

For love that was never to grow but was kept cherished ~ "Where's she?" Rex asked barging into the throne room, his eyes were quick to fall on his brother who sat on the throne chair comfortably. "Who?" His brother deadpanned making Rex become more furious "You know who I'm talking about, Rhys, where the fuck is Alya?" Rex asked again "Taking to where she belong" Rhyss said not bothering about his brother's reaction "You wouldn't dare to touch her, Rhys" Rex warned, the threat heavy in his voice, he could feel his control slipping with every seconds that passed by with his brother who decide to keep quiet. Two more seconds passed and Rhys said "Father and mother won't ever approved of the stupid love, you know that yourself" "She is an enemy and thankfully an easy one to break" Rhys paused for some seconds before adding "it will be a quick kill for her and you won't feel the loneliness, why don't I bring her?" He said getting up from the chair and moved to the door to only be stopped by Rex who glared hard at him "Touch a single hair on her body and I'll see to it that you become a meal to the wolves in the forest" Rex threatened, his hazel eyes changing to the dark color of red. ......

Aee_sharh20 · Fantasía
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22 Chs

chapter eight: Out with the boss




The shutter sound of cameras and blinding flashing light washed down on a young red- haired posing on a red carpet with a bright smile on her lips.

Alya sat on a chair looking spent, she wondered why most celebrities are good with show-offs as this was she going to call it .

Miss Adrianne had taken four long interviews and she wasn't even ready to stop.

Her hands were aching from writing too much. The proud peacock as Alya would call her didn't want her voice recorded and she was made to write down every answers to the question.

When Rex had told her to prepare for the interview, she never thought it was going to be this stressful.

Alya looked down at the draft she made in her journal and sighed for the umpteenth time.

She hadn't gotten everything she needed to make a good report and the young model wasn't ready to finish the interview once.

Thirty minutes later, Miss Adrianne got down from the stage and went through a back door.

Seeing her leave, Alya walked to her personal assistant.

" Please can you tell Miss vernaz that we haven't completed the interview? "

The young man nodded and knocked on the door.

" Ma'am,the journalist is still around "

" Tell her to leave and come back tomorrow "

" Oh hell no " Alya thought when the man told her what she said.

It was just few questions remaining, coming back tomorrow will be another stress for her.

" Please help me tell her I have just few questions, we would be able to round it up quick " Alya said and the man left.

" She said no " the man said when he came back for the second time.

Alya sighed out, she was so damn tired. Interviews were never this stressful or frustrating. She badly need to rest

" Alya "

She heard and turned

It was Rex

' what a life saver ' she thought

" Are you done? " He asked when he got to her

" No sir "

" Are the remaining questions very relevant? "

" Not actually "

" Stop the interview, we need to get somewhere else "

Alya sat clasped to the seat with a seatbelt and Rex drove off.

It was actually a house, a mansion. Alya realised as she had been thinking of where they were going to.

She got down marvelling at how beautiful the mansion was decorated and she walked in behind Rex.

With long and proud strides, Rex went to the staircase and walked to the upper floor.

' A birthday party? ' Alya thought

" Miss blair is the host, write something about her and publish it in the same magazine as Miss vernaz "

" The both will bring more sales than one " he added

Alya's face dropped immediately

' Did he say write? '


Just some moments ago, she thought he was her saviour. She had been mistaking.

Rex saw the look on her face and tried to stop himself from laughing which turned out successful but left a trail of smirk

' Has the most hardworking staff suddenly turned lazy? " He almost asked

Alya caught a glimpse of his amused face and smirk which made her think if he had intentionally did all this.

" Hey Lora " Rex greeted

" Oh Rex, you came " she said excitedly, it was the host. Lora Blair

" Yep I did "

Lora looked at Alya

" Alya right? " She asked

" Yes " Alya answered

Alya stared at the young woman with blonde hair wondering how she knew her

Lora Blair, Alya knew her to be a famous actress. She had never been able to get an appointment to interview her.

Lora looked at them sweetly

" I must say, I still envy you both... "

" Lora" someone called and she turned

" Oh max "

" Excuse me, she said to both Rex and Alya and walked to meet the person who called her.

" Let's go have a drink " Rex said and walked to a cushion

" Stay here " Rex said and went to bring two glasses of red wine.

" Here " he handed one to her when he got back to her

" Thank you sir "

Alya looked around the huge hall. Most of the people, females more were overdressed.

She was uncomfortable with the stares she was receiving. Most of the stares was having glints of anger while few obviously from the males were admiration and lust.

She tore her gaze from the crowd and tried to think

' what was miss Lora about to say? " She thought

She was talking about envy

Of who?

" I'll be right back " Rex said cutting through her thoughts and walked to meet a couple of people.

Alya opened her bag and brought out a note pad and a pen

She was too tired to wait, all she wanted badly was a nice hot shower, dinner and sleep.

