
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · Cómic
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70 Chs

Consequences and Reflection4

Hachimitsu Academy- Rooftop

From the rooftop, Mari saw the scene from on top of the school, her eyes watching the little incident between Matsuri and Meiko. Just as Meiko was about to walk away from the scene, she slid and fell, but Matsuri tried to catch her. Only for the both of them to fall together. Leading them to a very awkward and embarrassing situation. And in public. 

Mari raised a brow as she watched the scene unfold, she would have gladly called him out, at least that is what she WOULD'VE done. But she could tell it was an accident because following that incident, Matsuri bowed, only for Meiko to walk away without a word. 

Mari stays hidden for the most part, watching from afar, seeing the scene unfold in front of her. She still did not trust Matsuri, while he has proven on multiple occasions that he is not a degenerate like the boys. But she would fall for his (so called act) and still want to see for herself if he was true to his words. 

And his interaction with Meiko so far, it seems that he has taken an interest in one of her members. She could only glare at the boy who was hiding himself in embarrassment. She would not trust the boy one bit, especially around Meiko. 

"Looks like I'll need to put my plan to motion." She thought to herself. 

"Oh my, if it isn't the crow master herself." A peppy voice spoke from behind. 

Mari closed her eyes with a smirk. "You make a sound like I don't get out much. But I guess I could say the same to you, considering I haven't seen you in a while."

"Now that's not nice. I'm busy just as you are…..Mari."

"I know you didn't come here for a small chat," Mari turned to face her fellow student. "Why are you here…..Kate."

The orange-hair teen looked at the raven-hair president with a smirk. "I just followed you. Or were you so focused on your little secret 'mission' that you didn't notice that I was behind you." She mocked. 

Mari was not fazed however, keeping her cool. "Of course I knew. You were just unimportant."

Kate felt a twitch developed under her brow. This girl was already throwing some shades at her, and it hasn't even been a minute since they started talking. She attempted a smirk as she set her hands on her hips. 

"Right, so what was so important that led you, the ever so fearful Underground council, to be led up here on the rooftop. Were you too embarrassed to show yourself in public or does social interaction scare you."

"Of course not. And my business here does not concern you."

"Oh but it does…." Kate said with her grin widening further. Revealing her sharp canine teeth. "Or have you forgotten your role, Madam President of the Underground Council."

Mari could only laugh under her breath. "Of course…..Madam President of the Aboveground Council." She returned. 

Another twitch developed under her brow. But she remained calm. She knew Mari was just doing this on purpose, but it was really starting to get to her. "Yes-the real student council! Unlike you wannabes who only got the higher position because you usurped us through popularity."

"If you're going to bring that up, then I must refrain from you. We're only doing our job here of protecting the school from degenerates." 

"Oh yes, you mean the boys." Kate grew a knowing smirk. She knew what would get through Mari skin. "Now that you mention it, the boys are gonna be released next week right. Which means that they would be loose around the school. You know, five boys, with over 1000 female students for them to catch." 

Mari's eyes narrowed at the girl. "Where are you getting at?"

"I'm just saying. Aren't you guys responsible for keeping the boys in place. I mean, like you said, you are doing your job of protecting the school. So isn't it your responsibility?" 

"Of course. And if you did your math right, there are six of them." 

"Oh right, your temporary member, Matsuri Hitoyoshi."

Mari raised a brow. How did she know his name? Granted, seeing how he is the ONLY boy who has not been thrown in prison. But she would think not everyone would know who he is. Or what his name was on top of that. So how did Kate…..

Kate figured she had a question of how she knew his name. "I had an encounter with him last month…..I must say, unlike the other boys, he seems so innocent and shy. Poor thing, why would you force such a sweet innocent boy under the Underground council." She said trying to act all innocent. 

"For your information, I didn't force him to be under the Underground student council. I simply gave him a choice, whether to be with us as a temporary member or be in the prison like the boys. To be honest, I would've preferred if he was in prison, but having him as a temporary member does give us a high advantage of watching him."

To Mari, it was really just her doing business on handling the boys. But to Kate, it was pretty much just classic Mari. Manipulating those around her just to gain the higher advantages and often do under her commands. It was really just Mari abusing her power. 

