
His Collateral

"That is not your place. From now on, this is where you will sleep." Alessandro said, his gaze fixed on the couch. I had a lot of questions on my mind. I wanted to ask why? I was his wife, wasn't I? He knew she was burning for answers but he didn't spare any emotions. "This marriage, means nothing to me. You mean nothing to me. So it would be better if you knew your place." ********************* Orphaned at an early age, Bella now lives with her uncle Aldo, his wife Theresa and their children Luca and Marion who abuse and mistreat her. When faced with mounting debt, they trick Bella into a marriage with business mogul, Alessandro Rossi. Unaware of the lies, Bella is filled with a new hope for a life far away from her abusive family but instead of finding solace she finds that her husband treats her no differently than the others, that is until he discovers that he too has been deceived into this marriage. As secrets start unraveling fast, both discover the harsh reality of their situation and what brought them together. Soon dark truths are revealed about their families past and how deep these debts truly run. Now, how far would everyone involved go to protect themselves from getting exposed? DO NOT PLAGIARIZE MY WORK. Copyright © 2022 All Rights Reserved. DISCLAIMER: •This book is purely a work of fiction. All the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are a product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. •I do not own any rights to the graphics used in this book. All pictures, videos, songs, etc belong to their original owners.

ThatNgirl · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 3

Aldo's POV:

I sat in my office feeling the most tension I had ever felt in years. I watched Theresa ramble on and on about how she would never let Marion get married to Alessandro.

"We have to think of something Aldo!" She said coming closer to prevent anyone from hearing her next words. "Our daughter might pay the price of what you did to his brother if he finds out. We can't let them get married."

I stood up angrily. "You think I'm not trying woman? That's the last thing I want. Handing my daughter over to that man on a platter of gold."

"Then do something Aldo, give him the money, anything."

I forced my fists into the desk. "We don't have it Resa. I told you. I was hoping on the few business men that attended the party but unfortunately, that didn't go as planned."

"I sign a cheque of two million and we're out begging on the streets. I thought I had gotten rid of this problem by eliminating Vincenzo but now he's brother is on my neck too." I added rubbing my temples in frustration as the room became eerily silent, then she spoke up.

"He will marry Bella." She stated

I stared at her in confusion. "Do you hear yourself?"

"Yes. Alessandro has never seen our daughter, and Bella, ... that girl has been a pain in our ass since her parents passed. Remember Aldo, if opportunity doesn't knock, you build a door."

"Think about it, we could kill two birds with one stone."

"And how are we to convince Bella into marriage with a man she knows nothing about?"

"Leave that to me and focus on the main course of action... letting Alessandro's one week time frame run out. We don't want to be in a rush to give him our daughters hand. It would look suspicious. We need him to believe that we had no choice." Theresa explained and when I was completely on board with the plan she left to keep her end of the bargain.

Bella's POV:

I was busy with the dishes in the kitchen when Marion walked in. She stood by the door looking at her nails like they were the most precious things in the world while I focused on my work.

"Mother wants to see you in the study." She said drawing my attention back to her.

Aunt? But she never asks to see me in the study, unless it's really important.

I quickly dried my hands and followed Marion into the study where aunt was seated with a magazine in her hands.

"You sent for me." I said standing in front of her.

"Yes I did."

"I need to tell you something important." She replied motioning for the chair before her. I took a seat but made sure not to get to comfortable. I didn't want to give her another reason to punish me.

She started.

"There's no easier way to put this so I guess I'll just say it.... You will be getting married."

I felt a prickling sensation in my ears followed by a loud ringing. It was as if I became deaf for a few seconds. Every other sound and word paled in comparison to what Aunt Theresa had just said. When it seemed like I had been quiet long enough I spoke up.

"What?" Both Marion and I said at the exact same time. It seemed like she also didn't know about this arrangement.

"Yes. He is a business partner to your uncle and a very good friend and he has asked for your hand. Your uncle and I couldn't have been more delighted."

