
His Luna : Sequel of His priority

And the life of Elisabeth, Ruby, Andrew, and Ethan continues. Elisabeth’s life was ruined by non other than Lacey herself. What will Ethan do as a revenge for her? What will he face? What other plans does Lacey have? What will they do to face it? What preassure does she get Elisabeth into? What will happen between the four of them? Will they break apart? But what happens to Ruby and Andrew? Will they stick together or…? What abour their dad? He chose power over his family, what will he do? Read this book and you’ll know it! Don’t forget to read the first book (His priority) or you’ll be confused.

LozBeannie · Fantasía
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23 Chs

~8~ Why me?

Elisabeth's POV

I walk to the medical hut with Ruby beside me. We were both still lost in our thoughts about Lacey and Ethan thing. We walk inside the medical hut. I looked down still in my thoughts when I heard Ruby gasped. I shot my head up to her closing her mouth with her hand. I look to where she was staring at and my hand flung to my mouth. Tears started to form in my eyes. Ethan...He's- He opened his arms wide open as I ran towards him as fast as I can and wrap my hands around him "Ethan!" I shouted as he chuckled "Why hello there" He said. I snuggled my head to his chest with tears still streaming down my face. I shouted "Why, why did you do that? You could've killed yourself. You're so selfish about yourself! So reckless! What if you get hurt even worse than now, What if-" I was cutted of with him crashing his lips to mine. My eyes went wide.

He pulled away and stroke my hair "I'm sorry to make you worry so much. I know it's reckless but I don't want to see you hurt" He said. I looked at him with my wide teary eyes. He wiped it with his thumb "Don't cry Lizzy, It hurts me to see you cry" He looked at me as I wrap my arms around him. He smiled before hugging me back. I bury my face to his neck. We were in that position for some time before I pulled away "How are you feeling?" I sniff as I wipe my tears. He put one of his finger to my chin which made me look at him "I'm better now Lizzy" He gave me a warm smile before kissing my forehead.

I hugged him again before a familiar voice rang "Son, I see you're awake" His dad. Ethan's body stiffened while he hold me tighter. "Hey dad" He said "How are you feeling?" His dad sat on the edge of the bed "I'm good" Ethan said "That's good son!" He put his hand on Ethan's shoulder. "Umm, can you give us space dad? I want to catch up with everything that has happened" Ethan suggested as his dad nodded "Ofcource! Take your time" He said before walking away. Ethan stared at his dad walking away "What's wrong?" I said. He flinched before he sigh in relief "It's nothing Lizzy, Can you tell me what happened when the bear attacked you?" His eyes darkened as he looked outside "I don't remember anything"

After some explanation about what happened after the bear attacked me, I finally managed to asked him "Why me?" I said "What do you mean?" He looked at me confused "Why did you go out there and save me from that bear?" I looked at him "I-" He looked down "When I see that bear attacked you, I lost it and just went to attack that bear. I just don't wanna loose you. Even if that means that i have to risk my life for you" What he said melted my heart. I wrap my hands around him "Thank you" I whispered as he played with my hair "Anytime" I pulled away from him "How about a walk?" I suggested "Sure" He said. I helped him with his jacket as I put one on my own before walking outside. We were both greeted by the warm sunlight and people cheering "It's the prince!", "The prince is awake!" I heard them say between the crowds.

Ethan took my hand in his as he use his other hand to wave at the crowds. A little girl came towards us with a little flower in her hand. She tugged on his shirt as he looked down. He knelled infront of her with a smile on his face. She gave him the flower looking away embarrassed. "For me?" he said as the girl nodded "Well, thank you my little lady" He took the flower and bowed at the girl. She ran away after he stood up. I can't help but smile at him. He looked at me "What?" He smiled as he wrap his arms around my waist. I giggled silently to myself behind my wide smile.

"Why are you smiling like that?" He raised an eyebrow "You should take the flower with you as a charm" I said between my giggles as I took the flower from him and slip it between his hair. I looked at him and burst out into laughter. He smiled and his eyes softened. He pulled me closer and whispered to my ears "I don't need another charm because I already have one" I drop silent as he started laughing. "Oh My Lord, Lizzy! I'm just joking!" I slap him on his arm playfully as I pout to hide my embarrassment. His laugh grew louder that it made me smile. I love it when he laughed like that.

"Ooh! My son!" Someone yelled behind us. I turned around to see Claire in her 'queen dress' running towards our direction. I moved aside just in time before she crashed into Ethan. She hugged him tight "Mom... I can't...breathe" Ethan said as she quickly let go "Opps, sorry I get to excited" She apologized as she finally noticed me "Nice to see you well dear" She said as she hugged me in a welcoming way. I hugged her back. "Oh Ethan, your dad is calling on some people to work on our new home along with Andrew. You probably should be there so you don't miss a thing" She suggested.

"Okay, sure I'll be there when I'm ready" Ethan said in improvement. She nodded before walking away. Ethan turned to look at me "I think it's just the two of us here" He smirked "Eww, take a bath!" I shouted and pushed him towards the shower as he chuckled. I shook my head "You're unbelievable" He looked at me "No, you are" He give me a peck on my cheek before walking in the shower. God, this boy! I smiled to myself as I picked the clothes for him to wear later. I think I messed up his whole closet just to find a white shirt with a grey sweatpants. "Wow, you really messed my closet up" I froze when I heard his voice "Shot" I cursed under my breath "I heard that" He said as I turned my head to see him leaning against the door.

"Hiii, I didn't know you will shower for that short, so it's not my fault that your closet is messed up" I defended as I stand up holding his white shirt and grey sweatpants. I pushed the shirt to his bare torso as I blushed at how muscular he is. I looked away "Thank God I found a good shirt for you" I said as I started to walk away. But he grab me by my arm and pulled me back before pinning me to the wall. I stared at him with wide eyes as he smirked at me "Good taste of fashion Lizzy" He whispered to my ears and kissed the skin below them which made a shiver ran down my spine. He chuckled "Got you Lizzy..." He whispered. Focus, Liz! Don't give in! He traced his hands down my arm. I was almost going to give in but I stopped it "I-I gotta go!!" I said as I ran out the door. I slide down the door when I finally stepped out and smiled to myself.

I just want to inform you that maybe this book will be longer than I expected (or not) I have so many ideas in this book. I'm sorry to tell you this late. If you're not interested, Please stop reading :)

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