
His Karma

"How could you do this to me?" I thought you loved me?" he cried. "Love? You know nothing about love Moses Flinn. Newsflash my darling, the day I walked into your life, so did Karma. Did you really think, that you could get away with what you did to me? Hell no!"

Evy_Ejereje · Ciudad
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35 Chs

Who Do You Think You Are?

Moses looked up and saw Bimbo standing by the railing of the stairs looking down at them so he beckoned on her to come to the table.

"Hey.. Miss Andrews. You are quite late for dinner, please come sit." She smirked and walked down the stairs towards the dinning area and sat on the chair that Moses had pulled out for her without acknowledging Charlotte or Selena who were thinking that she would say hello to them.

"Thank you sweetheart, I would have guessed that a family as civilized as the great Flinn dynasty, would have some etiquette at least to wait for a guest in their house to be at the table before having dinner but you all are almost done with the food in your plates. I mean for courtesy sake." She pretended to whisper to Moses but made it loud enough for the others to hear. Charlotte dropped her cutlery

"Excuse you? What did you just say?" Charlotte asked. Moses rolled his eyes knowing fully well that Bimbo was soon going to make the mistake of stepping on Charlotte's toes and he hoped in his heart that Bimbo would be smart enough to say nothing to avoid issues.

"Nothing ma'am. I said nothing." she responded even though everyone knew that was not true. Her voice had been just loud enough for everyone to hear but they all decided to play cool with it her. "Thank God!" he exclaimed in his heart. Bimbo sat still without touching the anything turning her head to look in different directions as if hoping to find something. Moses looked at her and asked. "Miss, what are you looking for? you not going to eat?"

"Oh please... stop addressing me as Miss, I am Bimbo to you, at least for now. We both know I'm supposed to be your wife-to-be, so what's with all these formal attitude that you put up with me? And by the way, where are the housemaids? Like, am I actually supposed to serve myself?" she asked as she kept looking around hoping to find any of the maids. Selena and her mother found themselves looking at each other and the two laughed. Bimbo looked at them with contempt in her eyes and swore at them in her heart. Moses wished he had been smart enough to leave the white Mansion early enough to avoid being in the midst of these dramatic women. From the way the mother and daughter cast hateful glances at Bimbo and the way she did same with them, it was obvious there was already real hate for each other between the two camps but how could he break it to them that they were all birds of the same feathers?

"Well... I'm sorry to burst your bubbles princess, but over here, we have domestic helps and not slaves. We serve ourselves and I'm sure it's clear to you that we are doing just fine. So incase you haven't been taught properly by your mother how to serve yourself at the dining table, I think this is an opportunity to learn." Charlotte said with an evident tone of mockery in her voice. Bimbo couldn't hold it anymore

"Well if you were properly brought up yourself, you wouldn't be married to a man old enough to be your uncle, I mean what else were you looking for outside money, gold digger?" Bimbo retorted. Selena who was just one seat away from her, stretched out her hand in anger and pulled Bimbo's long braids until she cried out. Still holding on to Bimbo's braids, she stood up and moved to where the screaming girl was seated and shook her violently. Moses rushed from his seat and loosened Selena's grip on Bimbo while Charlotte laughed and clapped loudly.

"How dare you talk to my mother in that manner in our own home? Who do you think you are? The Queen of England or what?" Selena yelled panting.

"You will pay for this. I promise you for sure. Just you wait and see what happens by the time I leave this terrible place." Bimbo cried. Selena and Charlotte laughed giving themselves a high five and Charlotte turned to Bimbo

"My dear, I know your parents very well and if I should make a comparison between my husband and your father, I won't be fair to my husband because he is way out of your dad's league. Now tell me, how do you plan to make anyone on this table pay? And for what exactly? Did you think you could waltz in here and do what you please and not get attacked for it? To be honest, if Moses had not intervened, my daughter would have taught you a bitter lesson that you won't forget in a hurry. Silly girl." and she walked away.

"Thank your lucky stars that I was stopped by my brother, I would beaten you to pulp tonight so that your parents will find it so hard to tell it's really you. And just so you know, you will never marry my brother. Not while I'm alive for sure." Selena sneered and then stormed out of the dinning section leaving the exhausted Moses and the crying Bimbo alone.

"Look what your half sister and Step mother have done to me? Trust me I will be pressing charges. Just you wait and see." and she ran upstairs sobbing.

Moses rubbed his forehead in agitation as he watched Bimbo run up the stairs and disappear into the hallway on the first floor. He felt really exhausted, so he sat down and looked at his half finished meal; he felt his anger rise. It pained him in his heart that he couldn't continue with the meal because it had gone cold, so he poured himself some water and gulped it all. It was just one day with this girl and there has been so much drama in the house, what would happen if she stayed for three days? That would certainly mean hell and he'll not be a party to it because he would find his way out of Green Bay City first thing in the morning.

"Nice one Dad. If leaving me to deal with three crazy women was not some form of punishment, I wonder what this is." he thought to himself.

Just then Miss Rosie and Kim came forward to clear the table and he decided to take a walk around the premises to catch some air before going to bed. The two ladies watched as Moses walked out of the house, and as soon as he had stepped out into the porch, they both burst into laughter.

"Yes! served her right. Can you imagine the brat expecting us to come serve her at the dining? Who does she even think she is to request that we serve her when young Master Flinn served himself? like she doesn't have hands or something." Miss Rosie commented admist the laughter.

"I don't like Madam Selena and her mother, but based on today's episode, they have both won my heart for entertaining me with good drama and comedy. Did you see how Selena pulled her braids? damn that girl is feisty and I love how she put that arrogant Bimbo in her place. I wonder why young Master stepped in to save her. He should have allowed Madam Selena to deal with her so she can learn some manners." Kim added as they both walked into the kitchen still laughing and chatting about the drama they had been watching from the entrance to the kitchen.