
Putting all the cards on the table!

His throat dried up, as he squeezed out a question, softly, "How long did you know?"

I shrugged. "Since I saw it on you. It was mastered by Grindelwald, who stole it from Gregorowich right?"

He looked at me trembling. "And what about the stone?"

I shrugged. "Cadmus Peverell, Slytherin's issue, then Gaunts, who made embedded it into a ring of family heirloom, and finally their Half-blood Heir, Tom Marvolo Riddle."

He looked at the stone again. "And it was on the ring, your mother destroyed."

I nodded. "And Potters are descendants of the true line of Peverells, the brother who simply remained hidden from public eye."

Dumbledore nodded. "And why offer it to me? If you are certain it's a Hallow, then you know the story well."

I laughed at his presumption. "I want to destroy the Hallows, when their individual masters have desire to part with them. Death cannot be mastered. She is inevitable, and one of the primordial forces of creation. No mortal is meant to match her. I would offer her, her gifts back, if she desires them, or let the future generations decide, what to do with it. The son born to James Potter, is the chosen one, after all."

He looked at me in shock, as my words meant a lot of things, if true, they were tumultuous. "Have you been altering fate? Are you the one responsible for those brutal deaths?"

I looked at him, and said, "Bring your pensieve out. You have much to know, and I have much to show you. Your mistakes, mine, and the changes each of our choices made to this world. I visited the Oracle of Fate themselves, and they have decreed my actions as just. So now, I have no reason to fear the repercussions of my actions, and the laws of men. I have been judged worthy by Powers that Be."

He stood up, and brought the pensieve out.

And we spent the entire day buried in our memories, mostly mine. But, along the way, Dumbledore saw my actions as for the "greater good".

"You have been quite busy, Young man. Even if, I find your actions cruel, I must confess, I am at a loss. If such actions save our society, and prevents our annihilation, then you truly have done this world a service, for which you will never be recognised. And yet, in my conscience, I cannot find it in my heart, to be able to forgive you for this cloak and dagger."

I looked at him. "You were unwilling to act when your actions could've saved a lot of lives. And you have always been ahead of the situation, while this time, you were several steps behind, as you lacked the perspective to act. I simply ensured, the society learnt its lesson, the Ministry was chastised for their ineptitude, the purebloods were shown the doom that awaits, if they cannot keep themselves in check, and the innocents were spared the grief, that they would've endured otherwise. How is kindness and generosity noble, if the innocents suffer for your forgiveness, and the evil triumphs because of your inaction?"

Dumbledore looked pensively at the glowing light from the Pensieve, and thought on our words, "Then would you seek more power, more than what you already have?"

"I will always seek power, but perhaps you can show me the error of my ways, if you teach it to me yourself?"

He smiled at that. "So you revealed your secrets, so you could tempt me to teach you myself? You are going in Slytherin, aren't you?"

I grinned at him. "Nope! Just to spite you and especially Professor McGonagall, I will ask the hat to sort me in Gryffindor."

He laughed loudly. "Very well, then. I think, I should inform the staff, that I will be busy from now on. And what do you want to do with the stone?"

I shrugged. "Whatever you want. It should go to Potter Boy, when he is born on July 31, 1981."

He looked at me in wonder. "All the pieces of your actions fit, except two. Your knowledge of Tom's life, and your certainty about the Potter's child."

I shrugged. "Fate saw it fit, that I saw the life that would've been, had I not been born. Had I chosen to hide, to watch the world suffer, and to watch as the world suffered the cruelty of Tom. And it showed me the life of Harry James Potter, the Chosen one."

He looked at me deeply. "Do those memories haunt you?"

I shook my head. "No more."