
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Desperate Struggle 2

The class was settled down as they worked on their classwork's, while the teacher continued to provide lessons at the front of the classroom on the whiteboard. With the boys all the way in the back of the class, we followed along. 

While the class was in full session, Kiyoshi took the opportunity to speak with his partner in crime. 

"Gakuto," Kiyoshi whispered. "About that plan you mentioned yesterday. What is it?"

Gakuto gave a small chuckle as he pushed his glasses up from the bridge of his nose. "A glorious plan to fool them about your absence…." He said as he brought out his mobile audio player from his pocket. "I'll use this." 

Kiyoshi just looked at the audio player with confusion. "Um…..I don't follow."

"Just hear me out first." Gakuto stated before Kiyoshi could say anything else. "During the test run, we were able to fool the vice president for one hour with the help of Matsuri-dono and Etsuko-dono of course. But we almost got busted when they came back."

"Oh yeah, we almost got busted there." Kiyoshi remembered that his butt got caught in the small hole, then there was the chairman whom he was not expecting to run into.

"And I doubt that Matsuri-dono could trick her with the same trick. And since we have not heard anything from either him or Etsuko-dono. I have come up with a simple trick that could benefit us." 

"And that is…."

"Say this scenario for example; say if you were in the laboratory. Surely she would go check up on you to see how you are holding up. At that time she does, yours truly will play the sound of your defection that I put into the player through the latest wireless speaker." 

Kiyoshi's face brightened with a grin. "Leave it to the most resourceful general in Nerima. The poop sounds are on it already, right?" 

"Not yet."

The bright grin that Kiyoshi wore on his face now faded. "Huh?"

Gakuto raised his finger to Kiyoshi to stop his thinking for a moment. "Before you say anything, let me finish. I do not have the poop sound yet, but this computer lab is also something I predicted in the long run. Behold." He motioned his hand over to the computer screen.

Kiyoshi's eyes traveled to the computer screen that had a webpage open right in front of them. The page had a word in large font reading: Fooglee.

"Is that…..the net?"

"Indeed," Gakuto chuckled as he began to type in the word in the search bar. "I should find many number of poop sounds by searching the net." He said as he was done typing in the word in the search bar. 

With a mischievous smile, the mouse cursor eagerly flew across the screen and towards the red button that was labeled search. Anticipation coursed through his veins as he clicked on the button, hoping to find a wide number of poop mp3 sound on the net. Or so he thought until…..

"T-This….this cannot be….." His hand started to tremble. Beads of sweat slid against his hand. "Searching for poop mp3 returns…..nothing." He said with a horrified look on his face. 

A light gasp escaped from Kiyoshi mouth, his expression matches that of his partner in crime. What will they do now?

"W-What do we do now? If we miss this chance, we can't touch the computer again!" He whispered to his friend who was vigorously searching through the net by typing in anything that relates to poop sounds.

"Do you not think I'm aware of that! But no matter what I search for, nothing comes out!" He says through his gritted teeth.

Up front of the classroom, Etsuko was somewhat focused on her work, but couldn't help but to direct her attention to the two boys in the back. She took notice of the expression that both of them were wearing, more particularly Gakuto. 

"What are those idiots doing now?" She thought to herself with a confused look.

Meanwhile, Kiyoshi and Gakuto were busy panicking in their seats as they were vigorously continuing their search for the poop sound on the net. But no matter what he types in, nothing still comes up.

"And yet! Still nothing! And we don't have much time left! And it takes approximately 15 minutes to download it onto the audio player!"

"If nothing comes up…." Kiyoshi looked at his friend. Their minds are thinking on the same wavelength. It was the only idea they can think of.

"We'll have to make it come out!" 

"....no..." Kiyoshi spoke up first. "It's too risky to do it here, and who would even do that in the first place anyways. And in a crowded room no doubt." He said, waving his hand in dismal. 

"But there's no other way." Gakuto said with a hint of desperation in his tone.

"Just forget it, Gakuto. This plan is a failure." Kiyoshi said. 

A silence between the two occurred, with Kiyoshi looking the other way with a disappointed expression. A thought of two were clashing within his thoughts.

"I mean...I'm glad that we possibly won't have to break out and get in trouble and all…..but still I..." Kiyoshi's mindset was in the right place. His eyes traveled over to the innocent girl he admired at the front of the classroom. "I really want to go out with Chiyo-chan…..I really was looking forward to it. But then again…..I did lie to her not just once…..but twice..." He balled his hand into a fist. 

Meanwhile, the boy on the side of him was non-responsive, but was merely just looking at his friend from the side of his face. He took note of how the boy was looking at the girl up front with eyes of desperation and other conflicting thoughts. He then looked at the clock that hung from the wall near the ceiling. Class was almost almost over, they didn't have enough time.

"...Kiyoshi-dono…." He grabbed the boy's attention. "Do you still wish to go out with Chiyo-dono?"

