

For love that was never to grow but was kept cherished ~ "Where's she?" Rex asked barging into the throne room, his eyes were quick to fall on his brother who sat on the throne chair comfortably. "Who?" His brother deadpanned making Rex become more furious "You know who I'm talking about, Rhys, where the fuck is Alya?" Rex asked again "Taking to where she belong" Rhyss said not bothering about his brother's reaction "You wouldn't dare to touch her, Rhys" Rex warned, the threat heavy in his voice, he could feel his control slipping with every seconds that passed by with his brother who decide to keep quiet. Two more seconds passed and Rhys said "Father and mother won't ever approved of the stupid love, you know that yourself" "She is an enemy and thankfully an easy one to break" Rhys paused for some seconds before adding "it will be a quick kill for her and you won't feel the loneliness, why don't I bring her?" He said getting up from the chair and moved to the door to only be stopped by Rex who glared hard at him "Touch a single hair on her body and I'll see to it that you become a meal to the wolves in the forest" Rex threatened, his hazel eyes changing to the dark color of red. ......

Aee_sharh20 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

chapter seven: Too busy

Alya had gotten much better with the days which turned to weeks and then months rapidly.

She was back to work fully now as the diligent, disciplined and hardworking staff she had always been with almost half of all the writings stacked on her desk.

The telephone on her desk rang distracting her from the report she was writing.

" Bring the write up of Mr. Stone that you made " she heard when she picked up the call.

" Okay sir "

She searched through the files she stacked up on the right side of her table and took a red coloured file and walked straight to Rex's office.

She knocked softly on the door and waited

" Come in "

Alya adjusted the reading glasses that sat professionally on the bridge of her nose and walked in.

" Good afternoon sir " Alya greeted

" Hmm " Rex nodded, he had a very serious expression on his face as he read through the file in his hands.

He dropped it among the other files and looked up at Alya.

" Good afternoon Alya " he greeted with a very bright smile dancing on his lips.

They only had business talks and nothing more but he was still happy he was close to her.

" The reports? " He asked

" Here sir " Alya handed it to him and he read it through

In the previous months,he had mastered the business and even added magazines works to the publishing house.

" It's great. You did well " he commended. Placing the book aside,he looked at Alya again.

" What happened when you went for the interview at Mr. Riverale's party? " Rex asked.

He saw the reluctance and embarrassment in her eyes immediately.

" It's better we forget it sir " Alya said respectfully.

" It's private " she added even when she knew it wasn't true.

It was something that happened publicly and she was embarrassed but sharing it now was more embarrassing.

" I care for the wellbeing of my staffs and I was the one who got the appointment for you to go there. "

" So it would be best if you could tell me what happened? "

Alya breathed out,she was self conscious,her skin prickled in disgust at the thought of it.

She wasn't really comfortable saying this to anyone.

Just a word was what she would say to tell everything.

" He tried to harass me " she said between gritted teeth.

She had tried to be very careful in letting her anger overwhelm her.

The previous time he had done something like that, she had slapped him and was scolded by Mr. Walter for daring to raise her hand at a billionaire.

He was a disgusting man who cared about nothing but himself and his money.

But this was no Mr. Walter

It was Rex!

Alya could swear she saw the anger hovering in his eyes.

His hand on the desk had curled dangerously into a fist.

Few seconds passed and he spoke in a voice devoid of calmness.

" I am sorry for the embarrassment" he apologized

" Thank you sir " Alya said surprised at his expression. She had thought he was going to be the same as other wealthy C. E. Os.

This was the least reaction she was expecting from him.

Slowly,Rex breathed out and tried to calm his raging nerves.

" Miss Adrianne vernaz will be having another beauty model show next week "

" I would like you to make a great write up on her also "

" I'll do my best sir " Alya said

He returned the file she had brought along to her.

" How is the Mr. Wells case? " Alya asked

" He is still adamant on having us stop the rumor "

" Rumor? " Alya asked

" That's it. What we published wasn't false, it was the pure truth but he wants us to stop the news claiming it's rumor " Rex explained.

" Are we doing that? " Alya asked again

" No " he handed a file to her

" That contains more of his dirty secrets which the public should know about " he said

" Make the best news out of it and publish it "

" Okay sir " Alya said and walked out of the office.

He picked up his phone and made a call.

" Is Mr. Riverale still in town? " He asked

" Okay " he hung up.