"Honestly Mari, the boy has his own life and consciousness. He's not a trained animal like your two minions. Speaking of which, how is Matsuri?"

"He's fine, thank you for asking." Mari's eyes narrowed at the teen in front of her. "He has been doing well under our watch. However, I still cannot trust him. The boys will not be that stupid enough to cause any problem, however…..Hitoyoshi is a different story."

"Oooh. And why might that be? Or are you simply just bullying him?"

"And that concerns you?" She raised a brow. 

"Well, I am the Council President of the real student council. And I simply cannot stand by and watch my fellow students being picked on by a bully."

At this point Mari glared at Kate. She knew Kate better than anyone else here at this school aside from a few people here and there. And she was indeed not gonna let it slide past her. She walked up towards the orange hair council and stopped in front of her face, her smirk not leaving her lips. Looking straight at the Underground President's eyes. 

"Bullying. How ironic. That is too funny. Coming from you."

"I'm hurt. You think of me as a bully?" She said, sounding hurt from Mari's words. "I would never bully anyone."

"....." Mari didn't say anything but glared at Kate. She was only wasting her time here. She knew Kate was just trying to poke fun at her. She exhaled from her nose before looking at Kate with her usual glare. 

" Menteus ." 

"I'm sorry." Kate grew a scowl. 

"Listen, I want you to stay away from Hitoyoshi. The last thing he needs is someone pressuring him into doing their biddings. Especially from someone like you...a base woman." 

From those words. Mari departed off to go resume her own work. Leaving Kate alone on the rooftop. The teenage student didn't say anything as she just stood there with her eyes glaring forward with such intensity. Her lips quivered a bit before going into a scowl. She brought her thumb up to her mouth and started to grind on her own nails. 

"That bitch! Who the hell does she think she is!? And what the hell does 'Menteus' even mean!?"

"You okay?" Risa spoke up from behind. She was hiding, just in case. "That was rather intense between you two."

"Oh Risa, how long have you been there?"

"I followed you here. So hey, are we still gonna continue with the plan and try to get Matsuri to help us with the plan."

"Of course." Kate said a smirk as she approached the edge of the roof and looked at her target. Matsuri was currently under the tent with his friend. "I almost feel bad for the boy. But he could be of use for us in the long run. To overthrow the Underground Student Council."

-Ryokukoku Stadium- Inside


Back at the date, Chiyo was enjoying herself as she began to take pictures of the wrestlers as they were doing stretches among the field. The girl had a small blush on her face as she continuously took snapshots. Off to the side however, Kiyoshi was continuously munching away at the riceballs but was sweating and held a pale look on his face as he munched down on them. 

"Oh~. Everyone's so strong~." She said, as she took a couple of last shots, she glanced over at Kiyoshi who kept on eating away at the riceballs. An idea came to her. "Kiyoshi! Hold it. Let me take a picture of that!" 

Kiyoshi looked up with a curious look, but did what she said as she held her phone up in front of her, facing him. Not completely sure why, but if she said so, then he would have to do so. 

Chiyo giggled at his reaction. "There's rice grain on your cheek! My first time seeing it in reality!" She said, trying to contain her laugh. 

Kiyoshi's cheeks flushed red as he continued to look right at Chiyo. His cheeks still puffed from the riceball that he is currently eating. "Chiyo-chan laugh...it's soo adorable." 

"Hey," Chiyo spoke as she scooted closer to the boy. Kiyoshi flinched, her presence grew closer to him. "Let's take one together."

"Together!?" He panics in his thoughts. His cheeks heated up from how close she was. "S-S-So close!!" 

Chiyo readied her phone as she held it up in front of them. She readied a pose as she held her finger close to her face, giving a peace sign. Kiyoshi followed suit as he shyly held his peace sign up as well, with his cheeks still puffed from the riceball he was eating. 

"Uwaaa….we're like a couple. This is what happiness must be. I should really thank Matsuri for this! This is the absolute best!" 

"Thank you Kiyoshi." 

"Huh!?" He blurted after he swallowed his food.

"For coming with me," Chiyo said as she gave him a genuine smile. "Mayumi was never a big sumo fan. And I doubt Mari would want to come to something like this. I was kind of nervous at first…..because it was really my first time seeing a sumo match with someone else…..and with a boy." She whispered with a blush as she played with her fingers. 

