
His Collateral

"That is not your place. From now on, this is where you will sleep." Alessandro said, his gaze fixed on the couch. I had a lot of questions on my mind. I wanted to ask why? I was his wife, wasn't I? He knew she was burning for answers but he didn't spare any emotions. "This marriage, means nothing to me. You mean nothing to me. So it would be better if you knew your place." ********************* Orphaned at an early age, Bella now lives with her uncle Aldo, his wife Theresa and their children Luca and Marion who abuse and mistreat her. When faced with mounting debt, they trick Bella into a marriage with business mogul, Alessandro Rossi. Unaware of the lies, Bella is filled with a new hope for a life far away from her abusive family but instead of finding solace she finds that her husband treats her no differently than the others, that is until he discovers that he too has been deceived into this marriage. As secrets start unraveling fast, both discover the harsh reality of their situation and what brought them together. Soon dark truths are revealed about their families past and how deep these debts truly run. Now, how far would everyone involved go to protect themselves from getting exposed? DO NOT PLAGIARIZE MY WORK. Copyright © 2022 All Rights Reserved. DISCLAIMER: •This book is purely a work of fiction. All the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are a product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. •I do not own any rights to the graphics used in this book. All pictures, videos, songs, etc belong to their original owners.

ThatNgirl · Ciudad
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18 Chs

Chapter 2

I ran as quickly as I could to my room. I was definitely going to get scolded. Aunt Theresa wasn't going to let me off the hook. I sat on my bed dreading the moment she would open the door. It wasn't long before they came flying open and I stared right into her eyes.

She approached me on the bed and slapped me hard across my face before taking a fist full of my hair.

"What did your uncle say about staying in your room?" She asked. I noticed Marion standing by the door.

My body shook in fear of what she was going to do to me. When I wasn't saying anything she let go of my hair throwing me hardly to the floor. I winced in pain.

"You're lucky none of the guests saw you but I won't let you off that easily." She stated. She quickly turned towards the door taking the key out of it.

"You'll be in here the whole night. There'll be no food for you until the morning." She said.

"Aunty Ther-" she slammed the door before I got the chance to say anything. I heard it click twice indicating that I was now locked in and my eyes finally gave way to the tears I had been trying so hard to hold in. I sobbed quietly on the floor wondering what my life would be like if I still had my parents with me. Soon the music from the living room died down as well as the voices of the guests downstairs.

The party was now over and it wasn't long before I gave into the arms of sleep.


The next day, I had my shower and threw on pair of black tights and a short long sleeve gown. The outfit looked a bit faded but it was still manageable. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were puffy from all the crying. My right cheek was now slightly swollen as well from the slap I had gotten from aunt Theresa last night. It stung a little had a few red spots. My stomach growled and I realized i hadn't eaten anything since yesterday. I glanced at the door, patiently waiting for the it to be unlocked which would be anytime soon since I would be needed to prepare breakfast.

It wasn't long after and the door came flying open with Marion at the other side. She had a sly smirk on her face.

"Hope you enjoyed your night? Now go down and make breakfast. And be quick with it." She ordered before going back to her room. I stood in the same spot for a while staring at where she just stood before leaving for the kitchen.

I prepared toast with eggs and bacon and served them on the dining before going back to the kitchen to eat mine. After breakfast, I was busy with the dishes when I heard Uncle Aldo and Aunt Theresa having a heated conversation in the living room. I didn't want to listen in but they weren't exactly being so discreet about it.

"Who is he?"

"His brother Theresa. It's his brother." Uncles voice sounded

"Do you think he knows?" I heard aunt ask

"I hope not. He has asked to meet me today. I'll be going to see..." Uncles voice grew softer and softer until I could no longer hear it.


Alessandro's POV:

I stared at Aldo who sat in front me finding it difficult to speak. He was nervous and it was obvious. But he was trying his best to conceal it.

"The business has been going through some rough patches but I assure you, you will get your money in a months time."

This guy had to be insane and I couldn't believe Vincenzo worked with such people. Aldo already owed this business over a million, not to mention he was already a suspect for Vincenzo's murder. As a matter of fact, he was the main culprit, I just didn't have enough evidence to put him behind bars.

"Do you take me for a fool Aldo?" I asked

"Of course not Mr. Rossi. Your brother Vincenzo, he was a good friend of mine and we had quite an understanding when it came to payments. Sadly he's no longer with us but I assure you, you will get your money back." He replied a bit too confidently.

My jaws clenched at the mention of Vincenzo's name from his filthy mouth.

"This has been going on for way too long and now I want my money back, by hook or by crook."

He clasped his hands together and placed them in my desk. "And you will get it Mr. Rossi, it's just a matter of time."

I leaned into my chair, hands folded across my chest. I already had a private investigator looking into Aldo but the man was clean. He had no criminal records neither was there any evidence linking him to Vincenzo's murder.

But like they say, every criminal always leaves behind a clue. I just had to find it.

Aldo was a cunning man and very discreet too. Getting any form of information on him or his family was close to impossible. Although I was able to finally lay my hands on something that I was definitely going to use to my advantage.

I might not have enough evidence to put you behind bars Aldo, but I was going to hit you were it hurt, hard.

"I hear you have a daughter?" I asked and his eyes widened in realization of what I was hinting at.

"No, no... you can't possibly think of that." He said sitting up straight.

"I want my money in a week or the girl is mine. The way in is the way out." I motioned for the door and he stood up hesitantly, and left without another word.

This was just the beginning.
