
Hogwarts Card System: Story of Ted Epiphany

Ted was reborn in London in 1991, and he had dreamed of becoming a millionaire, but a letter came from Hogwarts! I thought that relying on the card system and monthly knowledge of other worlds, I would not be the second greatest white wizard of this century. In the end, you told me that there have been two confluences of stars in this world, and now it is full of magical animals and plants from other worlds, as well as intelligent races! What’s even more outrageous is that the savior has changed into Neville! Then what about harry?! What's about my advantage with knowing future plot?! is it gone to dust?? ******* This is Chinese translation work with over 400+ Chapter. This story will be updated with 1 chapter per days. ******* Also, the cover does not belong to me. If the owner wants me take it down, it will be done. Cover by: Jim Gresham ******* Original Tittle Name: 霍格沃茨之卡牌系统 Author: Curator Wei

QuillandPen · Película
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81 Chs

Chapter 15 Ron's Sister

Chapter 15 Ron's Sister

   "I saw it in a book." Ted stretched out his hand and shook hands with the somewhat reserved Neville.

   "Hello, my name is Ted Epiphany, you can call me Ted."

   "You, hello, just call me Neville." The fat little Neville looked like a doormat, with "Hurry up bully me, please" written all over his face.

   Ted was a little worried about Voldemort.

   Next, Ted's performance was beyond Neville's expectations - he didn't ask to see his scar.

   This made him breathe a sigh of relief, because everyone from childhood to adulthood has to look at their own scars after they know themselves.

  He doesn't like to show the scars from the death of his parents, but he doesn't know how to refuse other people's requests.

  Ted didn't ask to see his scars, and immediately gained his favor.

  Hermione pointed to the mouse-eared boy and introduced: "He is Jerry, and he is also a freshman this year. We will all be classmates!"

  Ted shook hands with Jerry, "Hello, Jerry. Call me Ted."

   "Hi Ted!" Jerry was visibly livelier, his eyes rolling.

   But then it became a little awkward in the carriage.

  Neville didn't dare to speak at all, and he didn't even dare to look directly at others.

  Jerry, on the other hand, hesitated to speak, wanting to say something but restrained in an unfamiliar environment.

   What he thought was that although Neville and Hermione didn't discriminate against their own identities, they were still uncertain about the attitude of this new classmate.

  Hermione talked a lot, holding a textbook and discussing spells with Ted all the time.

  The two people next to him have been secretly observing Ted.

   They've seen Hermione's awesomeness-whether it's character or magic.

  Although Neville came from the Longbottom family, he didn't know a single spell before. It wasn't even until the age of 10 that the magic riot appeared in the uncle's "falling building experiment". Many people even pessimistically thought that the Boy Who Lived was a Squib.

  What a tragedy that the Boy Who Lived was a Squib! Neville's pressure can be imagined.

  There are some not-so-good rumors about him in the market, some stupid savior or something.

  He was under a lot of pressure, he just wanted to be an ordinary wizard, an inconspicuous wizard. But it's hard...

   Now Neville was also relieved to see that the three new students did not look at him like monkeys watching him.

  As for Jerry, as a rat-eared tribe, although he was born in this world, many pure-blood families in the magic world do not regard them as natives. Not to mention the difficult financial situation at home, you also need to be cautious in life to avoid trouble.

  The magic wand, he only touched it for the first-time half a month ago.

  As for Hermione, as a Muggle-born, she can already use several spells!

  And who is the Ted who she keeps talking about and who can guide her?

  Ted naturally noticed the secret observation of the two, but he didn't care.

   After a while, Neville got used to the new members and the atmosphere in the carriage relaxed a lot.

  Jerry is interested in the two smooth wooden beads in Ted's hand. He found that sometimes Ted's hand didn't move at all, but the two beads were spinning by themselves. Is this also magic?

  At this moment, Ansu finally broke free from Hermione's grasp, and quickly flew to the shelf to comb her feathers. Pecking and shouting: "Quack~ That girl is too close~"

  Hermione liked Ansu so much that Magic in her cage was jealous and kept staring at Ansu.

   Ansu undoubtedly attracted the attention of the two of them, especially Neville, who hugged the toad Raffle and looked at Ansu enviously. Looking at this raven with jet-black feathers glowing blue, clever and human-speaking.

   Now Ansu is close to an adult, with a body length of 30 centimeters, which is already a big bird.

  At this time, the people in the carriage heard the voice of a slightly immature little boys on the platform not far away.

   "Neville, Mum, I saw Neville! Mum, can I get on the train and see him?"

   "Ginny, Neville is not a zoo animal, let you see it. And you have already seen him!"

