
Chapter 84 - Daughter

It took another three days, Murphy once again made adjustments to the script, and then turned to start drawing storyboards and subplot drawings, this will not be the final version of the script, just like "Fruity Hard Candy", he will also modify it according to the situation during the shooting, the film is independently invested by Stanton Studios, and he, the director and producer, has the greatest power.

Meanwhile, cast auditions are underway.

Like last time, Murphy published job advertisements on top of the local Los Angeles newspaper, and in addition Bill Rossis also recommended a few contracted actors under his name.

This was a small-budget plasma horror movie, but the opportunity to star in an official feature film was a rare one for newly minted actors.

Especially since the director's previous film made it into theaters, if this one does too, the new actors in it will have a credential that they can hold their own.

The first actors Murphy settled on were undoubtedly the two male leads in the Chamber of Secrets, with James Franco and Seth Rogen having already signed official casting contracts with the crew.

The other important female role was handed over to Carey Mulligan, but Murphy was a little surprised that this British girl had been staying peacefully inside the school during this recent period of time, very unlike her style.

"The school is watching very closely ..."

Sitting on top of a large chair in the studio's living room, Carey Mulligan shifted her feet, put down the script in her hand, and said to Murphy, who had just hung up the phone, "Only if I get good enough grades in the tests will the school grant me a leave of absence."

Putting his cell phone away, Murphy sat back down behind his drawing board and continued to sketch the subplot, "Tests done?"

"Not ... yet," Carey Mulligan shook her head, "It's taking place next week."

She stood up and walked behind Murphy, clasping her hands to her chest and looking at the drawing board with interest, adding, "I just have to hold out for less than two more months and I'll be completely free."

Murphy turned back to her, giving her a puzzled look, and Carey Mulligan pouted with a disgruntled reminder, "Did you forget? I told you hey, I'll drop out when I turn sixteen."

"Aren't you an exchange student?" Murphy couldn't figure out these things in the United States of America, "You can just drop out?"

"Of course not." Carey Mulligan was confident, "But I've figured out how."

Hearing her say that, Murphy knew it wasn't a joke, putting down the carbon pencil in his hand and frowning, "This is something to be cautious about, it's best to discuss it with your parents."

"Hell no!" Carey Mulligan turned her head and walked back, "They'll never agree to it, I'm not discussing it with them!"

Then, said with dissatisfaction, "Murph, when did you become so nagging as well."

Murphy simply shut his mouth and continued his own work, no longer bothering with that problematic girl.

After the two split-screen sketches were finished, there was a knock on the door from outside, and Seth Rogen, who had been assisting Beck Claybert with organizing the props in the small yard in front of the house, walked in with two people.

It was a large and a small woman, the older one looked to be in her thirties and the younger one was around ten years old, they should be a mother and daughter.

"Murphy ...," Seth Rogen said as he brought the two people over to Murphy's side of the room, "These are the actors who came over to audition for the movie, and they have an appointment with Bill to meet here."

Murphy stood up, and behind him Carey Mulligan immediately ran over to deliver a towel, which he took and wiped his hands, returning it and introducing himself, "Hello, I'm Murphy Stanton, the owner of this company and the director of the show you're auditioning for."

As he spoke, he sized up the two men without a trace, and could see that the older woman, too, was scrutinizing him.

This woman was wearing exquisite makeup, her dress looked quite tasteful, and she was carrying a Chanel bag in her hand, so she was obviously not a character who was mingling with the lower echelons of Hollywood.

"Hello, Director Stanton." The woman nodded to his side and introduced herself, "I'm Jill Coren, and this is my daughter Lily."

"Hi, Lily." Murphy waved at the girl.

The little girl appeared well mannered and said politely, "Hello, Director Stanton."

Footsteps came from the doorway at that moment, and Bill Rossis turned out from the side of the foyer, and seeing Murphy and the others, he hurried over.

"Sorry, Jill." He gave an apologetic smile to the middle-aged woman, "Got stuck in traffic and was late."

The woman nodded at him, "That's okay."

She turned to Murphy, "When can we start the auditions?"

"Just a moment, please." Murphy instructed Seth Rogen, "Take the two guests to the lounge first and wait for my announcement."

Seth Rogen took a large and two small women towards the lounge on the other side of the room, when someone else walked in the doorway, James Franco and Paul Wilson were walking and chatting, and when they turned into the living room, their eyes somehow turned to Seth Rogen's side of the room.

Bright eyes and white teeth face, sweet look, a little retro temperament ...

Feet are still walking towards Murphy's side, but James Franco's head can't turn, feeling that the fire of his soul, which was extinguished by Carey Mulligan's hardening, has been ignited once again.

Luckily, he still knew what this place was, and with all his strength, he forced his head back and followed Paul Wilson to Murphy's side.

"This is a client I just signed the other day ...," Bill Rossis was telling Murphy about where these two came from, "I had a hard time convincing them to sign the contract, Jill Colen is a Beverly Hills women's club's President, and has considerable influence in the circle, she wants to pave the way for her daughter's future acting career, and if it wasn't for a friend's introduction, they wouldn't have chosen me at all."

Murphy nodded, "As long as her daughter can reach above the level line."

The benefits of having a good relationship with such a person far outweighed the disadvantages.

"That little girl is a second generation star." Bill Rossis continued to introduce, "Her father is a veteran British singer who once won an Oscar."

James Franco had been standing beside Murphy, pretending to be indifferent, and diagonally across from him, Carey Mulligan, who had put her towel away, looked at him with her hands clasped over her chest, her large, soulful eyes blinking incessantly.

This small customer is obviously very valued by Bill Rossis, and after explaining a few words to Murphy, he turned away and walked towards the lounge where they were.

Waiting for Bill Rossis to walk away, James Franco asked in a low voice, "Murphy, were both people just now going to audition?"

"No," Murphy shook his head, "That little girl was."

"Oh?" James Franco's eyes lit up, "It's not my daughter, is it?"

"That's right." Murphy walked towards the audition room, "The role she's auditioning for is your daughter in the movie."