
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

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70 Chs

Consequences and Reflection 3

Off to the distance, hiding inside the photo booth, Anzu couldn't help but to chuckle at the boy's antics. She had their fun with them and got to know them just a tad bit better. Still though, they were still idiots and got thrown in jail for their crime against the first-year students in the bath. 

She hid back inside the booth and reached into her pocket and called someone on the other line of the phone. 

"How's the assignment going?" The voice of the Underground President spoke from the other side. 

"It's good. The boys aren't doing anything suspicious. The only thing that I can get from their conversation is that they were planning on rebuilding their reputation at the school or something like that."

"Is that so? Heh, well that would be interesting to see. But knowing those idiots, they'll possibly just do something stupid and end up in prison once more."

"Yeah…..b-but it doesn't look like they won't be causing any trouble. So there's nothing to worry about."

"Let us only hope. Very well then, go ahead and come back. The boys should be back. I'm gonna check in with our other spy and see how her progress is going." 

"Oh hey, Madam President, before you go…..there is something you need to know."

"What is it?"

"Um…..when I was overhearing the boys, they seemed to be concerned about this rumor around Matsuri. You know the one boy who's not in prison."

"Yes. What of him?" Mari sounded intrigued by this info.

"Well…." Anzu sounded almost concerned. "They were talking about what he supposedly did at his previous school. They say he took pictures of a girl naked and spread across the school and she-"

"-Killed herself." Mari finished the sentence for her. While it's not visible, she could tell she was making a serious glare. She could hear her sigh through the line before she spoke again. "Yes. And we are still trying to find out the truth about Yoshimiya's death. As of this point, Matsuri has yet to show any ill intentions towards any of the students or staff at this school. However, I highly recommend you stay on guard around him. I still don't trust him, and he might be faking it."

"R-Right. I'll take your advice. I'm heading back now."

"Very well then, good-bye." 

Anzu hung up on the phone and poked her head out from the photobooth and noticed the boys were still talking about how they will rebuild their reputation. She can confirm that they were not going to be much of a threat, but she still thought they were idiots. However, her concern was on the one male who was not in prison. 

From what Madam President has told her, Matsuri has not caused any trouble. But have been told not to drop her guard around him. Because he might be faking it. But could it really be true? Has Matsuri really done such a thing to another female student at his previous school? 

She shook her head at the thought and continued her way out of the game center and back to the school. She guessed that she would have to lay low for a while until then. And wait to see if Matsuri really has done those things in the past.

-Hachimitsu Academy- Track Field


Matsuri was in a very awkward situation. Situation wouldn't be the best way to describe what is going on at the moment, he would describe it as embarrassing. To him at least. 

Right now he was sitting on top of the one girl who has been on his mind recently and cannot stop admiring her from afar. But now he is close, way too close to be honest. He sat on the amazon beauty as she was currently doing push-ups. His hands glued to his knees, trying his best not to touch her in any inappropriate way, his face being partly covered by his hair to hide the blush that was flushed upon his cheeks. 

Luckily he wasn't alone, sitting to his left was Etsuko, unlike Matsuri, was actually enjoying herself. While she was keeping her hands to herself, her smile was never fading away anytime soon. Enjoying how she was being lifted and lower as the Vice president continued her push-ups with each passing breath. 

Matsuri's eyes looked pass through his bangs as he looked at their surroundings. The girls from the wide variety of different schools couldn't help but to giggle and gossip at the display. From afar, he could hear them whisper all sorts of things.

"That Vice President is pretty strong, huh?"

"Yeah, but isn't it adorable as well how she's carrying those two girls."

"Huh? Two? Isn't the one with brown hair a boy?"

"He looks like a girl."

"If that is so, aren't those two dating?"

"No way, that one looks to be way out of her league. Plus, he looks like a girl so I highly doubt it."

Matsuri whined a little under his breath. His face practically became a deep color of crimson red. He really wanted to run away from this, but that would be rude since he was on top of Meiko and she'll possibly scold him for it. 

"You're pretty strong, Madam Vice President!" Etsuko spoke from her position. "I'm amazed how you're able to carry us despite our weight."

"Thank you." Meiko said with a breath as she continued her routine. 

"B-But….a-are we too h-heavy for you?" Matsuri tried to sound out but ended up with some stutters. 

