
Host of Love System

one day zhou Qingqing was bound to " love system " due to car accident after being cheat by her boyfriend . system said if she clear the missions given by him. she can return to her world or grant one wish . In order to return home she start to complete the missions. later she discovered that her all missions targets were all freaking abnormal . First World murder male lead : xiao Qing do you want me to lock you up zhou Qingqing :no , why!!! murder male lead : then say I love you zhou Qingqing : I love you murder male lead : good girl Second World emperor : won't you take responsibility of me zhou Qingqing : but... emperor show her sword : you don't want to zhou Qingqing : no, I will take responsibility emperor smile : come here wifey Another w Marshal : will you marry me zhou Qingqing : why would I Marshal : oh, you want child first . let's make one zhou Qingqing : stop . I will marry you . . . . . . . Few worlds later zhou Qingqing : wuwuwu system I want to quite system : you jumped into the pit yourself A/N : English is not my first language, so if I make some mistakes. let me know, so I can correct them and thanks for reading my novel. Tags # System # Modern world # western # fantasy # Historical # vampire # cultivator # beastmen # mafia # demons # game # obsessive male lead # quick transmigration # game #zombies #ghost #CEO # survival.

NightFariy · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


It has been month Xiao Qing keep visiting Levi at night, some time she leave letters with roses in his room when she couldn't meet him . He read her letters they were filled with sweet words, its seem like he got addicted to it. Its was night time and Levi was avoiding Xiao Qing by pretend to asleep, Xiao Qing enter his room by window as usual. She saw Levi sleeping , she walk toward him and set down on bed near him.

She admired his appearance .

she wishper " your majesty are you awake "

When silence continue she say " or not "

She touched his face, Levi body tense up .

She wishper " sometimes I want to steal you away from here your majesty but you won't like it .right ,your majesty ~~ "

She rub his lips, Levi clenched his hands under sheets , he can feel hot breath spearing on his face.

" Have a sweet dreams your majesty ~~ "

She kiss his forehead and vanished from there . Levi get up immediately like he got electric shock , his ears , face and whole body feels hot . If room lights were on Xiao Qing would have caught him but fortunately they were off. Levi grits his teeth, I have to teach that assassin a lesson.

Next day Xiao Qing received system notification ( love meter increase to 20 % and hate meter decrease to 40 % )

Little white was away from her to carry some tasks that xioa Qing give him. Xiao Qing chuckled ,it's seems like your majesty have a wet dream .

Levi was setting in his office, in front of him mountain of work to be done but his thoughts were all about this morning, he have a wet dream about the little assassin this morning. When he think about it, he got all flushed, he started to doubt his sexuality, am I guy or what?

Because xioa Qing always were mask and voice changer, her voice were not deep like man and not thin like woman, that's why Levi

Don't know her gender , he look at caption who were beside him " can you kiss a man "

" What " captain look shocked

Levi said once again " can you kiss me "

Caption " !!!!! "

Levi face darken " answer me "

Captain's whole body tremble in fear " y-your majesty , I can't even , you force me to..... Please have a mercy "

Levi imagine captain kissing him , he get disgusted.

Levi look coldy at him " GET OUT "

Levi was left alone in the room, he look outside the window, weather was good today. So he is the only one special but why I'm only attract toward him . When he thought about last night again, his whole body feels hot. He couldn't concentrate on his work, unconsciously he wanted night to come fast .

At night Levi was setting on couch in bath towel , drinking wine . Xiao Qing enter and was surprised to see him like this, Levi felt hot gase on him . He look at her and felt embarrassed by her hot eyes .

" You're here again "

" Were you waiting for me your majesty ~~ "

Xioa Qing cheekily said

" Yes " Levi look at her in dazed

Xiao Qing look surprised, she get closer to him " your majesty are you drunk "

Levi intensely stare her " I wanted to ask you something, why are you clearing up my enemies "

Xiao Qing become panicked but she didn't show " what are you talking about your majesty "

Levi drank remaining whine in the glass

" when you come sometime you smell like blood and we fond near royal palace tranceses of intruder and blood "

" Why are you doing this, How this benifet you "

Xiao Qing smile " I told you your majesty, I love you so, I wanted to protect someone I hold dear . Is something wrong with it "

Levi seriously stare her " I don't believe in love, I only believe in contracts "

Xiao Qing thoughtfully touch her chin

" hmm... Then how about your majesty make a contract with me, I will protect you and your majesty will pay me in change "