' Lora Blair, a very attractive young woman, a popular... '

" What are you doing? " She heard his voice and she looked up from her note pad

" I am writing... "

Rex interrupted her

" Is there a need? " He asked

Alya stared at him confused, he brought her here to have an interview with the host and he was asking if there was the need to write.

" Leave that for some other time or rather don't write anything again " rex said

" I actually brought you here to keep me company " he said and forth his hand

Alya looked at his open palm and gingerly put her hand in it.

Rex smiled and wrapped her hand and pulled up then he took her to the people he was talking with earlier.

" Is she the one? " A woman ask and Rex nodded.

" OMG! " Someone exclaimed

" She is so beautiful " A man complimented and Alya smiled

" You are both good together, typical of a couple "

Alya smiled and turned to look at the person who had spoken. Feeling another gaze, she turned to the young lady standing beside the speaker.

The woman was glaring hard at her which made her stop to think if she had ever met the lady and offended her.

" Your name? " Alya heard a woman ask and she turned

" Alya.. Alya winter "

" Such a pretty name and a cute voice for such a beauty " A man said staring intently at her

" If you keep on staring at her like that, I'll poke out your eyes Aaron " Rex threatened.

Though the threat sounded serious, everyone laughed looking at Rex who still had a sinister look in his eyes waiting for Aaron to dare.

Alya turned to Rex and their gaze met then he smiled.

His eyes..

His eyes were staring at her with so much...

' No ' Alya shook her head mentally then tore her gaze from him but she could still see the pretty honey eyes staring at her sweetly and softly.

' Typical of a couple ' A voice said in her mind and she chuckled lowly.

She was almost tempted to tell them he was her boss and see the expressions in their faces.

The party lasted to the hours of the evening much to Alya's frustration. She was terribly weak and needed to rest.

She kept a nondescript expression as she sat alone. Rex had excused himself to speak with some business partners.

She didn't know why Rex had brought her here, the party was meant for celebrities and the most influentials not people in obscurity like her

" Would you love to go home? " Rex asked when he got back.

" Really love to " Alya said

Rex looked at his wristwatch, 6:39pm

" Let's go then "

They both paved way out of the crowd and went out after biding farewell to the host.

Alya checked her phone when she got into the car.

Strange! No missed calls or messages from April

" Thank you sir " Alya said when Rex parked at the front of her house

" Thank you for coming along also to the party also " Rex said and she smiled

" Here, take my card " Rex said handing her a card he took from his breast pocket

" Call me by nine tomorrow morning " Rex said

" No problem sir "

" I asked you to drop formalities off work areas " Rex said

Alya nodded and smiled, Rex smiled at her then drove off. She walked straight to the bathroom when she got inside and had a shower and afterwards slumped on her bed.



Rex laid face down on his bed, his shirt rumpled beside him, his phone rang and he grunted.

Stretching out his hand, he picked it from the bedside drawer and without checking the caller ID, he answered the call

Turning his face to the side, he moved his hair off his face

" Hello " his voice rang

" Hello " Alya's voice came out softly

Rex sprang up from the bed at her voice, checking his phone.

" Hey Alya " he moved the rumpled hair which keep falling on his face away

" Good morning " Alya greeted

" Morning "

" How are you doing? " He asked

" Very good " Alya replied

" Good "

" I actually want you to give a little brief about Lora blaize "

" Once you are done, send it to anyone at work "

" You are giving a week break " Rex said unable to stop the smirk forming on his face

Alya sat speechless at his words

" What in the whole world was wrong with this young boss " Alya thought to herself

" Okay sir " she said gently

" Thanks " Rex said and hung up

Alya sighed, this boss must have gotten tipsy. He asked her not to write anything about the actress now he is....

She sighed out again and set to work, she braced out to making the reports the best as she clicked away on her laptop.

After two hours of non-stop typing, Alya got to the end of her writing and sent it to Cassie after proofreading.

" Good morning Cassie " she called her

" Good morning Alya "

" Please help me make different cuttings of the writeups of Miss blair and Miss Vernaz I sent to you "

" Okay " Cassie said

" Thank you " Alya said and dropped her phone. Climbing back on her bed, she shut out all thoughts and went to sleep.


The writeups Alya made brought much sales to orlean newspapers and was highly bought in the whole of maxville city and she was greatly commended by Rex.

She got the work shift she had asked for from seven hours to nine hours, her salary was doubled and from monthly to weekly.

With weeks passed and months, Alya's bond with Rex tighten and they became close friend and it was only then she fully noticed his features.

She had knew her boss to be handsome but now she was seeing him differently.

His honey eyes, full dark eyebrows, pointed nose, high cheekbones and rosy lips gave him the drop dead gorgeous look.

He had a gap between his teeth in the left side which radiates his smile more.

With his eyelashes clapping over his pretty eyes had her heartbeat skipping

With the months gradually stretching with them getting closer and knowing each other more.

Alya was beginning to see her new friend differently.

A new welcoming feeling