
His Karma

"How could you do this to me?" I thought you loved me?" he cried. "Love? You know nothing about love Moses Flinn. Newsflash my darling, the day I walked into your life, so did Karma. Did you really think, that you could get away with what you did to me? Hell no!"

Evy_Ejereje · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

A Good Chef.

Mr Okon was done with preparing dinner for everyone, the whole atmosphere in the mansion was covered with the mouth watering aroma of Pasta and German Gispy Sauce.

"Oh Mr Okon, you never cease to amaze me with your kitchen delights. I could live the rest of my days in happiness, working in this mansion as long as you are here to give us wonderful dishes like this." Miss Rosie appraised as she rushed through a small plate of the delicacy. Kim eyed her mother grudgingly as she watched her eat the food with so much zeal and speed.

"Mom I know you like food, but please I don't want to start running helter skelter because you got choked by the food, please take it easy and slow down." Mr Okon burst out laughing while Miss Rosie tried to hit Kim but the girl was quick to dodge her mother's hand. By the time Miss Rosie was done, she quickly cleaned the plate she had used to eat and assisted Mr Okon in serving the meals in the servewares and by the time they were done, she asked "How do we tell that brat of a guest that dinner is ready? Because I sure as hell won't say a word to her till she leaves this place tomorrow."

"Oh my God! Rosie you took all my attention your story, now I totally forgot that we have to remind our bosses that dinner would soon be served. I hope they make it out on time so that this food doesn't get warm before they come downstairs." Mr Okon grumbled as he stood hands akimbo with a worried facial expression

"Oh dear... what do we do now?" Miss Rosie asked, ..to be honest I really don't want to meet that girl for any reason at all."

"Me neither. I don't want to have anything to do with her ever again." Kim added. Miss Rosie looked at the girl who was still standing by the chest freezers at the extreme of the kitchen and laughed out loud in mockery

"Why don't you want anything to do with her? I thought you liked her?"

"Mom! can you please stop this? I don't like it. So what if I thought she was a good person? Does that mean you should keep smearing it on my face that she acted rudely to me? Please..." Kim cried. Mr Okon felt sorry for the girl

"Rosie... I think Kim has a point. you've teased her too much for one day over what happened with miss Andrews. She did nothing wrong by assuming that Miss Andrews is nice person because that's how it should be. You don't just assume the worst in a person simply by face value." He said.

Miss Rosie didn't say anything, she simply shrugged her shoulders.

"Alright, I would really hate for this meal to get cold so this is what we'll do... I will personally go to Master Moses and miss Bimbo. Kim you go to Selena and Madam Charlotte. Rosie please remain here and keep watch on the food for me. Meanwhile help me get these bowls in the warmer so the food can stay hot, no one likes a cold pasta" She nodded in acceptance and after fixing the bowls containing the food in the warmer, she sat down on the stool while Kim and the chef made their way out of the kitchen to call the Flinn family out for dinner.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The table was already set by the time Moses came downstairs for dinner and he could hear his own stomach rumbling as soon as he saw what was on the table. There was pasta, german gispy sauce, there was a whole grilled and spiced turkey garnished with some tomatoes, lettuce, onions and cucumbers, he also noticed the chocolate cake and the jar of fruit juice. He was however disappointed when he found out that there was no other person at the table except which meant that he had to wait for the others.

"Great.. now I have to sit here and wait for them to come to the table with all these goodie staring at me." he whispered to himself as he pulled out a chair and sat down. Just then he heard some chattering, he looked towards the direction of the voices and realized it was Selena and her mom. "Thank goodness, at least the main characters are here." he thought and acknowledged their presence with a nod.

"Oh this looks really yummy and I am very sure it will be delicious." Charlotte said as she took her seat, Selena didn't waste time at all, she went straight to serving herself some Pasta and Sauce.

"Oh my... mom it doesn't just look yummy, it is super delicious. Mr Okon is simply out of this world on this one. Wow... Mom go on, try it." Selena said with excitement and a mouthful of Pasta. Charlotte squinted, looking at the young girl with a doubtful expression, so she picked up a plate and dished some for herself. Her eyes widened with surprise when she swallowed the first mouthful of the Pasta mixed with the Gispy Sauce.

"Selena you are right, this is delicious. Wow... why are we just having this delicacy for the first time in this house?" she remarked. Moses rolled his eyes as he picked a plate and served some for himself "Tell me you've never had Pasta and German Gispy Sauce without saying you've never had german gispy sauce." he mocked in his mind. "One would think these two had seen it all in the world that's why they had so much pride, but here they were being amazed by a meal that could be found in any classy restaurant in the country. He had made the request to Mr Okon because his father who didn't like spicy food was away and Mr Okon was more than excited to make it happen." He thought to himself as he began to eat. "Hmmmm this man is really good. Wow!" he thought to himself and he continued to fill his mouth with more food. He suddenly remembered that their guest was not yet at the table so he rang the bell and Mr Okon and Miss Rosie came out almost immediately.

"Miss Andrews is not here yet, please kindly inform her that we are already at at the table and tell her to hurry, I bet she wouldn't want to eat a cold plate of Pasta." Mr Okon acknowledged the errand with a bow and hurriedly climbed the stairs to do as he had been instructed. He wondered what she was doing that took her so long to come downstairs for dinner. Soon he was standing at the door to her chambers and he rang the bell.

"It's you again, yes what do you want?" she asked looking him with disdain.

"Ma'am, I came to remind you that dinner has been served and the Flinn's are already at the table. Young Master Flinn has sent me to get you because he worries that you might not enjoy your dinner if the pasta gets cold." Mr Okon said. When she heard that it was Moses who had sent him, she was overjoyed. "This trick never gets old." she thought.

"You may go... I'll be there shortly." she said. Each time her parents offended her or she needed something, she always made sure not to show up at the table until someone was sent to get her. This way she always kept people salivating at the food on the table until she appeared as the princess that she is. She quickly adjusted herself and made her way through the hallway and down the stairs but she stopped moving when she noticed they were already eating without waiting for her.

"This wasn't the plan at all." she thought. Is this how they behave here? that they just start eating when someone is obviously missing at the table and a guest for that matter?" she thought.