
Hollow Redemption

"Hollow Redemption" follows the haunting journey of a young boy named Alex, who has endured a life of poverty and tragedy. At the tender age of five, his parents were mercilessly killed by corrupt police officers, leaving him alone in the world. From that fateful day, his eyes have become lifeless, devoid of any spark or emotion.

YHUKA · Urban
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Shadows Unveiled

After examining himself in the mirror, Alex decides that a haircut is in order, along with a custom mask for his Hollow group. He heads to the nearest hair salon, stepping inside and approaching the barber. "Make me look likable, at the very least," he requests. The barber nods and begins his work, trimming Alex's hair into a shorter style that reveals his still-hollow eyes. Alex decides to put in his contacts, now that his eyes are visible. Satisfied with the outcome, he pays the barber and leaves the salon.

While waiting at a stoplight on his motorcycle, Alex notices a flyer caught on a nearby lamppost. Curiosity sparks within him, and he reaches out to retrieve the flyer. It advertises an underground event called "Shadows Unveiled," a gathering of artists and performers who delve into the depths of human emotion through their art. Alex sees this as the perfect opportunity to find a potential recruit for Hollow. He calls Hannah to share the plan, and she agrees to meet him there. However, she mentions that she needs to go home to change first, her voice filled with despair.

Alex, determined to help, tells Hannah to wait and promises to pick her up from the restaurant before heading to the event. But first, he needs to have a conversation with her father. They arrive at Hannah's house, and as they step inside, they are met with shouting directed at them. Hannah's father, let's call him Robert, is furious about her bringing a stranger into their home. He confronts Alex, grabbing him by the neck and demanding to know who he is.

Remaining calm, Alex explains that he is the leader of Hollow and that Hannah is his most trusted ally. Hannah blushes at his words, but her father laughs, dismissing the idea. He mocks Alex's scrawny frame and claims that he could be defeated with a single punch. Alex simply gazes at him, devoid of emotion, and challenges him to try.

Enraged, Robert starts relentlessly beating Alex without mercy. Despite the onslaught, Alex endures, his eyes bloodshot and tears replaced by blood. He sustains a broken arm, broken ribs, and reopened scars that bleed. A pool of blood forms beneath him as his eyes transform into the glowing red eyes of a demon. Shocked by the sight, Robert releases his grip, and Alex falls to the ground.

Hannah rushes to his side, catching him in her arms, and starts shouting at her father. Robert, laughing, walks away. In a desperate act to protect Alex, Hannah retrieves a utility knife from her pocket, an action she had seemingly prepared for. Alex tries to dissuade her, warning her that it's not worth it and that her song will be stained and unplayable. But she resolutely replies, "I have to. He will continue to harm both of us. It's something I need to do, even at the cost of my own song."

As the tension rises, Alex's body gives in to the pain and exhaustion, and he faints, leaving Hannah in a state of determination mixed with uncertainty.

Alex slowly regains consciousness, finding himself on the ground leaning against his motorcycle. Hannah is beside him, leaning on his good shoulder, both covered in blood. Confusion fills his voice as he speaks through the pain, "Hannah, what happened? What did you do? Is he gone now?" Hannah responds softly, her voice filled with a mix of emotions, "Yes, I broke his song and made it forever unplayable. But it doesn't bring me the joy I thought it would."

Alex stays by her side, assuring her that it was the best choice she could have made. He asks if she plans to stay in the house now, despite the violent act that took place there. Blushing, Hannah suggests, "I was thinking... maybe you could move out of the restaurant, and we could rent an apartment together. A temporary base for Hollow." Her true intention of wanting to live with Alex lingers beneath her words. He agrees, realizing it could provide them with a place to call their own.

Taking stock of his condition, Alex acknowledges that they will have to skip the underground event for now, but he mentions another event that will be held in a week's time. They agree and slowly make their way back to the restaurant, where they explain the situation to Dante and the rest of KOKO. Dante, taking charge, cleans up Alex's wounds and remarks, "Luckily, these injuries aren't too severe. He just needs some basic medical supplies and a brace for his arm, since it wasn't severely broken."

Supported by Dante and Hannah, Alex is guided to his room and lies down on his bed. Exhaustion overwhelms him, and he drifts off to sleep with them still by his side. Hannah takes a drag of her cigarette and notices Dante shaking. Concerned, she asks, "Why are you shaking? Are you alright?" Dante simply points to the wall of the room.

Hannah's eyes widen as she takes in the sight of thousands of papers plastered on the wall. They are detailed plans outlining the next ten years of Alex's life, focused on Hollow and staying true to Sophia's legacy. She looks back at Alex, realizing the immense determination and dedication he possesses. Dante, with a solemn tone, says, "He sure is impressive for a kid. But I have a shop to maintain, so I'll leave him to you."

Dante departs, leaving Hannah alone with Alex. The room fades into darkness, and silence fills the air.

A few days pass, and Alex's wounds begin to heal, although his arm requires more time to fully recover. He sits with Hannah at their usual coffee shop, discussing their search for an apartment that fits their budget but is spacious enough for both of them. Hannah suggests looking for a studio apartment since they are typically more affordable and often have nearby gyms. She hesitates, realizing that studio apartments usually only have one bed, and blushes as she mentions it.

Hannah: "Um, so, I was thinking... a studio apartment might work for us. They're usually cheaper, and we can find one near a gym."

Alex: "That's actually a great idea! We can save money and have easy access to a gym. And as for the bed situation, it doesn't bother me. I used to sleep with Sophia every day, so sharing a bed is nothing new."

Hannah's face flushes with a mix of embarrassment and realization. She realizes that Alex's lack of human connection might mean he doesn't fully understand the implications.

Hannah: "Alex, it's not just about sharing a bed. It's, um, more complicated since we're a man and a woman sharing such close quarters."

Alex, still oblivious to the underlying meaning, responds with genuine innocence.

Alex: "Oh, I see. Well, if it's a problem for you, you can take the bed, and I'll sleep on the floor. It's actually quite comfortable down there."

Hannah appreciates his consideration but wants to ensure they have a clear understanding of the situation.

Hannah: "It's not just about comfort, Alex. It's about... the dynamics between a man and a woman living together. It can be complicated and might lead to misunderstandings or unintended consequences."

Alex, beginning to grasp her point, nods thoughtfully.

Alex: "I understand. If it makes you uncomfortable, I'll sleep on the floor. I don't want to cause any issues between us."

Hannah smiles, grateful for his understanding, and they continue their apartment search.

After viewing several options, they settle on an apartment that meets their criteria. They bring their luggage inside and begin the process of unpacking. As they organize their belongings, Hannah notices the limited closet space.

Hannah: "Wow, this closet is smaller than I thought. We'll have to find a way to fit both our clothes in here."

Alex: "Don't worry, Hannah. We'll make it work. We can try to maximize the space and find a system that works for both of us."

They share a moment of lightheartedness amidst the task, knowing that they can handle any challenges together.

In the evening, they work together to prepare dinner. Alex is amazed by Hannah's culinary skills, expressing his admiration as they enjoy the meal.

Alex: "Hannah, this tastes incredible! You really have a talent for cooking."

Hannah blushes, grateful for his compliment.

Hannah: "Thank you, Alex. I enjoy cooking, and it's even better when I can share it with someone."

As the night deepens, they bid each other goodnight and head to their designated sleeping spaces. Hannah settles into the bed, while Alex arranges his makeshift bed on the floor.

Alex: "Goodnight, Hannah. Sleep well."

Hannah: "Goodnight, Alex. Sweet dreams."

They both close their eyes, ready to embark on this new chapter of their lives, grateful to have each other's company.