"O-Of course I do….."

"Then we have no choice. There is no other way." He said with a low and grave tone. His hand shook as it held the end of the headphones. In a quick motion he plugged the headphone into the jack. Kiyoshi's attention was fully on him as his expression changed from confusion to horrified as he looked on.

"This headphone can function as a microphone too." Gakuto said before he blew into it. The bar on the computer caught the sound, indicating that it's working.

"Gakuto stop!" Kiyoshi tried to plead for his friend to stop his action. "Do you know what will happen if you let loose in here!?" He whispered low enough to not cause a disturbance. 

"Indeed, for you it's impossible Kiyoshi-dono," He said as his eyes traveled over to the innocent girl at the front of the class who was casually doing her work. "If you do that in front of Chiyo-dono, the date would be canceled and you would have no reason to break out."

"Not just for me, but it's impossible for you too!" He hissed at the glasses-wearing boy who was still shaking with fear, but his grip on the headphone piece says he was determined to do the impossible. "You want to flush down your high school years down the drain!?"

"I...thought that if I entered this school full of girls…..I could make a girlfriend. In 3 years, I can do it. After all there are 1000 girls here." He said, his tone remained grave. "But….the 3 kingdom figurine…..only comes once in 4 years. It's a simple calculation."

Gakuto trembled in fear, little beads of sweat rolled against his skin. He nervously turned his head around and faced Kiyoshi. 

"Obviously, it's easier to just endure 3 years than 4 years." 

"Don't be stupid! Think this over man! A figurine really that more important to you than your school life!?"

Gakuto ignored his pleas as he shoved the earpiece right under his butt. "Of course….."

Before Gakuto could reach the mouse. The next moment, in a flash, Kiyoshi snags the mouse away from him. Dragging over to his side. 


"No way man! Forget it!"

"So this is your answer…..your quitting?"

"Like hell I'm giving up!" 

"Then hand over the mouse so I can-!"

"Forget it man! I'm not gonna let you ruin your 3 years of school life for some figurine!"

"Kiyoshi-dono, please think about this for a moment, your acting-!"

"I'M NOT ACTING IRRATIONAL! THE ONLY ONE WHO ACTING IRRATIONAL IS YOU!!!!" Kiyoshi burst out loud, gaining the attention of the entire classroom. 

The entire class immediately stopped from what they were doing and turned their attention to the two boys in the back. Chiyo couldn't help but look at Kiyoshi who was immediately standing over Gakuto. Etsuko and Mayumi were on similar boats as they looked at the boy. 

"Kiyoshi-dono please settle down-!"

"You really...you really want to throw away your life for this! We'll find another way!" He proclaimed with a fist raised in the air. 

A collected gasp escaped from the three boys mouths as they looked at the scene.

"He's doing it!?" Shingo thought.

"Are they proclaiming their love for each other right here!?" Jo thought the same as Shingo.

"Right now!?" Andre finished off the thought.


Before any of the two could say anything further, Kiyoshi unplugged the headphones from the computer and proceeded to do the next unpredictable thing. With enough strength that he put into his hand, he pushed the computer off of the desk, the device fell from the height of the table and smashed against the floor.

The impact made a loud crash, causing the entire class to flinch or either scream towards the scenario. The three boys all had similar reactions that were being worn on their faces. Beads of nervous sweat rolled against their skin, their mouth gaped wide open, watching the two "supposed lovers" making a scene.

Chiyo watched with shock and curiosity. More particularly looking at the boy whom she has a date with for this week. Etsuko and Mayumi looked onward with different reactions. While Mayumi was a little concerned and frightened, Etsuko however looked onward with sparkles in her eyes. As if she was being inspired by Kiyoshi action.

"Kiyoshi-dono, what ills you to-"

"I don't care. You're not going to put yourself through that disaster." He said with a strong determined voice. A burning fire was in his eyes. Kiyoshi set both of his hands on Gakuto's shoulders looking straight into his eyes with intense stares. "But I'm not giving up! We can find another way!"

"Kiyoshi-dono…." Gakuto let out a breath. 

The three boys on the side were facing the other way, hiding their tears away from Kiyoshi and Gakuto.

"Their love for each other is strong!" 

Gakuto just continued to look at the boy with awe inspiring eyes. For a moment, he literally thought Kiyoshi was giving up because they had no other option. But no, he was actually defending him from making the biggest mistake of his highschool year. He was protecting him. 

"Boys….." Their moments were interrupted when they heard a familiar woman's voice. But the voice was in a dark grave tone. 

They slowly turned their head to their sides and immediately wished they didn't. Their eyes were deadlocked with the eyes of a rather furious teacher, who stood there with her eyes glaring straight at the boys. Her arms were crossed under her buxom, while standing with her intimidating stance.

"Are you having fun back here?" She said with her continued intimidating tone.