
Hollow Redemption

"Hollow Redemption" follows the haunting journey of a young boy named Alex, who has endured a life of poverty and tragedy. At the tender age of five, his parents were mercilessly killed by corrupt police officers, leaving him alone in the world. From that fateful day, his eyes have become lifeless, devoid of any spark or emotion.

YHUKA · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs


The scene unfolds, revealing Alex's room—once a desolate and bleak space with blood-scratched walls and a solitary blanket strewn with ripped pages. But in the blink of an eye, the room transforms into a vibrant and fully decorated sanctuary, a testament to the love and care bestowed upon it by his friends. The walls now adorned with artwork, the atmosphere infused with life.

The camera pans to the bathroom, where a figure stands before the mirror. It is Alex, his body still bearing the scars of his past—a knife wound in his stomach and a bullet hole in his back. His pale complexion and disheveled appearance seem to amplify the emptiness in his eyes, making them appear even more soulless.

He gazes at his reflection, pulling his hair up above his eyes in an attempt to hide the haunting darkness within. But no matter how he obscures his vision, the truth remains—those eyes, devoid of light and life, mirror the face of a demon, an entity known as an oni.

The scene transitions, delving into the history and symbolism of the oni. The oni, often depicted as malevolent and fearsome, embodies both wrath and protection. In Japanese folklore, they are often associated with punishment and retribution, but they also serve as guardians and defenders against evil spirits.

For Alex, the oni represents his inner turmoil, the darkness that has plagued him throughout his journey. It is a reflection of the battles he has fought and the demons he has faced within himself. But it is also a symbol of his strength and resilience—a reminder that he has the power to protect those he cares about and to overcome the trials that come his way.

With a heavy sigh, Alex shifts his gaze back to the mirror, the shock of seeing his demon-like reflection dissipating. "Well," he mutters, his voice tinged with resignation, "there's no difference. Same demon that looks onto me."

He turns away from the mirror and walks towards a table where his motorcycle keys and helmet rest. As he reaches for the helmet, his eyes catch sight of a peculiar sticker affixed to it. It bears the emblem of the KOKO group, symbolizing the family he has found among them—the unwavering support and unconditional love that bind them together. It serves as a reminder that he is not alone in his battles, that he is a part of something greater than himself.

A bittersweet smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he dons the helmet, feeling the weight of his scars and the strength of his resolve. With each passing day, he continues to transform, carrying the legacy of Sophia and the support of the KOKO family within him.

As he steps out into the world, his motorcycle engine purrs to life, ready to carry him towards new horizons. The road ahead may be challenging, but he knows he is not defined by the scars he bears or the demons that haunt him. Instead, he is defined by the choices he makes, the love he shares, and the relentless pursuit of a brighter future.

And so, with the KOKO emblem gleaming on his helmet, Alex sets forth on his journey, ready to face the world with courage, determination, and the unwavering spirit of a guardian. He will forge his own path, defying the darkness within and shining a light for others to follow.

Alex rides his motorcycle through the city streets, the painted word "SOPHIA" gleaming in the warm sunlight. His destination is the restaurant, where he knows he must have a conversation with Dante, the one who has been a mentor and father figure to him. As he arrives, he spots Dante and signals for him to join him in his office.

Dante raises an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Is this something that requires a glass of whiskey?" he asks, already pouring a glass and lighting a cigarette. Alex chuckles and nods. "You know me too well."

With a sip of whiskey and a puff of smoke, Alex takes a deep breath and begins, "Dante, I owe everything to the KOKO family. You took me in, gave me a home, and showed me what it means to be part of something greater. But I have a vision, a desire to create my own group, one that operates alongside KOKO, a partnership rather than a separate entity."

Dante nods, his expression serious yet understanding. He knew this day would come, as Alex's spirit and determination were bound to lead him on his own path. "What will be the name of this group?" Dante asks, curiosity evident in his voice. "And do you have members lined up?"

Alex replies, "The name of the group will be Hollow. As for members, I don't have anyone yet, but I'll search for like-minded individuals as I embark on my journey. And I don't expect financial support from KOKO. I'll take care of that part on my own. I just want to maintain a partnership and honor the bond we've formed."