Thursday 10:56

Rex took his car keys and walked out of his office. It was 10:57 already. He had spent much time at ROYAL BLAZONZ earlier before coming to orlean.

He got into the elevator and took out his phone from his pockets.

" What the heck? "

Ten missed calls and ten alarming messages.

All from April, Landon and max.

He called Landon and he picked up immediately.

" Oh come on dude, what's with you not picking your calls "

" Chill out, I had been very busy and wanted no disturbance "

" And what's with all the calls also? " Rex asked.


The elevator opened

" Didn't you read your messages, it's... "

" Alya! " Rex called when he got out of the elevator.

" Yeah... " Landon was saying but Rex hung up.

" Alya " he called again and she looked up

" Oh Good evening sir " Alya greeted

" What are you still doing here? " Rex asked

" Erm.. since the model's show is tomorrow. I want to finish all the works I have on my desk "

" I thought I ask you to pass them down to another person? " Rex asked frowning.

' Does she want to work her self out? '

She wasn't taking care of herself and he didn't like that one bit.

" Everyone has their shares of work sir, I don't want to add mine to others "

Rex frowned even more

' what was she even saying? '

' add to their work? '

' isn't it what they are paid for? '

Rex sighed

" Just leave the rest and let's go " he said

" No sir, you can leave "

" I have just two... "

Alya stopped when she saw the stern look Rex had on his face

" Let's go " he repeated with a tone of authority

Alya arranged her desk quickly and took her bag.

She walked out and met Rex leaning lazily on his car.

He looked at her, opened the passenger seat and turned to enter the driver's seat.

Alya need no further invitation and she stepped into the car.

Rex sped onto the highway and swerved his car to a right turn then slowed down.

The drive home was silent with Rex fixing his gaze on the road. Alya took out her phone and just as she was expecting, she had numerous missed calls and messages.

She had almost forgotten she had a nagging mother and not a friend. April was surely going to shout at her.

Alya dropped her phone back into her bag not calling April back. It would be better she gets home first. She turned her gaze to the road.

Rex sat behind the wheel with his brows pinched together as he was deep in thought.

He need to do something about the way Alya works her self out.

Well, it was good to be hardworking but her health should be her first priority.

She don't have to work like she was the only staff in the publishing.

Thinking about the interview the next day, a smile curled up his lips

She wanted work right?

That she was going to get.

Rex swerved into a left turn off the highway and abruptly slow down.

He was not to know the direction to her house.

" Where do you live? " He asked

Alya had quietly been watching him

" Rooney's street, house eight" she replied

After two more turns, Rex rode into the compound of Alya's modern home.

Sure enough, April ran outside the house immediately.

Alya smiled in a silly manner.

" Hey April " she greeted as she got down from the car.

April frowned at Alya,she was visibly furious.

Alya sighed and hugged her

" Sorry mummy, I promise not try it again "

" Pleeeeaase " she pleaded.

April pulled away from the hug

" If you would really love to continue going to work then forget about late night working "

" I don't like it when you are being stressed "

" Sorry please " Alya begged again and April nodded.

" Come in Rex " April called to him and he got out of the car walking into the house.

Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs and they all sat round the dining table.

" Seriously Alya, I don't want you working late anymore "

" Okay, I'll stop "

" And no desk filled up with files "

" Maybe " Alya mumbled

" You would be closing the same time with other staffs " Rex chimed in

" But sir " Alya turned to him

She had agreed to stop late night work not something like this

" An hour after we close sir, i would really appreciate" she pleaded. She love to spend some time on her reports after the whole staffs had gone.

" You can drop the formality Alya " Rex said softly

" And no, an hour after the closure? Disagree " he said

" Please " Alya begged again

" No, I am the boss and I choose the time for my staffs to go home "

" Then increase the work time "

" I have gotten five pleadings from different staffs to reduce the work time and you are the only one asking for me to increase it ".

" You can shift only my work time then from eight hours to twelve hours with additional one hour after I close "

" I might agree on the time shift but not certainly the one hour extra "

Alya stopped begging and faced her food as she stab the poor meal with her fork.

Landon and April smiled, they had never gone to speaking to each other except about work.

This was also about work but their conversation was a bit informal.

Rex smiled, he was happy

The times April and Landon invited them for dinner or lunch, they had never spoken to each other, only greetings.

He stare at Alya who pouts her lips as she kept rolling her pasta on her fork.

She should save all her devotion and hardwork till tomorrow. He chuckled