night little white)

( Good night Host )

A week has passed but they couldn't find that assassin, Levi thoughts were all about him . It was night time Levi was standing on balcony he heard some noise and take out his sword , he look around but no one was there. He close the window and trun around to find a figure was sitting on sofa .

" Are you looking for me your majesty ~~"

Xiao Qing was relaxing on the sofa . Levi point his sword towards her " I thought A rat like you will hide forever but you really have guts to come here "

Xiao Qing walk towards him " I hear your majesty was searching for me , I couldn't give you a trouble to find me . So I have come "

Levi attack her " then you have come to finish what you couldn't do last time "

Xiao Qing take him by surprise, grab his hand " now you're hurting my feeling your majesty ~~ "

Levi look surprised " feel....what "

Xiao Qing take this opportunity,made him throw away his sword and hug him " I come because I wanted to see you your majesty , How can you doubt my love "

Levi just hear one word ' love ' and couldn't response to her nonsense " ..... "

Xioa Qing didn't get response , she continue " I said I fall in love with you, your majesty "

Levi look in her eyes they look very sincere, Levi push her away " get out of here and don't come here again, next time only your dead body will go out from here "

Xiao Qing look at his draken face few seconds and wink playfully " see you next time your majesty "

She hear system notification on her way to home ( love meter increase to 5 % and hate meter decrease to 45 % )

She smile and sleep peacefully, on the other hand Levi couldn't sleep all night. Xiao Qing words were echoing in his ears, he stare at the rose in his hand. After little assassin get away, there was many questions in his mind . Why his heart is beating so fast after hearing little assassin confession, why is he so attract toward her . It was not first time he hear someone confess to him but he didn't feel anything about them , this time it was different. He feel uncomfortable because his heart was beating so fast , next time when that assassin come I will kill him, yeah that's it . He clenched his hands , he feel something in his hand, a rose when did I pick it up , then he remembered after their first fight . A rose was in his pocket, just what is the meaning of this , just what she wants . These question running in his mind and that's how sleepless night pass .

little white after seeing mission : (⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ ) I won't approve of this.

Arthur : you don't have anything say in this.

little white after thinking about something : (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠) okay I will do as you say other things won't matter.

Arthur look at him suspiciously : what is he planning?

little white sharping his claws : don't worry host I will take care of him ( laughing evily)

Levi : who is speaking ill of me .

NightFariycreators' thoughts