
Homunculus Rebirth

Ernest Quelt, the alchemist known for his unparalleled knowledge within the world of alchemy has perished Yet he never met his end by protecting his comrades nor there were struggles with their most recent expedition, it was none other than his comrades The very people he trusted the most would soon betray him for no other reason than his growth Unfortunately, life wasn't unfair. With his last breaths, he gaze at the tube filled with his life's work The artificial being labeled as the 'Homunculus' his creation comparable to that of a human being But what lies beyond this perfect vessel harbors the power of the catastrophic beast that once wreaked havoc on his world

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasía
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67 Chs

Rank up [2]

Catastrophic monsters, how are they an unparalleled singularity compared to the ones below their ranking? Is it their level, power, lethality, or maybe their sole reason for death and destruction? They have so little weakness, but even this isn't the reason for their classification; even at their weakest, these monsters are horrid. For every prey, there's bound to be a predator, and the beast who stands on top of everything is the alpha of their respective habitats

[System: You've come face to face with the Seven deadliest catastrophes known to the living!!!]

The grounds shattered in the might of the juggernaut's incredible strength which left him in disarray. He quickly gets ahold of himself, and before he can escape, his back is threatened by the abyssal tiger. Its claws widen and he narrowly escapes by bending a knee and warding off its attack

"You aren't worthy!!!" He'd heard a voice near the dwellings of these beasts of pure destruction and before he could figure out his situation he withdrew

"What the hell's going on?" Neon took refuge in one of the holes his minions had assembled in the time before this great calamity had befallen his life

'The Infernal Drake, Tyrannical Juggernaut, Hydra of pestilence, Abyssal Tiger, Nightmarish Behemoth... all of them along with the rest, I can't believe I'd see those monsters after my first and second encounter with them in the past. What's more, I lack the requirements to pave the way for a triumphant victory...'

When his desperation reached its peak, he heard a voice consoling his misfortune, and yet his surprised by its tone

(Cheer up my liege... you still have us—)

His condition took a turn for the better, and even before his minions had answered, he opened his system. "Vestal!? You're still here!!? I thought you guys were dragged away,"

[System: You're currently incapable of using the abilities you gained from 'Birth' in the duration of the Rank-up procedure]

'Abilities from 'Birth?' Now that I've seen this text, my unique race abilities were unlocked in due time... even the lesser homunculus isn't a part of their jurisdiction, even if they have the same power they see me as their leader. But of course, they'll be weakened, they're only strong because I harbored the powers of the catastrophic beast,'

[Rite of passage added function: These powers, no matter their origin, were with you by the first time you opened your eyes. If you wish to regain them and make sure of their obedience, you must once again prove your worth. Their defeat is known only by the hero Ernest Quelt, no matter your connection your existence isn't qualified]

'I knew it's too good to be true... guess they thought I'd be oh so dependant on their abilities. In the end, they still underestimated me because I mostly used their abilities instead of my own. Vestal rally the troops I'll be ordering each and every one of you and appoint you with your respected duties,'

Once his minions left, Neon already knew of an attack that was aimed at his back. Every side of him was enveloped in darkness trapping him and restricting any form of movement he'd make. The abyssal tiger appeared in his rear with its mouth wide intending to end with a critical strike. But Neon startles the tiger when he charges with a blade that grew in size shielding him from its razor-sharp teeth

"Not bad, not bad, but you'll have to do better than that!!!" He gathered his strength from his feet quickly built straight to his arms and swung his blade upward which thwarted its attack

From his palms, he conjured dozens of compressed shadow spheres he fired straight through his foe. Within the smoke, the tiger emerges unscathed, and the two begin a series of exchanges with the blade countering its fangs. Their battle was tiring and even Neon knew of his disadvantage from a beast who could read his mind and easily predict his move

[System: Your main elemental attribute is a bad match against a monster whose whole body is filled to the brim!

Status: Darkness elemental damage decreased up to 30%

Hint: The system has seen a skill that can easily turn the tides! Do you wish to use the skill hidden within the [Twilight arts] called 'Eclipse?']