Levi look at her for moment " ok , your suggestion is good but I will add one more condition, this contract will last 6 months "

Xioa Qing lean towards him " your majesty then I will also add one more condition "

Levi look at him suspiciously " what is it "

Xiao Qing playfully said " your majesty you know I fall in love you right, so in these 6 months , your majesty will not stop my advance toward him and if your majesty feel anything for me, you have to tell me "

" This condition doesn't benifet me "

" Your majesty don't you want to get rid of me, even after 6 months if you feel nothing towards me then I will not appear in front of you for the rest of my life " xioa Qing look sad when she said

Levi said " okay "

Xiao Qing excitedly said " then let's seal the deal "

" Wait "

" What is your majesty want " Xiao Qing tilted her head.

" Before signing I want you to show me your face, I can't trust someone who always hide herself " Levi ears trun red , actually he has been curious about Xiao Qing appearance since they first met . So he was looking forward to it.

Xiao Qing tease him " oh , you should have tell me that , you wanted to see me your majesty ~~~ "

She didn't tease him anymore and undo her mask , her long red hair blow away with gentle breeze, ruby like eyes shine under dim light. Straight nose and red lips . Levi was surprised by how beautiful she is , he was in daze when Xiao Qing lean towards him, He can smell her sweet breathe .

" So what do you think your majesty ~~ " she smiled

" You can call me rose that's my name " she distance herself from him.

Levi mumble " rose "

" Shall we " xioa Qing set beside him

Levi body stiff and they signed , Xiao Qing stand up to leave " see you tomorrow your majesty "

Levi grabbed her hand , xioa Qing look at him and smile " do you not want me to go your majesty , If you want I can spend night with you your majesty " she whispered seducely

Levi blushed and let go of her hand immediately, Xiao Qing chuckled and kiss his cheek " Good night your majesty "

Xiao Qing come home and explain everything to Lucios , Emmy, Leo and Alex.

" If you want to see him come tomorrow "

Next day Levi introduced Xiao Qing as her personal knight . Everyone looks surprised but they were greatful towards her because they know the true nature of tyrant emperor.

" Hello ,my name is Wallas " xioa Qing introduced herself, Xiao Qing disguised herself as a man . When Levi first saw her ,he was also surprised but well he felt relieved somehow. He asked her the reason behind this disguised and she replied that she didn't wanted others to know her ture identity and there is no condition mentioned in the contract that I can't do it .

Xioa Qing smile , they warmly welcome her .

Captain was the only one who knew, who actually Wallas was . Xiao Qing wear her knights uniform and stop in the front of office door .

She knocked at the door " your majesty , I'm Wallas . Can I come in "

Xiao Qing step inside, Levi was working on dusk ,sunlight coming from window was making him more illusory. Levi didn't pay attention to xioa Qing , Xiao Qing step closer to him and wishper in his ear " your majesty "

Levi almost jumped from chair " what are you doing? " Levi heart was beating fast , he was afaired Xiao Qing will hear it , He stand up and step back .

Xioa Qing step closer and he step back until his back face wall . Xiao Qing place her hand beside Levi face on the wall " your majesty , I want to.... "

" N- No you can't " Levi control his expression .

" What do you mean your majesty , I just wanted to get your attention "

" Oh ... "

Levi trun around to leave but xioa Qing block him " but you didn't tell me why were you running away from me , did you thought I will do something naughty to you your majesty "

Xiao Qing was fun teasing him like this, Levi ears trun red but his expression remains same he give simple reply " no "

Xiao Qing step on the couch and keep looking at him , Levi was distracted by her gase " what are you doing "

" Looking at your majesty " Xiao Qing cheekily answer .

" Stop doing it, you're disturbing my work "

Levi said with expressionless face .

" Okay " she look said

She looks around and picked up a book to read , when Levi didn't hear a sound from her. He look at her , She look very serious reading a book " what are you up to " Levi stand up from dusk and set down in front of her .

" Nothing, reading a book " xioa Qing closed it and put aside.

Levi look at cover " so you're also interested in history "

" Well , your majesty order me not to stare at him then I have to read book to pass the time " she pout and complain .

Levi cough and hide his embarrassment

" you can do it " He said in low voice .

Xiao Qing hear him but she wanted to tease him more " what do you say your majesty "


Xioa Qing put her hands on ears " I can hear you, why are you sunddly shouting "

Levi wanted to hide his face " do whatever you want " and he returns back to work.

Xioa Qing chuckled and didn't disturb him anymore.