
Hollow in a Magic World

A serial killer who has been sentenced to death somehow ends up in a magic world as a hollow. Read the dark tales of a man who doesn't consider humans as anything more than food to make himself stronger.

Eaglestriker_22 · Cómic
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51 Chs

Limit Testing

Although I had just gone through a show of wanting to kill them, I knew I was lacking on the offensive capabilities against these guys. My advantage was the Doom Blast, but they no doubt could dodge it, so it would be a waste of mana. I really needed them to make the first move, then I could proceed from that.

Luckily, the guy obviously in charge breaks the silence and steps forward. 

"Curious. You give off demonic energy, but you're different. What are you?" He asks.

Even if I knew, I had no obligation to answer him. Taking a glance at the struggling demon at my feet that they all but backed away from, I knew I had to stall until he managed to free himself, for he could provide me assistance as well. Right before I consumed him.

"You're overthinking it. Some things are far simpler than what you think the answer is." I respond, just saying some random bullshit to throw him off. Even through their hoods, I can sense the confusion I successfully caused them. 

"You sound far more complex than any normal demon. Philosophical even. The size of you, the power you emanate, there's no mistaking what we must do. You are a worthy specimen to be interrogated and studied. What secrets you must hold." He says.

Looking at the worried faces on his companions, I can tell its no easy job capturing me, so I have the advantage. They begin to circle me, signaling that the prelude is over. One with a sword and shield takes the initiative, swinging at my foot with his weapon. Pulling my foot back, I manage to somehow dodge his attack and counter by bringing my foot down on him.

Of course, I'm way too slow, as he easily escapes it. Another member decides to forgo the close combat aspect and begins chanting. In an attempt to interrupt her, my tongue shoots out, heading her direction. Her eyes grow wide from the speed of it, but manages to jump out of its path, although, I did successfully stop her chanting. 

A feeling like itching arises from the back of my foot, and I look to see another member slamming his mace into it, causing it to smoke and sizzle. He jumps out of the way as I kick backwards to stop his annoying attacks, as what little damage he does quickly heal. 

Distracted, I fail to notice them chanting and can only turn back in time to hear them finish, as a bright light surrounds their hands. Two beams of light shoot out from each hand, traveling up my body. They could only watch as the ghastly essence that makes up my body slowly folds back together. 

I watch as they back off, seemingly coming up with a new strategy, as I amuse myself with a realization. Where before, the church's weapons and spells were deadly, and often lethal, they were nothing more than an ant bite to me now. It seemed like as long as my mask remained intact, I had nothing to worry about from them. 

They, too, must have realized the futility in their actions as they saw it did no damage whatsoever to me. I could only assume that they would have little choice but to step it up. I watch as even their strongest person steps forward to confront me this time as well. 

His hands glows, and an orb of light flows to his hand which begins to take the shape of a staff taller than him. He begins to chant, as all his companions rush forward. Knowing they were nothing more than distractions for his spell, my tongue shoots out, ignoring them and head towards him. 

The guy with the sword and shield steps in front of my attack, holding his shield up. They collide, and the force behind my attack knocks him back a little, but he holds his ground. Another comes and cuts of my tongue. Hissing in pain, I pull it back in time to hear him finish his chant. His hands begin to glow a brilliant white, some reflecting colors from the rainbow, as I get a bad feeling from the aura he's emanating. 

He raises a finger and a massive beam of light shoots directly at me. It passes through my ghastly body, leaving a hole as it continues on its path. He points more times, and five more beams shoot from his finger. One hits the side of my mask, giving me the feeling of dread as I fear its destruction.

Ignoring the searing pain right between my eyes, I sulk my entire body back, allowing the beam to miss my mask. Relieved that his spell appears to be finished, the mana flows through my body, recovering the damage the beams did. I couldn't see it, but I was under the assumption that my mask was intact even after that attack, or I wouldn't be here.

Both parties pull back as they see me recover from even his attack, they reevaluate the situation as they find they lack the necessary damage to effectively kill me. But the same applies to me. They were much too quick for any of my attacks to hit and if the fight continued, they would come out victorious as they might eventually crack my mask. Light spells moved at the speed of light, which was way quicker than what I could dodge.

If I was going to win, I needed assistance. Looking down, I find the bat demon successfully escape its bindings. 

"Hey, do you have any way of trapping all of them for at least 15 seconds?" I ask with the full intentions of being quiet. I had no idea how I sounded to them or how loud I was, as I was sure my mouth didn't even move when I talked. Either they excelled at pretending they didn't hear me, or they didn't hear me.

"I do, but it'll put me at extreme risk. Are you sure you can deal with them afterward?" He asked in uncertainty. After how he was earlier and how he is now, slightly pisses me off, so I just grumble.

"Just do it now." 

I watch as he crouches down and sprints at them at high speeds. The members, who were all focused on me, momentarily forgot about him. He manages to catch them unprepared as he spreads out his remaining wing and his arms. A wave of black energy spreads on the ground, sending up tentacles that wrap themselves around their legs.

As I watch them struggle, I gather the mana at my mouth. I pour everything I have into it, the taste of victory within reach. The members see too late our plan, and some begin chanting. Not giving them the chance to finish, I complete my Cero before they can finish, and a beam of powerful dark energy crashes into the members. Even after I hear their screams fade over the sound of my attack, I don't stop. Even after the explosions cause a greater crater, I don't stop. 

I only stop, when the energy to the attack runs out. From my height, I take a look at my handiwork and the devastation that I caused. And I revel in the shocked look on the bat demon's face.