
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · Cómic
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70 Chs

Desperate Struggle 3


"Now then, let us begin work…." Meiko said standing tall with her riding crop in tow. 

The gray-hair vice president stood tall in front of the five boys who stood in line formation. Behind Meiko, Etsuko was standing right next to her in front of the boys with a curious gaze at the two particular troublemakers. 

"Of course, is what I would like to say..." Her eyes shifted to Kiyoshi and Gakuto. "Kiyoshi! Gakuto! Up front!" She said with force. 

The two boys flinched under her demanding voice, but they complied either way. Despite their trembling, already aware of what she was going to do. 

"So....mind telling me what happened in the computer lab." She said with her arms under her bosom. 

"Uh…..w-well…..the thing is…..um..." Kiyoshi was stuttering on his words. Hoping not to slip up about their escape plan.

"P-Pray Madam Vice President! Kiyoshi-dono and I were merely frightened by a bug!"

"What?" Meiko scrunched her eyes at this.

"I-Indeed! I wanted to show Kiyoshi-dono something on the web, a-and yours truly made a typo and typed spider! We were frightened by the little demon, Kiyoshi r-reacted out of instinct and pushed the computer off the desk!"


Nothing. Nothing but a terrifying silence between the group. Meiko just plainly looked at the two with unamused eyes. Etsuko just face-palmed herself at the ridiculous excuse. While she didn't know what really happened between the two, from what Kiyoshi was saying to Gakuto, she guessed it would have to be about the breakout operation. 

The other boys on the other hand all had one look on their face. They just looked at the two with a little smirk. Mistakenly aware of what really (not really) was going on between the two. 

"....a spider....you got scared of a spider and that urged you to push the computer off of the desk. Is that correct?"


And on cue. Both of them were whipped across the face from Meiko crop with a powerful swipe! Blood flew from their mouths. She repeatedly assaulted them with fire in her eyes. 



Meiko finished with their punishment. But her glare never left as she thrusted her fists on her hips and glared at the two. 


"YES MA'AM!" They cried. 

Meiko turned to the smaller first year. "Etsuko! Keep an eye on these two. Make sure they don't cause any more trouble!" 

"Yes Vice President!"


"So wait...let me get this straight. Spect-san was trying to record a fart noise for his audio player by shitting himself in the class."

"I-Indeed….." Gakuto said in a low and disappointed look. He then looked towards the boy. "B-But Kiyoshi-dono. Without the fart noise. How else are we going to distract the Vice President for those 3 hours when the time comes."

"I...I'm still thinking about that…."

"Hmph. If we have just-"

"Oh don't even start with that!" He hissed at the glasses wearing boy. "If we went with your plan, then your high school life would be a disaster. Do you really want to go down as the 'boy who shit his pants in class', is that what you want?"

Gakuto opened his mouth to speak, but didn't say anything. He wanted to say something back at Kiyoshi. For his rash actions...but in truth. He too also had a rash action. He almost sunk his 4 year of high school in the drain even further if he did. 

"Kiyoshi's right Spect-san. You guys are already in prison for peeping, do you really want to ruin your reputation even further and for what? Some stupid toy?"

Gakuto glared at the small first year. "I beg your pardon, Etsuko-dono! But the three kingdom-!"

He didn't finish as his forehead was flicked by the first year. Causing him to be in agonizing pain. For someone who was small, she packed a mean bullet.

"Okay Spect-san, two things. One, I don't give a rats ass about your stupid toy! You literally tried to throw your life away for some stupid toy! And two! You should be lucky that Kiyoshi saved your sorry ass! If you had let one loose in the classroom, your life would've been ruined even more! No girl would want to talk to you for the rest of your life!"

"But-" He once again got flicked on the forehead. This one was harder than the last.

"I don't care! It was dumb!"

"She's right, Gakuto. You need to think smarter about these plans-" Kiyoshi was stopped when he got flicked on the forehead. 

"And you! You're just as bad!"


"Don't 'huh' me! You and this whole breakout operation! Don't you know the consequences that will happen to you guys if you get caught! Your guy's sentence will be extended! And for what? A date with a girl who you JUST met! And to top it off, you could just move your date to another time!"

Kiyoshi opened his mouth to say something back, but didn't. He hated to admit it, but she was right. He was acting rather rash. If he were to get caught. The boy's sentence will be extended. Even worse, Matsuri and Etsuko might get into trouble as well. He considers all the risks of what will happen in the coming future. 

And all of this was for a girl whom he came to like. Not like, but love. 

"I don't want to see you guys get in trouble for this...and....I don't want to see Matsuri ending up in prison for your guys' mistake." She said with a frown.

This caught both of their attention. "Matsuri….."

"That's right!" Etsuko hissed once more at them. A serious glare that was a rare sight for them to see for the girl. "You guys should be lucky to have a friend like Matsuri! He's literally trying to help you guys have the weekend off so you won't go with this plan!"

And on that note, the two eyes widened in shock. A range of emotion mixed within them. From confusion, to surprise. "Matsuri is...he's really doing that for us…."