"It is alright, Hitoyoshi." Meiko said. She rested for a bit as she laid her body on the ground for a resting position. Her large breast drooped against the ground. Sweat leaked against her bare skin. "I can easily manage this with no problem. I have done this multiple times every morning."

"I-I see..." Matsuri said with a blush. His eyes looked the other way as he nervously scratched his head. 

"And beside..." Meiko lifted herself. "You're really not that heavy." She said as she dropped herself. 

Matsuri felt rather ashamed of himself. Not for his weight, but because he felt wasn't being helpful enough. Strange yes, but he wanted to be at least some of use to her.


"What are you apologizing for?" Meiko breathed as she roughly pushed herself up. Jotling Matsuri and Etsuko a bit. She looked over her shoulders. "It's not like you're doing this on purpose or just to spite me. And don't see yourself as useless for something so trivial." 


Meiko felt a twitch under her brow. "Did you seriously just apologize for saying sorry?"

"Huh? Oh! Um…s-s-"

Etsuko giggled at his response. "You're doing it again."

Matsuri just groaned as his blush got a darker shade of red. His hands gripping onto his pants. He could hear his heart pumping fast. Didn't want to embarrass himself even further, he looks down as his own fist, not wanting to look up or at anyone at the moment. 

"So hey, why do you always train yourself, Vice President? I mean, you're plenty strong enough as it is. So what's up?" Etsuko asked the vice president.

"I put myself through rigorous training so I can continue to be at use for Madam President." She said with more passing breath. Her sweat continues to drip against her skin. "I cannot allow myself to be useless for not just her sake, but for the Underground council as well."

"But don't you get tired?" Etsuko asked with a curious head tilt.

"From time to time I do. But again, I must bear with it or my body will start to get weak if I don't complete my training."

Matsuri's eyes nervously looked at the back of Meiko's head as she continued her push-ups. "So you're trying to stay useful for the President by doing some training?"

"Yes." Meiko breathed out. "I would be ashamed of myself if I were to betray her trust. If I were to do so…..I wouldn't know what to do from there. But I will gladly take punishment for my foolishness."

Matsuri's eyes were fixated on the Vice President. Taking in her words. So she wants to be of use for Mari. Now that he thinks about it, the two seem to be really close in terms of relationship. Perhaps they have known each other longer. But there were still many things he did not know about Meiko and why she pushes herself to meet the President's supposed expectation of her. 

He didn't say it, but the more he thought about it, the more he saw himself in her. A certain former council president he comes to knew back at his old school. 

"Okay. That is enough." Meiko said with an exhausted breath. 

With that, Matsuri and Etsuko got off her back. She got up from her position and stretched her hands with her hand over the other, just above her head. Matsuri was quick to hand her a water bottle that she took and immediately gulped down on it. 

"I mean, I don't see why you need to do so. I mean, you're plenty strong as it is." Etsuko said with an encouraging smile. 

Meiko continued to swallow a good amount of water down her throat with a bit of water escaping her lips and dripping against her skin and towards her cleavage. She released her lips from the hole and looked at Etsuko. 

"Still though, I owe it to her to be by her side. I may not be as smart or as graceful as her, but I wish to be by her side when I can. Which is why I will continue to improve myself, so I won't be useless." Meiko said as she looked at the two. 

A small blush flushed upon Matsuri cheeks. The way she said it with fire in her eyes, he could feel a slight connection between the two. Well he wouldn't say it out loud. He knew where she was coming from. Meiko wishes to be useful for the President and is the reason why she throws herself into rigorous training. While Matsuri is not as strong as she is, he still wishes to be of some use for those around him. He didn't want to keep living in regret. He wanted to be better. 

"Hitoyoshi….." Matsuri's eyes look up at Meiko who looks back at him with a firm stare. "I don't know what happened back at your old school. And I do not know the full story of Yoshimiya nor the truth behind her incident…..but you cannot keep this from distracting you. If you're ever going to keep moving forward, then you must find something in your goal to keep yourself from getting distracted."

"Hey! That's a great idea!" Etsuko said with a fist pump as she looked at Matsuri. "Try to make a goal for yourself!"

Matsuri remembered that he had a similar talk with the vice president about considering improving himself. But if he were to really do that, he really needs to find a way to deal with his past. If he doesn't, then he would be stuck, living in his former shadow forever. 

"Hitoyoshi….." Meiko leaned close to Matsuri as he flinched from how close she was. "Like I said before, I could be of assistance to you…..th-that of course as me helping you as a student!" She quickly restated herself before Etsuko could get a word in it. 

