
Honkai Impact: Invictus.

A man who lived without direction in his life. No dreams, no aspirations. Day after day, just living aimlessly bored to death in his mind. What if I could just live like one of those busybody protags. Troublesome, but, at least I would truly live. Hi guys, I just really love the characters of HI3 and I think mihoyo did them dirty lmao. I'll try to make a sort of happy ending, because, this is depression impact.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
272 Chs

Chapter 48: Metatron

It's been a couple of weeks since the battle with the 5th. Me and Vill are hanging out, brainstorming ideas for the godsbane battlesuits.

"Hey Vill, I can feel that Hua is going to be a good fighter. Do you remember the kid? The cute petite one who trains hard?" Ein took out the file of Hua and gave it to her.

Vill looked at her picture and remembered. "Ohh, that kung fu girl? Do you want to make a close combat battlesuit? I think it won't be wasted on her. She's probably a better fighter than almost everyone here in Moth." She saw that girl train everyday, not missing even a single day.

He started to design a black battlesuit that fits the body completely. With violet highlights and propulsions that would be able to make the user have great speed. Outstripped of all ranged weaponry, this would be a close combat suit that could unleash a barrage of blows. Specialized for close quarters combat.

"But, she can't possibly use this in her current state. Even if we can dampen the g forces, her reflexes and reaction time aren't enough. Maybe after we augment our elite soldiers, then we produce these. Let's just use this data for the key of blankness." He simply concluded that the super suits aren't usable for normal humans.

Vill then tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey Ein. I've got too much auxiliary equipment on the workshop, I know you have a temporal space inventory. Could you get rid of it please?" She begged and gave puppy dog eyes.

"Hah. Vill, I told you to not make too many things with spare parts. Give me the list of things you did, I'll get rid of it later. That's why people always question your works, they gossip about the trash you make. People just don't know how amazing your engineering skills are." He smiled and patted her head.

She closed her eyes and purred. "Really? You'll take care of it? I made some things that won't really help Moth, but I think normal people would like it. So maybe you could sell it? But how though." She was lost in thought.

He looked through all of the items and fortunately it has a list. They were gadgets for convenience in a home, and it's extremely handy. Hover boards, a multipurpose pick locker that could even open digital keypads and reprogram computers, jetpacks.

"Wait. Vill, how did you have the time to make all these? I think people would really like these. Tickles their imagination and curiosity you know?" He was amazed by all the things made from scrap.

"Hehe~ I have a multipurpose tool made by soulium." She took out a pair of gloves and mechanical arms that could attach to her back. "These gloves can weld, mould, refine, etc! They are some serious help, I could make things on the fly with my free time because of these babies. So thanks for giving me access to soulium." She smiled sweetly.

He then had an idea. "Phyllis would go crazy with these, we could sell them. And she's a great merchant." Phyllis really went and did it. Now I have tons of money rolling around, literally. She did say she wants to branch out on other things.

Vill got excited and her eyes glimmered. "Really!? I could sell my work? But back then, nobody would buy them. Whenever they knew it was made from scrap materials, they'd say it's low class." She smiled wryly. Thanks to Moth, I have tons of materials now. I could also make new things with Ein and Mei.

He put an arm on her shoulder and whispered. "You're too honest, telling people that. That's why you made so little with your inventions, you don't tell them that. And the masses will gobble it up. Hehehe~" People are too easy, idiots are everywhere too.

She gave a cold stare. "Isn't Phyllis rubbing off of you too much? Now you like a lot of money too." Puffing her cheeks like a hamster.

"Well, soulium doesn't come out of thin air you know? It's honestly so expensive, if you sell a gram of it outside. It will cost a billion dollars at least. We could only make so much because I supply tons of honkai energy. And now the satellite has that covered so I got more free time."

"By the way, can I come with when we drop these to Phyllis? We've been cooped up at the base for far too long." She stretched and rolled her shoulders.

Ein then touched her back for a bit. "You're too stiff Vill. I'll help you with that later, and how about we have a bit of a party when we get back? Now that it's gotten calmer." He had just the place for a nice picnic.

He informed the gang inside the base in what he has in store and contacted Phyllis for potential new products.


Ein and Vill were sitting with Phyllis in a private booth in a restaurant. "Hey, Vill-v? Aren't you too awesome? Everyone would love these! Ein, I'm going to sell everything here just you wait!" She looked at the list of items that she has to sell.

He patted her head. "Just don't overwork yourself Phyllis, we're not lacking any money you know?" He checked his bank account that's changing numbers still.

Phyllis smiled and nodded. "I'm just going to make an empire! I'll be the greatest merchant ever you'll see. And I could count all the money I have, guhehe~"

Vill smiled wryly. "She likes money a little bit too much no? But I'm still happy that my works would be sold now in droves." She clapped in excitement.

They left Phyllis to her own devices after saying their goodbyes. "How about we check out the market Ein? See what's the level of engineering the big companies have to offer." She made an excuse to have him alone for now.

He pondered for a bit. Maybe we could get some inspiration too. "Sure thing, and let's take care of your stiff back while we're at it. You should exercise more Vill." He looked at her big milkers, that must be heavy.

They looked at an electronics shop and saw mundane phones, laptops, and other gadgets. "Hmm, I guess I expected too much? We could make these at least 10 times better. With nano tech a 100 times more." Vill scrutinized the items on display.