"I-If Matsuri-dono is attempting to do that, then why hasn't he told us beforehand?" Gakuto said as he pushed his glasses up. Looking at the girl for some answers. 

Etsuko pouted at them and huffed air the other way. "Ask him yourself!"

The two shared a glance at each other. All this time, the boy has been trying to survive his own mission that could be indirectly helping them. 

Kiyoshi's eyes wandered to the ground below him, he was being too caught up with the operation, he never realized what Matsuri was doing on his own end. He was trying to fight for their freedom. His date with Chiyo was assured. 

"Even so," Gakuto broke the silence. "Even if Matsuri-dono succeeds…..I highly doubt it would work."


Etsuko frowns deepen. "What?"

"I highly doubt Madam President will lift our sentence."

"And why is that?"

"Simple. She hates us."

".....that's....rather blunt."

"Indeed, it is blunt. But it's the truth. Given Madam President's character and the action of the USC, it is clear that they hate boys." He continues. "I'm not saying that Matsuri's mission is idiotic or a waste of time. I appreciate the effort. But I fear that Madam President will not lift it. No matter what."

Kiyoshi wanted to say something, but Gakuto was right. Even if there was a slim chance, it still could end up being a failure. Given how quick Mari's decision was that stripped them of their freedom. 

Etsuko was also in the thoughts as well. She hated to admit it, but he was right. She didn't know much about Mari, but given the character she had seen the other month with her integrating Matsuri. It was an unpleasant sight she still vividly remembers. How badly she wanted to remain optimistic about Mari changing her mind. But the chances of her not giving them their day off was slim. 

"I hate to admit it but…..Gakuto is right," Kiyoshi said, gaining the spotlight. "And I made a promise to Chiyo...that I will go with her on the date of the sumo match. A man can't go back on his words."

Etsuko glare softened. She really wanted to slap these two, but they did have a convincing enough argument. She was still angry, but she did understand their argument for the most part. And she understood their determination, it was dumb, but she had to give them credit.

"Ugh, fine." Etsuko said as she crossed her arms under her chest. "I guess I can't change your guy's mind."

Kiyoshi set his hand on Etsuko's shoulders, getting her attention. "Don't worry. We won't get caught. Neither you nor Matsuri will have to worry about us."

Etsuko just sighed as she looked at the boy. "Tell that to Matsuri, not me. Just don't get caught."

"We won't. That's a promise."

"Well fine then," Etsuko sighed in defeat. "Anyways, I don't know if that fart noise won't be necessary."

"Indeed. Now that I think about it, it really isn't. However, it would be nice to have as a back-up. Anyways, should we go over the plan to recap." 

The two nodded listening to the recap.

"On that day, we'll be working at the toilets near the sports field and not here. When the midday chime rings, you'll go into the drain behind the toilet. From there you move to the garbage dump. Then you slipped out of the school through the hole. This will take up to 15 minutes."

Kiyoshi nodded. "Then I'll go to the station and arrive at the meeting point with Chiyo-chan. The Ryougoku stadium by 1 o' clock."

"You'll watch the sumo fight for 30 minutes with Chiyo-dono and move over to Akihabara, which is 2 stations away. Then you bug my wanted figurine at the 3 kingdom figurine festival, that's only being held once in 4 years. If you board the train by 20' clock you can be back here by 30' clock."

Etsuko raised her hand. "And in those 3 hours, I and Matsuri will find a way to fool the Vice President while you're gone."

"Perfect!" They all fist pumped in the air. 

Before they could continue, Kiyoshi and Gakuto turned to Etsuko. "Thank you for helping us, Etsuko, we really appreciate it."

The girl just made a small pout. "Again, say that to Matsuri, he deserves it more."

"Right, he does. Just to be safe, I'm gonna leave once more and check upon the route to the station." Kiyoshi said as he walked over to the pile of planks that was covering the hole. 

As the boy approached the wall, he carefully moved the planks aside, moving closer to the wall. Once he removed the last plank, his breath got caught in his throat. His eyes widened in shock and fear. 

"W-What the?" Kiyoshi's concerned voice shaken in fear.

"Kiyoshi-dono, what's the matter?" Gakuto noticed his friend's behavior and approached him. Etsuko got curious and followed suit. 

"N-No way…..t-the hole….."

"The hole?" Etsuko repeated as the two reached the Kiyoshi. 

Once the two finally reached him. Their fear matched Kiyoshi's. The small girl's hands covered her own mouth before a gasp could escape. Gakuto's eyes widened in fear. 

"The hole is closed." 

The three of them didn't say anything. All they could do is look at the hole that they worked hard on, and have completely filled up. Their hopes and dreams have been crushed. 

"C-Can't you guys dig it up again?" Etsuko asked with a shaky voice, but with a still determined voice. 

"N-No. This isn't something to be done in 3-4 days."

"B-But then that means….."

Kiyoshi's body just went limp as his back fell against the wall. His head hanging low with his hand hung over his right knee. Gakuto's body just gave up as he dropped to the ground with his hair falling to both of his head, barely covering his face.

"With that, the breakout is a failure..."