The boy made a small smile. "You're right….I'm gonna try it. I can't keep running away from my problems. I want to…..I really want to improve myself…..to be a better person."

Etsuko had a bright smile on her face. Her eyes sparkled at the boy, seeing him in a better mood really did brighten her day. She hated seeing Matsuri in a down mood or so hung about his past, seeing him back up is what she wanted to see. Meiko was on the similar boat, a small smirk graced on her lips. Seeing the boy picked back up did make her satisfied...strangely enough. She still knew that he was to be treated as a suspect and not let her guard down, but still was this boy still considered as such. 

"I don't think we have much to worry about...hopefully." 

"Thank you, Vice President." She was interrupted from her thoughts when she noticed the boy bowed his head towards her. 

A blushed flushed from upon her cheeks as her eyes darted from left to right, before regaining her composure. "Y-Yes. Of course! J-Just to remind you, this is just me helping you because it is my duty. P-Plus you are a temporary member!" 

"Y-Yeah." Matsuri's eyes blinked the other way, avoiding her eyes while scratching his head. "B-But….still though…..thank you. And um…..thank you for everything else as well."


"I mean, next week I'll be relieved from the underground council. I just wanted to thank you for encouraging me." He said with a bright smile at the tall teen. 

Meiko felt her heart pumped against her massive chest. Her sweat intensified a little. "I-It is nothing. I just thought you needed some encouragement. I-It was nothing special or mean anything." 

"Y-Your right." Matsuri was quick to also agree. 

The two didn't say anything, but just looked into each other's eyes. It didn't take long before they faced in the opposite direction with heavy blushes. Meiko, feeling self-conscious, moved her hand between her massive chest and one hand pushing down on her skirt. Sweat dripped against her skin. 

"Um….w-well….." Meiko stuttered with her voice breaking out of character a bit. "T-The boys should be back soon. S-So let us continue on with our work! I-I'll go back to my position! You two continue watching the bags!" 

Meiko attempts to turn around, but her heel slides against the ground and causes her to fall backward. Matsuri reacted quickly and tried to catch her, but as he tried to catch her, Meiko's weight caused him to fall backward as well. Etsuko, acting on instinct, jumps backward with a yelp to avoid any possibilities of her getting squashed. 

Both Matsuri and Meiko ended up on the ground, both ending up in an awkward position. Meiko found herself sitting in front of Matsuri with his legs around her frame, just sitting on top of legs. Matsuri was holding Meiko from behind with his hand pushing up her massive chest, almost causing them to burst out of her white shirt. Adding to the embarrassment, Meiko's legs were spread out, causing everyone to see her purple thongs. Exposing it to the girls on the field. 

Both Matsuri and Meiko screamed in sync from the embarrassing position they found themselves in. And in public no doubt. The boy quickly releases himself from Meiko and scooters away from her, giving her space. Meiko quickly got up from her embarrassing position and stood frozen with her hands pulling down on her skirt. Her sweat continued to drip against her skin.

"I'M SORRY VICE PRESIDENT! I DIDN'T MEAN TO EMBARRASS YOU LIKE THAT I SWEAR!" Matsuri quickly bowed his head with his hand to his side. 

The vice president didn't say anything but just stood frozen solid with a tremble. Etsuko tried her damn hardest from laughing out loud from the rather interesting scene she had just witnessed. Her hand was over her mouth as she slowly began to crouch to the ground. Her laugh threatened to leave her mouth. 

Matsuri felt his cheeks start to heat up. He didn't mean to grope her like that! He was just trying to help her from falling, but he ended up falling with her, with his hand feeling up her massive breast. And her thongs being exposed in public! He didn't mean for that to happen to her! 

He waited for a response from her. Or something! But what he got was just a side glance at the boy. He took notice of a heavy blush on her cheeks before she turned around stomps away from the luggage assembly area. 

Matsuri lets out an exhausted sigh. He felt truly embarrassed. Not only did he embarrass himself in public, with girls he didn't know, but he also went and accidentally embarrassed the vice president. 

The boy drops to the ground, hugging his knee and hiding his face from the public. "Am I really gonna survive this school?"

"Look on the bright side," Etsuko said as she was quick to be by the boy's side. "At least you were the first to touch her boobs before the boys." 

Matsuri's face flared up as he returned to hide his shame. All while Etsuko giggled at the boy's reaction.