Kiyoshi didn't say anything but just looked at her, before looking towards the half eaten rice ball in his hand. He really didn't care for the sumo match, he only just cared about being here with Chiyo. Just thinking about it made him feel bad. 

"But I really appreciate you being here Kiyoshi."

"O-Oh….y-yeah. Um….but I think you should be thanking Matsuri. He's the reason why I was able to come out here in the first place."

"Really? He was able to speak with my sister about getting you guys your freetime." Kiyoshi nodded at her question. "That's great! I'll make sure to thank him properly when I see him. You're lucky to have a friend like him."

"Yeah…..I'm really glad to meet him back on the first day." He said with a hint of somber. Remembering the time they met during the first day. 

Thinking back on their meeting, Matusri really did feel reserved and did not want to stand out in the crowd, but due to their breakout, he and the boys have basically made Matsuri life rather hard. With him as a temporary member of the U.S.C, he could only imagine how hard it must have been for him. While it couldn't be as hard as the boys. And now here he was, enjoying his date with Chiyo, while Matsuri is still stuck with the Underground council. 

Kiyoshi remembered Matsuri telling him to tell Chiyo the truth about the peeping job. While he does have a choice not to tell her. But he felt like she deserved to know the truth. The actual truth of the peeping job. He gripped the riceball in his hands before looking at the girl beside him. 



"There's something I need to tell you…..about the peeping operation." He started. His heart was pumping. "You asked me if I was the one who peeped on you, right?"

"Y-Yes. You said you didn't, right?"

"So about that…..there's…..there's something I need to tell you….." Kiyoshi could feel his heart pumping faster with each passing second. "So...the truth is…..that...I lied."

".....huh?" Chiyo said with a confused tone. Her eyes looked at Kiyoshi's who was still looking at her with intensity. "What…..what do you mean?"

".....I lied...I peeped."

"....I….I don't understand…..what do you mean….that you peeped?" Chiyo was almost lost for words. Just what was Kiyoshi trying to say? Looking into Kiyoshi's eyes for answers. "Kiyoshi…..what are you talking about..."

Kiyoshi quickly turned his head the other way. His face was heating up from embarrassment. Cold sweat dripped against his skin. His heart was pumping ever so fast, his breathing got caught in his throat. 


"...that girl….who you saw in the changing room. When you thought it was Mayumi…..and when you dragged in the bath…..was me."


Nothing was said. The only sounds that could be heard are the grunts and sumo wrestlers and the people talking among the crowds. 

The two stood in silence. Chiyo looked at Kiyoshi with a face that spelled disbelief. Betrayal. And hurt. Kiyoshi didn't need to see her face, he could already know what she was thinking by her silence. And it hurts. 

"Y…..You....that was you in the bath." She said, sounding like she was about to cry. 

Kiyoshi bit his lip. He wanted to stop this. He didn't want to keep going on with this….this torture. Not just to Chiyo….but to himself. It hurt like hell. His face never looked up at her. He knew that if he looks up now, all he's going to see is an injured Chiyo. 

"Yes...it was me....I'm sorry."

Chiyo's once bright and cheerful smile was now replaced with an unreadable expression. She looked at Kiyoshi with many mixes of expressions. But the message was clear, he truly was speaking the truth. His silence spoke louder, confirming her answer. 

She faced the other way. Her eyes hid behind her bangs, creating a shadow. Her lips trembled, her heart started to ache. 

Kiyoshi didn't dare to look at her. He knew what he had to do and it pained him to not hear a single word from her after hearing the truth. He gripped his chest to ease his aching heart. He didn't dare, but he wanted to take a peek at what she was doing. He dared himself to take a look and he regretted it. 

All he saw was Chiyo standing straight up. Her eyes remain hidden behind her bangs. But what he saw on her cheeks, was a single tear dripping against her bare skin. 

"Disgusting." Is all she said as she left through the crowd and towards the exit. 

All that was left was Kiyoshi as he just sat there. Alone. Feeling nothing but regret. But he knew he did and all he wanted to do was to take it back. Go back in time and stop himself from ever peeping in the first place. But he did it and it was true. All of it.

He looked at his trembled hands as he brought it to his face. Choking on his tears. That last shred of happiness that he had experienced not too long ago…..was now gone.