
Hitman's Multiverse Adventures

A regular man from our world gets to reincarnate and travel various worlds of fiction assisted by the memories, experiences and abilities of Agent 47, along with a Hammerspace and infinite ammo weapons. SI with Multi-series crossover. First up Harry Potter world!

6Arkanos6 · Película
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83 Chs

Animo vs Animagus!

I had practised the Master control movement of Omnitrix, to transform mid-battle, and develop the instinct to choose the right alien.

My mind had the data and information, which ROB gave me, about the different applications and uses of Omnitrix, use of Codon Stream from Primus, and Omnitrix's dependency on it, and how to link my Smartphone which has unlimited memory, to save and preserve different DNA and genes from Alien DNA from the Codon Stream, as well as the DNA from aliens outside the Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda, from where a lot of Omniverse aliens come from.

I was also given a message on my phone, that Alien X, Clockwork and Chronian DNA would be available on Omnitrix now, but I wouldn't be able to augment it into mine.

I also got the information to safely transfer energy to the Omnitrix core, which has been feeding off my Mana for now, leaving me with the bare minimum I would need. I am planning to all the pieces of Map of Infinity, including the Alpha Rune, to bolster my magic, and also visiting Anodite home, to acquire the promised abilities and their support, when the threats come for me.

I have no feeling of belonging to this earth, or to my humanity. So I can safely say, I can give up on trying to save humans, when I have acquired all that I need from here.

It had been a good Roadtrip till now, with a short respite the next day after getting my Omnitrix, to go for ziplining and crab hunting like Grandpa Max promised.

When we reached a place I knew would be festered with animated creatures and animals, courtesy of Dr Animo, I changed into a Echo-Echo, tracked down a Animal-riding Dr Animo, and neck chopped the troublesome doctor, while deactivating all his troubles.

I waited for the bratty doctor to wake up and saw him look around, then at me, and laughed out. "So who left a kid to guard me?"

I turned into a Basilisk, and wrapped around his body, as my eighty foot long body simply coiled around his stiff and terrified body. I transfigured my upper body into a human, and looked at him.

"I don't care to repeat myself, so let me make it clear. You don't cause any casualties or collateral damage due to your biological experiments, and if I am around, I would simply stop your plans, change anything that would directly affect the world detrimentally, and I would either let you be arrested, from which a brilliant scientist like you will escape, or I will let you go myself, if the problems are not too big and catastrophic to deal with."

I coiled tighter around the shivering doctor who was pale after hearing my cold voice, "You step out of your bounds, kill any human, endanger any innocents, And I mean any innocent. I don't care if you go after drug dealers, thugs, corrupt government employees, politicians, terrorists and other dregs of our society."

I brought his body closer to my eyes, as I had my yellow Basilisk eyes to look at him. After so many years, I now had absolute control over my body, and I didn't need to fear of accidentally killing him with my gaze.

"But you endanger any innocent, and I will personally lacerate every single muscle in your body, including those supporting your eyeballs and holding your jaw to your skull. I will overload every single nerve ending in your body with pain equivalent to being roasted on a Plasma Beam, and I will pick out each individual bone in your frail body, until you beg me to kill you. And I won't be so merciful with you to give you something so easy as quick death. So do we have an understanding?"

He nodded as he shivered, and I cast a Crucio on him. "Expect this kind of pain to appear in every nerve ending in your body, and, I leaned at him, as he had stopped screaming in pain, and was now whimpering, as I continued with my threat, "let me tell you a secret. The pain increases in intensity and magnitude, with each passing second."

With him scared and traumatised, I told him. "You are a good doctor. A brilliant scientist, whose skills and abilities could be used for so many things and used in so many ways, that you could be drowning in money. You could make people come to visit hybrid animal farms and zoos, and you could create dangerous animals, and hybrids, whom People would pay to see from the safety of a cage and glass. You could go into healthcare, and drain entire Pharmaceutical industry dry with that intellect, and you stoop so low, as to terrorise ignorant masses? Be a rational scientist, that I know you are, and unleash the might and mind of Dr Animo on the world."

I hit with a stick, then struck with a carrot, and with the way dollar signs are floating in his eyes, I decided to be a little generous. "Here you go!" I threw a dufflebag at him.

He opened it to see it stuffed with 100 dollar bills. "I wanted to give you a parting gift, to fund your projects and experiments. Think of it as a venture capital. I am interested in seeing how far you can go. So don't disappoint me."

He nodded and looked at me with respect, and a healthy amount of fear. "What must I call you? Boss?"

Oh? Oh. Oh! He thinks, I am hiring him? Well, no matter. "What do you think about cloning exotic animals? You can see, that I am not your average Tom now, am I ?" Seeing him shake his head, I took out a small sheared nail and gave it to him.

"This comes from a rather exotic, but tame creatures. You would love what shape it takes. It would be a great inauguration of unveiling your smartness, your abilities and your talents to the whole wide world. So use this DNA, clone the animal, text me a location to come and see your results, and if you need anything, take this number and give me a call."

He nodded, as I shifted into a boy again, and apparated from the place. I wanted to scare Dr Animo, but instead I somehow ended up hiring him, to clone magical creatures for me. With the dimensions of Ledgerdomain and this one connected, the Mana and energy in this world, is simply increasing and saturating slowly, while seeping into the other humans gently.

I am certain, protecting this entire planet with wards and magic, will allow me to make it a sanctuary for my potion ingredients, and I can repopulate this planet with magical beings-both human and otherwise.