



The Principal made an announcement over the loud speaker "Hello students due to recent events an another attack. School will be on hold for the for seeable future."


Many students started to cheer and go crazy. This was happening as Jack, Tatum, Sidney and Stu were walking out. Stu was going ballistic as he started to jump and run around like a kid high on sugar.


The principal then continued the announcement "This was suggested by the police who also suggested that there would be a mandatory curfew at 8 pm until the killer is caught."


Jack sighed as he wondered why they never considered the possibility of there being more than two killers. He summed it up to cops in horror movies being not the brightest or that cops were usually just as bad as the villains.


Stu ran up to Sidney and grabbed her shoulders "Thank you so much for getting attacked Sidney now we no longer have school."


Stu started to yell and run around "Everyone thank Sidney. Thank you Sidney!"


He just kept repeating that as he ran around the front of the campus. Jack looked over to Tatum extremely questioning "Why did you date him again?"


Tatum paused for a moment as she watched Stu act like he was five "I don't know honestly."


Sidney turned to Jack "Are you okay with this Jack? I mean you are pretty much in a cheating relationship against your friend Stu."


Jack shrugged "I'm not sure. Honestly Stu and I have never been too close. Plus, he has been sucking Billy's cock too much lately. I'm chill with Billy and Randy though."


Sidney turned to Tatum "You should break up with Stu now."


Tatum shook her head "We are at the weekend already. It can wait a couple days."


Jack nodded "Plus I bet Stu throws a party at his house now that school is over."


Sidney frowned "Is that really a good idea with a killer on the loose."


Jack's eyes widened 'Could Sidney actually be learning.'


Jack then smirked "Well if it's a party it's fine. You think one killer could kill a whole school worth of seniors at one house and get away. Plus, I will be there. If he shows up, I'll kill him myself."


Tatum leaned into Jack and whispered up in his ear "Maybe we can sneak off during and have some fun too."


He then had a huge grin on his face "That's a great idea but also sounds like a good way to get killed. If we are off by ourselves."


Tatum leaned towards him as she pushed her tits together a bit "Won't you protect me, Jack?"


Jack sighed "Alright fine but if we die it, was your idea."


Tatum giggled "I will take full responsibility."


Sidney sighed "You two. I'm going to be devastated if I lose you both the same night."


Stu then ran back up to them "Hey you guys need to come to my house for a party tonight. I'm going to let the whole school know since my parents will be out of town until tomorrow."


Sidney frowned "I don't know it seems kind of dangerous to party when a killer is on the loose."


Tatum shook her head "It will be fun let's go."


Sidney then saw Tatum's eyes as she was gesturing towards Jack. Sidney sighed "Fine let's party."


Stu cheered as he fist pumped "Jack you in?"


He shrugged "Why not better have enough beer for everyone though."


Stu grimaced "Do you care to pitch in. I have a fake so I can buy."


Jack scratched his face as he looked away. Stu got on both his knees as he pleaded "Come on Jack I need to throw a rager tonight. Help me, won't you?"


Jack sighed "Fine."


He then pulled out two hundred dollars from his pocket. "This better be the best party I have been to Stu."


Stu's eyes went wide when he got the cash. "If you were a girl, I would kiss you right."


Jack rolled his eyes "Yeah, yeah. What times the party?"


Stu smiled "8:30. This is going to be so much fun."


Stu then ran off to tell everyone he could about the party.


Jack then turned to the girls "So where are you two headed now, if you want, I can escort you."


Tatum sighed "Sadly my brother said he would drive us to wherever we wanted to go after school."


Jack shrugged "I'll just follow it's not a big deal I got nothing to do before the party anyways."


A thought just came across his mind 'Or should I save the principal?'


Jack thought about it for a moment but realized he did not care 'The old freak is a pervert anyways.'


Sidney nodded "Yeah just follow us it should be no problem."


Jack had a wild grin "Plus if I follow Dewey, he can't pull me over for speeding if I'm following him."


Tatum leaned next to Jack "Can I ride with you?"


Jack had a smile but sighed when he saw Stu "Maybe later when Stu isn't nearby. Just go with your brother it would probably be awkward for Sidney anyways if it was just her and Dewey in the car."


Sidney nodded and Tatum let out a sigh of frustration "Fine I'm definitely riding with you at some point."


Jack smirked "Oh?"


Tatum then hit him "You know what I meant."


Jack started to laugh as they saw Dewey pull up in his police jeep. He got on his motorcycle as he started to follow the trio to wherever they decided to go.


Jack followed them around the rest of the day making sure everything was alright. He had expected to see Ghost face in the store like he was in the movie but since he wasn't there, he figured it was the imagination of Sidney that they were showing.


Jack went up to Dewey's police jeep. They rolled down the window to talk to them. "Hey, I'll catch you guys at the party tonight. Tatum, I expect things to be over with by the time I get there."


Tatum nodded "Don't worry they will be."


He then turned towards Sidney "Sidney remember be smart and trust your gut."


He started to walk away "I'll see you later tonight officer Dewey."