"How about some fantasy things? I just saw a shop from a block away." They have gundams and other sci fi things there. Maybe I should make one just for fun? Hmm, wing gundam 0 maybe? Or strike noir and unicorn banshee. Too many things to choose from. Nuwa would go crazy on those.

They then entered the shop and saw different types of gunpla. It even has descriptions, as Vill's eyes shone. "Hey Ein. Do you have extensive knowledge about these things? They look so cool."

He scratched his head. "Not really Vill, but I do like them. How about we develop some? But piloting them would be a pain in the ass." We gotta train pilots after all.

"How about we make one!? It's going to be so cool!" She thought about having mecha battles. With sword beams and fragarchs flying around.

"Hmm, I'll think about it." I did notice that there are no gundams here, considering the technology is high enough to make them. Ehh, maybe too focused on honkai energy or something, and it won't be of help against herrschers just make one for a hobby. The 1st gundam is simple enough.

He then dragged Vill away, she was too engrossed in the robots. "Vill, let's have you relax. I've already made a reservation for a spa."

They entered a spa just a few minutes away and she was instructed to take off her top and cover up with a towel.

Waiting for a masseuse, she was startled when he entered while wearing a white uniform.

"Ein? Why are you here? I thought you reserved a room so someone would take care of me?" She suddenly got nervous. I'm not prepared, I haven't even worn my lucky underwear!

He chuckled. "I'm the best of course. So lie face down, I'll take care of you real good." He started to rub some oil on his hands to warm it up.

She slowly lied face down and exposed her back. He won't do anything weird will he? Of course he wouldn't, she sighed.

He started soft and massaged her back. Then her legs. "Imma do a pro move, relax okay? Don't be too tense.

Willing electricity on his finger tips, he started to relax her muscles as she sighed in contentment. "Ooh, that's nice~" She started to get sleepy.

He finished without delay and chuckled, seeing her sleep and drool a bit. "I'll give you a short power nap." He contacted Himeko and Elysia to make sure everyone's ready.

Waking up Vill after 15 minutes, she rubbed her eyes as she woke up. "Huh? Where am I? Ein!? Did I fall asleep? Sorry."

Waving his hands he told her to dress up and they'll return to the base. "Ahhh~ That was a pretty nice trip right? I wish we could do it more often." She hummed as they walked to the party venue.

He frowned for a bit. "Yeah, I wish we could..." They arrived at the field of flowers and the fully grown sakura blossom. Its pink flowers making the scenery beautiful.

"Ahh! You went on a date with Vill didn't you?" Elysia squinted her eyes on him. "No fair. We don't go on dates as much anymore." She puffed her cheeks.

Himeko smiled wryly. "That's true Elysia, but we're too busy you know? And they probably had some business to attend to. Vill-v is our engineering consultant."

Ein nodded. "We gave items to sell to Phyllis. Nothing much." He shrugged. "And looked for some good inspiration for other works too."

He then took out a big table and a grill. He filled it up with liquor, foods, and miscellaneous stuff.

He checked them all and saw the lab squad complete, with Mobius even bringing Hamsuke. Nuwa and Fuxi arguing as usual, Klein relaxing, savoring this rare break. Mei and Kevin as well.

The only ones aren't there are Su and Eden. "How's Su kevin. Did he have any breakthroughs for a cure?"

Kevin shook his head. "Su's still working on it. He really wants to get in Moth, so he said he won't be taking any vacations."

Ein shrugged and played some music he and Eden created. "Everyone, let's enjoy okay!? This is a rare time we have some time off." He raised his glass of champagne and everyone smiled and cheered.

They ate, played, sang, and enjoyed the scenery. Mobius was blacked out drunk, holding a bottle of champagne. Hua and Kevin were eating, having a contest of how many noodles they could down. Ein leaned on the tree as Elysia and Himeko snuggled up to him.


Ein was finally done on a personal project of his. He was unsatisfied with the processing power of Prometheus, being focused on the honkai and all.

So he made another A.I. That has a much stronger processing power than Prometheus, so Mobius could sequence the DNA's of honkai beasts quicker. And find matches as well for augments.

"Booting up. I am now online master, how can I serve you?" A synthetic female voice that sounds similar to Mei spoke. He used her voice because of her calculating nature, it just matches an A.I.

"Call me creator or something, just not master. I'll be called weird if you use Mei's voice and you call me master."

"Yes, my creator. How can I assist you in your great endeavors?"

Uwah, I made it too loyal to me. At least it won't go rogue. I made tons of security for it to so I'm the only one that could mess with it.

"Help Dr. Mobius in her work. You have her data in your network right? As for your name... I'll call you Metatron, the scribe of god."

"Yes, creator. Thank you for the great name. I shall help Dr. Mobius immediately."

"Oh, and one more thing. Dr. Mei is creating a divine key that archives all of the knowledge we could put in it. And she plans to put Prometheus inside. I want you to infiltrate it, and when the will of the core or Prometheus acts up. I want you to eliminate them. If you can't, then bind them." It's just business Mei, things could get raunchy with your idea.

"Understood sir. Your will shall be done."


Thanks for reading guys, internet got cut off so I could only post now. Anyways, just a calm chapter overall. Ciao