"You aren't worthy of my power! You are just an ant in the grand scheme of things... you aren't destined to wield the fullest of my powers," The voice was different and yet he'd heard the same line from the time he'd escaped their tracks

'This doesn't sound like it's consciousness... have they been watching me since the very start? If my assumptions are right, then if I die right here and now... it's most likely that my body will become an egg in the shape of a human vessel. They might even be resurrected because of the effects of the homunculus,'

Neon's body was near its breaking point and not a single scratch was dealt to the abyssal tiger in their squabble. "This is the end,"

The abyssal tiger enveloped the entire tunnel in darkness leaving not a single speck of light for him to see. Neon was blind at this point, and all he could do was wait till those two pairs of radiating eyes took his life. But in the climactic event when the radiating spark determines the end of his life, every hint of darkness fades in his way

[System: The guardian's weapon [Twilight blade's] active effect has been triggered! [Ruler of shadows] has now harbored the unaffiliated darkness element

(Ruler of shadows) Active: If the unaffiliated Darkness element surrounding the wielder reaches a disastrous level Devour it instead

Devour: Any life form with strong vigor will be drained of its energy and later converted to the element Darkness

Insubordination: If any creature possessing the element Darkness is in the range of effect doubles the draining effect and extorts the element

Treasury: The amount of Darkness element you amassed will be placed in the treasury of shadows. You can store the darkness for later use or offer it and transform the [Twilight blade] with the swords of the emperor. Maximum darkness capacity is 300 and will change once it ranks up]

Neon casts a thorny field, and later, he uses the effects of his necklace to invoke a sinister touch. The thorny vines came to have mutated and strengthened both their power and durability, along with shielding their castor. Once the tiger's attack was non-existent they act hostile and attempt to grapple their appointed victim. But these vines were easily shredded and before the tiger could make its escape, it met with Neon's image

[System: You're currently under the protection of the [Shadow armor] any form of attack will be handled by your accumulated Darkness

Status: You've treated your nausea! You can properly think now that you've been cured of your illness. Your mind has become free]

"What's wrong? Are you surprised? You think the only way I could beat you was light magic isn't it... you're too full of yourself, well, you were prideful even before I killed you. But now this will be your end," Neon only vanquished this scheming beast with the use of light to ward off the powers that grant it teleportation

He hasn't had the time to learn any particular spells during his stay on Everglaze. He didn't possess any spells relating to light and only learned to sharpen his skills. It was a gamble, yet he won; the tiger couldn't read through his plans to its core. He drugged himself and soon in a hazardous wreck that wards off most of the tiger's prediction

"This can't be happening—"

Without any darkness left in its body, the tiger fled in the opposite direction. But in doing so it met a wall similar in strength to the thornerus hound along with Neon's night parade. Dozens of monsters of all shapes and sizes gathered around and blocked its path with no care if their bodies were eviscerated

[System: The guardian has activated the sub-ability of [Lesser homunculus]

[Tyrranical will]: You've chosen the 2nd form!!! Inevitable servitude has been activated. Any nearby lesser homunculus will be transferred to the progenitor no matter their physical condition. You are currently incapable of cross-fusing! [Abnomination] will not trigger

Outcome: You've gained, 89 attack, 100 health, 70 speed, 45 defense, 27 intelligence, 58 mana, and 25 dexterity]

"I call upon the enhanced version of Darkness Cocoon, envelop my surroundings, and hinder anything in my reign... Offensive version, Iron Maiden," A cage of darkness engulfs their surrounding with spikes in its edge and a strong debuff for those who dare to touch

"I've warned you... but you never listened. Do you think you can piss me off just because I've died!!?" Inside this trap, he'd hear faster than before and his swing kept becoming increasingly stronger by the second

Neon's blade grew stronger, and more so, it changed its shape, and its power reached a height he'd never before seen. Small and yet packed with such ferocious slashes, from a Claymore, it came to be a Katana with such nimble movement he shredded its limbs. Once his opponent was down in the dumps, he dragged his blade and tore apart its head, clawed his way through, and retrieved the eyes

[System: You've annihilated the abyssal tiger!!! Only have six catastrophic monsters who rebelled and plotted to take your life. Kill them all to retrieve the abilities you've inherited by birth

Status: The golden eyes of the abyssal tiger have returned for you to use. Your function [Catastrophic form] can now be utilized with the arrival of your catastrophic ability

Outcome: You're no longer restricted from using the ability of the abyssal tiger. The skills remain unchanged, but you can now further increase your mastery. Every skill resides in the catastrophic rank, and yet you're proficiency is 12%]

'I was restricted... well that explains why I took so long in that goddamn forest!!! No wonder their abilities were weak as shit, so they've been watching me all along? Hehe— Hehehehehehehe!!! What a bunch of sore losers, then again, I can easily mop the floor with you fuckers. Just wait until I recover... I can't feel any pain, but my bones are hardly working. God, I miss that regeneration, at least the homunculus has its own regenerative capabilities,'