Dante nods in agreement, understanding the importance of Alex's independence and growth. "As the head of KOKO, I accept the partnership with Hollow," he says with a hint of pride in his voice. "I am personally invested in seeing how this endeavor will unfold and flourish."

Feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders, Alex nods appreciatively. "Thank you, Dante. Your support means the world to me." With those words, he turns to leave the office, ready to embrace the journey ahead.

However, Dante stops him before he can step out. "One more thing, Alex," he says, his voice filled with wisdom. "If you're going to create a group, you need a symbol—a mark that represents who you are and to whom you belong."

Intrigued, Alex inquires about the KOKO symbol and where it is. Dante rolls up his sleeves, revealing a tattoo on his arm—a centipede entwined around a ring of thorns. "We have branded ourselves with this symbol," Dante explains. "It signifies our unity and resilience. You, too, need a symbol that will speak to others and show your connection to the KOKO family."

Alex ponders for a moment, realizing the significance of having a symbol to represent his journey. With determination in his eyes, he nods and thanks Dante for the advice. He knows he will find the perfect symbol that embodies his purpose and loyalty.

Leaving Dante's office, Alex closes the door behind him, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation. The path ahead is unknown, but with the partnership between Hollow and KOKO established, he knows he is not alone.

As the scene ends, Alex's mind races with possibilities. He will build Hollow, finding like-minded souls who seek their own growth and redemption. And within their shared symbol, he will carry the legacy of Sophia and the unbreakable bond he shares with the KOKO family.

As Alex steps out of Dante's office, he is met with Hannah's awestruck expression. She admits, with a mix of excitement and guilt, that she couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation. Before Alex can respond, the rest of the KOKO members in the restaurant confess that they also overheard the discussion. Alex blushes, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude.

Taking a deep breath, Alex gathers his thoughts and speaks with determination, "I understand if this came as a surprise, but I want to create a group—a haven for those with hollow songs, a place where broken souls can find light and a sense of belonging. While I will continue working here for now, it's only until I can establish a business of my own, a sanctuary that will guide people back onto the right path."

Hannah, her eyes shining with admiration, steps forward. "I've always known that this was your ultimate goal," she says. "And I want to be there with you on this journey. I can offer guidance and support, and be a valuable asset to your group."

Alex smiles, grateful for Hannah's unwavering support. Together, they walk outside the restaurant, their minds buzzing with ideas. They decide to head to a local coffee shop to brainstorm and discuss the perfect symbol for Hollow.

As they sit, sipping their coffees, they envision what the symbol should represent—a visual embodiment of their mission and purpose. They want it to convey strength, resilience, and the ability to rise above adversity. After hours of discussion, they reach a unanimous decision.

Excited about their choice, they immediately call Dante to explain their vision. Dante, understanding their determination, instructs them to meet him at Duke's Ink, a reputable tattoo parlor. He reminds them that, as minors, they will need a guardian's consent to get tattoos.

At the tattoo shop, they sit down with the skilled artist and provide detailed descriptions of their desired tattoos. The artist takes their ideas and begins to bring them to life on their skin. Hours pass, and finally, the tattoos are completed.

As they stand up and examine their new tattoos in the mirror, Alex and Hannah exchange smiles of satisfaction. Their bodies now bear the mark of Hollow—a symbol that represents their commitment to guiding broken souls and providing them with a sanctuary.

The Hollow symbol is an intricate design of interconnected lines, forming a heart at its center. Around the heart, jagged edges represent the struggles and challenges that life presents, while delicate tendrils extending from the heart symbolize growth and healing. It is a reminder that even in the depths of darkness, there is always the potential for transformation and renewal.

With their new tattoos proudly displayed, Alex and Hannah feel a surge of determination. They know that their journey to create Hollow has only just begun, but they are ready to face the challenges ahead.

As the chapter comes to a close, Alex and Hannah stand side by side, their hearts filled with hope and a shared vision. They are prepared to set out on their goal of creating a bar and club that will ignite a sense of thrill and provide solace to those seeking refuge. The stage is set, and their adventure is about to unfold.