
His Kinky Condition

"Very well then, I think this is not the proposal you are expecting but I am a businessman Ms. Jones. And I only want something that can be beneficial. I don't do charity. And this is the best offer I can give you. If you don't want it sign the contract and leave." the authority in his voice is telling her that she offended the man and that thought make her calmed down a bit. Then she bit her lip again and decided to look at him.

Jomaica_C · Ciudad
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

She doesn't know how long she has been standing there just looking at him. She wanted to understand the man but she really couldn't. So instead of waiting forever to fully understand the reason behind the mess she was in, she bravely speaks her mind.

"What if I say no again and just continue my life just the way before I met you?" she's almost whispering, she wonders if he heard her. But when she met those eyes of him, which remind her of the color of the ocean she sighs because aside from the fact that he heard her, it bothers her how the way her body reacts just by looking at him eye to eye, especially her heart.

"I will do everything for you to say yes." He seriously said. She gasped.

'His eyes are very intense. I could feel the tension hovering all over my body' she thinks.

"Why do you have to go to that extent?" she wanted to know, she wanted to understand what he wants from her.

"Because I want you." The same answer, again! How could she understand him if he was giving her limited answers? She closes her eyes and tries to calm down. She bites her lower lip and looks at him again.

"Okay, what if I say yes? What makes it different?" her voice now is much louder, clearer even. She patiently waits for his answer. His eyes never left hers. She feels uncomfortable with her heart beating too fast and her body feeling unidentified emotions. It's burning but she's liking it and she doesn't have any idea why.

"Then you're mine." He said almost whispering this time. His voice was so delicate she would like to hear it again and again. Even with everything going on, she couldn't focus her mind to solve her problems because her body, for the first time is acting weird in front of a stranger. But what disappoints her is she's liking it...too much to her dismay. She inhales to slow down her heartbeats.

"I don't understand. Let's say I said yes to your proposal and I'm yours. What happens then? Will you stop harassing the people around me?" she rubs her neck while she takes her seat on the sofa near her. She holds her head by placing both elbows on her thighs, she feels tired all of a sudden. This situation exhausts her. She stays in that position because she felt like it would give her more comfortable but not too long, she saw a pair of very shiny black shoes, so she looks up, and there he is, the man causing her all the stress.

He's looking at the woman who makes him feel so unreasonable. She was exhausted, that he's sure because it was evident in her eyes. He has this urge to feel her skin so he did. He touched her left cheek by rubbing his thumb on her cheekbone. It's soft. He likes the feeling of her skin on him. He bends a little so his eyes will be closer to hers. She's beautiful. Her angelic face makes his heart swell with determination to have her.

"If you agree and say yes, everything will be back to normal except the fact that you will be mine, body, and soul." He felt her gasp. And the fire within him goes wild. He wanted a piece of her. Maybe he's talking about her body or maybe not. All he cares about is he wants her and he'll do everything to get her.

She closes her eyes. She saw her only friend and family Joset, it aches her heart to know that her friend has received the consequences of the situation that was meant for her. But how could she just entrust her whole being to a stranger? A tear escapes her eye. What hurts her is the fact that everything would be solved by sacrificing one important thing in her life. Is it her friend or her life? She can't be selfish, she has no one while her friend has a family aside from that she was the reason why this is happening so she can't just ignore that little conscience whispering to her.

She wanted to be mad but why she doesn't feel like it? She's upset yes, but she's not writhing with anger. So instead of shouting at the man holding her face, she looks at him and smiles a little.

"Okay, you leave me no choice. If it's what it takes for you to stop messing with the people around me then yes I'm accepting your proposal, Mr. Black." She bravely said to him while looking straightly into his eyes. And she saw him for the first time smiling at her and that makes her feel a little intoxicated.

"It's a deal then Ms. Jones. Let's seal this deal with a kiss." Before she can even react his lips are already on her. It shocks her to the bone how a man could make her feel over the top. Her eyes are wide open it's like her brain isn't functioning. While his lips are moving to ask for entrance, she's frozen and doesn't know what to do. Suddenly the kiss stops and he looks at her with confusion. "Is that how you kiss Ms. Jones or that's how you show how upset you are for this deal?" he looks seriously irate now.

"That...tha..that was my first kiss." She whispers feeling like her face is now similar to a tomato. She heard him silently laugh and it makes her more embarrassed. She bites her lip to stop herself to be upset. But she was startled when his thumb caresses her lip, his nose touching hers and suddenly he licks her lower lip and she moans.

"That's why they taste sweeter than chocolate." He whispers while he kisses her fully. His tongue now is exploring her mouth and the feeling is surreal it's like tasting a little piece of heaven.

'That was fast, from being in a hell situation because of him I am now tasting heaven because of him too.'

And suddenly she was lifted from her seat and is now straddling Mr. Black. The kiss is now fully open-mouthed which made her feel dizzy. She's feeling something hard on her butt. Her heart is beating fast her abdomen feels strange it wants something she couldn't comprehend. Then she remembers her aunt teaching about a woman's virtue.

'Always remember, a woman should open her mouth with wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.'...'Oh gosh, I just open my mouth to taste another mouth.' Realization hit her and it feels like her aunt pouring cold water on her. She pulls away as fast as she can trying to calm her own heart and body.

"I want to go home now," she said not sure if it was meant for her or Mr. Black. She couldn't look at him, not when she was just kissed by him, not when her mind is in chaos not when she felt like everything is a blur.

"Look at me." He said only a few words from him and her heart went wild again. She couldn't control it. It was like it found its owner. "Merry." She looks up, it was the first time he called her by name. It sounds divine. She never thought how lovely her name is until now.

"I want to go home now Mr. Black." She repeats. She wanted to be away from him. He's bad news. He's not good with her heart, especially with her body which is burning for his touch. She started to collect her shopping bags but she was stopped by him.

"I'll take these and I'll take you home. No more buts."

'He is a man of a few words.' She thought while watching him collect all her belongings. Once done, he took her hand and started to leave.

"Jerry, get all my things and meet me on the lower ground. Call Marcus to wait outside the building, we're ready to leave." It was astonishing to watch him order around. The authority he holds made him more dignified and respectable. He's indeed a powerful yet sexy man.

'Where did that come from?' she thought while covering her mouth afraid to say aloud all her thoughts. She felt her hand being squeezed lightly, she looks up and saw Mr. Black's knitted brows. She shakes her head and they enter the elevator.

Once at the lower ground, she felt like everyone was staring at them. So she decided to look around and she confirmed that they are, they are looking at them with confusion and bewilderment.

"Why is everyone staring at us Mr. Black?" she whispers.

"Colton, call me Colton." He harshly said. So she just nods. "Maybe because I am carrying grocery bags inside my empire." He continues and she now understands that the man beside her carrying her things and holding her hand is the owner of the highest building in the country.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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