
Chapter 83 - Killing Seminar Conference

In Murphy's memory, once that director only used less than a week to complete the preparations, more than two weeks to fix the shooting, he did not know how the other party did it, I think that the Lionsgate Studios behind it also played an important role, after all, this is also a second-tier company in Hollywood, the strength of the aspect of the unquestionable.

Like Stanton Studios, this kind of purse company, in any case, can not compare to Lionsgate Studios, removed Bill Rossis, Murphy does not have much support, more often than not can only rely on their own strength.

By the end of March, Murphy, in concert with Bill Rossis, basically took care of all the positions on the crew, most of whom came from CAA, unlike the crew of ten out of ten at the time of Fruity Hard Candy, the new project's behind-the-scenes staff alone is close to thirty people, and that's not even counting the interns introduced by Paul Wilson.

Paul Wilson pulled in three of his classmates, and even graduates of the USC Film School don't really get many chances to be involved in the production of a full-fledged feature film.

On top of that, Murphy's attorney, Robert, will continue to serve as legal counsel for the crew.

With the arrival of the personnel, the preparatory meeting was also officially held at Stanton Studios, where he, the director, had to communicate and discuss with the various creators on the creation of the film to ensure that there was a unified artistic vision to guide the preparatory work, as well as a director's exposition of the entire staff, with the aim of unifying the creative thinking.

After the meeting, Murphy kept a few of the actors who had already been finalized to discuss some things about the script.

He had been revising the script, but there were some things he was never satisfied with, and he also wanted to hear what the actors thought.

In the studio's second-floor study, Paul Wilson acted as a waiter for the time being and helped pour coffee for the crowd, Murphy sat behind the desk, James Franco and Seth Rogen, who had gotten closer recently, sat on the long couch across from him, Bill Rossis stood underneath the shelves that housed the cameras and other equipment, and Carey Mulligan moved a chair and sat beside the water fountain to Murphy's left.

"Everyone's read the script." Murphy said after gently tapping the desk to get everyone's attention, "It's going to have all sorts of organ killing techniques in it, and those are a very important part of the movie."

He pointed to his head and said, "There's a limit to what I can come up with on my own, do you guys have any more novel ways of killing people?"

The statement was ambiguous, causing the others to look at each other in disbelief.

James Franco clasped his hands up to his chest with a surprised expression and said deliberately, "You want to kill someone? Who do you want to kill? Go ahead and kill, I'll call the police now."

"Jim, this is not a joke." Murphy glared at him, "I'm serious when I say that the organs in the movie kill people."

"I did!" Carey Mulligan held up his hand, "I've got one in mind."

Murphy nodded at her, "Go ahead, Carey."

Carey Mulligan's eyes turned to James Franco, "A chair could be designed to strap the victim ... like Jim, ah, I mean Jim's character, to the top of the chair."

James Franco's mouth quivered at the corners, feeling as if something bad was about to happen.

"A combination lock is set on top of the chair," Carey Mulligan continued, "and if he can't open it in a certain amount of time, the chair will pop out a knife and take him ..."

She grinned at James Franco, "Castrated!"

Subconsciously clenching his legs, James Franco only felt a coldness in his lower body, as if a knife had actually popped out, and unconsciously stood up.

After he stood up, he realized that the crowd was staring at this side with strange eyes, opened his mouth and barely squeezed out a smile, "I ... my legs are a little numb, stand up and walk."

Murphy turned his head and looked to the side, Carey Mulligan had a serious look on his face, only the laughter inside his eyes couldn't be hidden.

"Anyone else?" He asked the others.

In order to hide his loss of composure, James Franco took two steps back and forth, his eyes rolled, and suddenly said, "Murphy, don't you think Carey's character's part is too small?"

This was said as if he was thinking about Carey Mulligan, "Her character passes the test too easily, and finds the key in a way that hurts others, not herself."

Murphy looked at James Franco and nodded his head softly, what Rotten Langland had said was not without merit.

He made a gesture of please continue.

James Franco's head spun, and he quickly had an idea, "I think we can set up a passageway between Carey's character and the key hider, with the passageway filled with ..."

The character was going to live, knives and such would definitely not work, he had read the script and had to say that Murphy was very biased, so many people had died, leaving Carey Mulligan's character behind.

"Inside the passageway ..." he had an idea, "filled with syringes with needles, Carey will have to drill through them if he wants to live."

Listening to James Franco, Murphy picked up a pen and quickly jotted it down in his book, he didn't care if it was a fight or not, as long as it helped the script in a substantial way he would use it.

Carey Mulligan stared viciously at James Franco for a while, then peeked at Murphy, seeing that he was taking notes with a pen, swallowed the words he wanted to say back into his stomach, and wisely chose silence.

There was nothing Carey Mulligan could say or do that would affect Murphy's opinion of her.

"Can I say what I think?" Seth Rogen raised his hand.

Murphy smiled, "Seth, feel free to say what's on your mind."

"One time in a chemistry lab class," Seth Rogen touched a scar on his hand, "dilute sulfuric acid accidentally splashed on my hand, and the burning-like pain is still clear in my mind."

He took a moment to organize his words, "I wonder if it would be possible to set up a device like this, where a man is locked on top of a life-threatening device, and the key that can save his life is placed in a bottle of sulfuric acid in his hand, and if he wants to live, he has to put his hand inside the sulfuric acid ..."

Paul Wilson, James Franco, Bill Rossis, and Carey Mulligan all looked over at the fat guy, no one had expected this goofy looking guy to come up with such a sick idea.

Seth Rogen held his newly matched eyes and gave an embarrassed smile, "I ... I'm just proposing."

Murphy took note of it with the same seriousness.

Although the main attraction of the first installment of this series was not the organ killing show, it was a good way to attract viewers.

Later, this brainstorming discussion directly turned into a murder seminar, even Bill Rossis said a few perverted methods, like hooks hanging people, chainsaw cutting, sharp needles piercing and other bad ideas, but also endless from the mouth of the crowd popped out.

Many of them have value, Murphy will also be appropriate to adopt, continue to make changes to the script.