
his dangerous love

the love story of boy that’s a vampire

Shawn_Bowen_8866 · Ciudad
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my nightmare

oday is done starting badly. It's my first day but it feels nothing like normal. This is my 20th first day of senior year. If you haven't figured out yet I am a vampire. I had a really bad nightmare last night. Yes, we sleep. I can't tell if I was having a nightmare or if it was a vision. My nightmare was about me being forced to run in a group. When I say group it is something that vampires have. It's kinda like your family or like how werewolves run in packs. But not me I feel that it is best if I isolate myself from people like that I am scared that being around my kind will make me act like they do. That is one of my worst fears because I haven't drunk human blood in a century. Just so you know I am 156 years old. But I stopped aging when I was sixteen that is the age when I was bitten and started my change into a vampire. I don't really remember how it started all I can remember is I got knocked out and when I wake up I felt different I felt stronger I felt like I could move faster. The change mad me taller it made me more muscler. It changed everything about me it made not have a flaw. Something that I always think about every single day is who turned me. I wish I knew who it was so I could confront him. I don't know if I would thank him or try to kill him because this has made my life good and bad at the same time. This nightmare of mine has made me have emotions that I haven't had in a very long time. I am nervous to go to school for some reason I just have that feeling in my stomach that something is seriously going to go wrong for me this year.