   "That was when I was a child, I don't even have the memory!"

  Ted glanced out the window and saw Sirius and his wife coming to see Harry off, talking to the red-haired Weasleys.

   Neville had obviously heard the conversation and couldn't help but shrink back to the side of the window.

  If possible, he would like to squeeze into the wall, it would be best if no one can see him.

  Although he is the savior now, Neville still seems a little too honest and unconfident.

   If a person has no merits, praise him for his honesty.

  It may be that the pressure on me has been too great since I was a child.

   And his grandma doesn't seem to be very good at educating children, she is simply a stressed grandma.


   Soon the time came, and the train started to go all the way north from London to somewhere in the Scottish Highlands.

  After the train started, everyone was much happier because Hogwarts was not far away.

   Just a few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

  The sliding door opened, and a small head with red hair came in.

   "May I please... Oh no, this place is full too! All the carriages are full." The red head retracted with a blank expression but stretched in again a few seconds later.


  Neville smiled awkwardly, "Hi Ron."

   Ted: Turns out it was Ron Weasley!

   Well, Ron Weasley, one of Hermione's two useless men~

  Different from the original book where Harry grew up in the parents of his Muggle uncle, the Longbottom family is also a well-known pure-blood family in the British wizarding world, and it is not uncommon for them to have contacts with the Weasley family, who are also pure-blood.

  Neville's parents and the Weasleys are both members of the Order of the Phoenix, so Neville and Ron have met before.

  Ron was relieved to see someone he knew in the carriage, at least there were people he knew here.

  He asked: "Well, can you squeeze in? There is no room in the other cars."

  Ted glanced at the others and said, "Please come in. They are all classmates. They are all here~"

   "Thank you! Thank you!" Ron thanked repeatedly, dragging his patched suitcase in.

   It is approved that it is not a problem for five people to fit in a carriage for four people, but the van can even accommodate a dozen or twenty people!

  Ron was more talkative, introduced himself to everyone, and then talked a lot.

  With him as a warm-up, Jerry, who was already a little panicked, also joined the topic.

  Hermione and Ted will also interject a few words, and the atmosphere in the car become more harmonious. Neville also felt much more relaxed and was even able to say a few words.

   The topic of the young wizards must be inseparable from Hogwarts, and soon everyone talked about the issue of sorting.

   Neville was a little frustrated: "Although I want to go to Gryffindor, I'm afraid Hufflepuff is more likely. It's good that someone wants me."

  Ron disagreed: "How is it possible? You are the boy who survived a catastrophe!"

  Neville smiled wryly: "It's a stupid boy who was lucky enough to survive..."

   Don't say that Neville can blackmail himself, his mentality is pretty good. How can an 11-year-old child survive this!

  Ted reassured him: "Actually, the sorting is more based on your own wishes. If you want to go to Gryffindor, then be firm in your mind, and then you can be assigned to Gryffindor."

  Ron couldn't believe it: "Really? You know how to sort? I heard from George and Freddy that it needs to go through a difficult test, which is very dangerous! But they refused to tell me the content!"

  Ted grinned: "This is also a tradition...you will know when the time comes~"

  Everyone: Riddler get out of Hogwarts!

  Knowing that Ted, Hermione, and Jerry didn't know much about the wizarding world, Ron was very happy, and immediately talked about himself.

  He mentioned that he has a flying broom—Meteor.

  Well, the speed is not as good as that energetic butterfly.

  Ron complains that everything on him is second-hand.

  The wand belongs to the second brother Charlie, the robe belongs to the eldest brother Bill, and the wizard chess is left by the grandpa—it is considered a family heirloom, so the chess pieces often say that they are from Ron's grandpa.

   Even Scabbers, the pet mouse, belonged to Voldemort. Oh no, I mean, it belongs to the third sister Peggy...

  Ted takes a look at his pet mouse Peter, I mean Scabbers.

  He comforted Ron: "Don't worry about it. To be honest, I'm worse than you. Except for the wand, I spent two months looking for it in a second-hand store. I don't have a family. I have to pay off my student loans after graduation..."

   When Ron heard this, he expressed his apologies, but he felt much more balanced in his heart.

  Well, as the saying goes: I am afraid that brothers will suffer, but also afraid that brothers will drive away~

  The situation of people is indeed comparable.

 Wait a minute!

  Ted froze for a moment, he found a blind spot.

   What did you say? who? Third sister? Peggy?

   Isn't Peter Pettigrew an heirloom inherited from Platinum?

   "Ron, how many children do you have?"


  Ted asked in detail—good guy, the third brother Percy has changed to the third sister Peggy...


  (end of this chapter)