"But I don't know him, so how does he know me?" I asked

"It doesn't matter who knows who. Your uncle and I are in support an so should you."

I was slowly processing the new information and my gaze wandered off to Marion's face and she didn't look happy.

"Mother..." she started bickering while I zoned out once more.

Marriage? But they didn't bother to ask me? To ask if I wanted this?

"Aunt Theresa." I called, pulling her out of her bickering with her daughter. My hands were shaking at the thought of asking her the question on my mind but I did anyways.

"B...but I wasn't asked about this. I .. mean this is my life... shouldn't my opinions b-"

"Not at all Bella. Your opinions are not needed. It is your uncle and I's final decision to get you married unless you of course want to go against your uncle which have consequences."

Marion started ranting once more. "Why does she get to get married to a-"

"You may get back to your work now." She said dismissing me. I slowly stood up, looking at her for a few seconds before heading back for the kitchen.


The day went by quickly. After dinner, everyone retired to their rooms while I cleaned up. The thought of getting married never once left my head. I had no idea what to feel. On one hand, I would finally be rid of the people I call family, rid of the abuse and insults. And on the other is marriage to a man I knew nothing about.

What if he's some middle aged man or even worse a grandpa?

"No, no, no. Uncle and aunt won't be so heartless enough to give me away to an old man." I said to myself, trying to convince myself.

Would they?

A week later...

It's been a week since aunt broke the news of my marriage and the wedding preparations were fast underway.

The more involved *I thought* I was in the planning, the more uncertain I became about the marriage. I could either go ahead with the uncertainty of marrying a complete stranger or decide not to get married and face uncle Aldo's wrath. Either way, I probably wasn't going to like the result.

I had received a few gifts from my supposed suitor. A few diamond necklaces, rings and gold bracelets, which aunt Theresa and Marion had shared amongst themselves and to be honest, I was okay with that since it provided them a good distraction from me. They now had less time to ill-treat me. But it made me wonder who exactly I was getting married to. He must be really rich to afford such gifts.

It was twelve in the afternoon and I was preparing lunch when I heard voices and the sound of irons clattering coming from the living room. I walked out to see a man and woman both average in height and they screamed expensive. One of them rolled in a clothing rack with about ten ..... hanging on them. I stood in a corner by the dining and watched them set up their equipments one of which was a full length mirror. Then Marion came into the house with Luca and the both of them wasted no time to pounce on her.

"Oh dear, you must be the bride. You look ravishing." The lady said holding Marion's hand while Luca stifled a laugh.

"No, no, wrong girl. She, is the bride to be." Aunt Theresa butted in pointing towards me.

"Come here dear." She added.

Dear? Is she being...nice?

I approached them slowly my eyes glued on the two strangers and my "NICE" aunty.

"Look at her eyes." The man said walking up to me. He took my hands in his and held them gently.

"Now this is beauty. Sir Alessandro definitely made the right choice." He added.

Alessandro. Was that his name?

"T..thank you, but what's going on." I managed to ask.

"Even her voice is lovely." The lady smiled.

She continued. "I'm Ruby and this is Sam. We're here for your gown fitting."

I wasn't even given a chance to reply when Sam pulled me into a small barrier, facing the wall. The last thing I saw was aunt Theresa whispering something to Ruby while she nodded. I stood behind it while Ruby came in with an array of dresses in hand.

"Start with this one." She said handing me the first gown.

2 long hours later...

Two hours later of dress fitting, I finally found a dress I was comfortable with. It wasn't something I'd usually wear as it had a lot of stones and embellishments but it was still the simplest and most covered amongst all the other dresses. I stood in front of the full length mirror, still admiring the fitting. Aunt Theresa had called both Ruby and Sam outside to discuss while Marion threw daggers at me from the dining. She walked up to me slowly, looking at me with disgust.

"It's either the dress is ugly or the person wearing it is. I think it's the latter though." She said walking around me with her hands moving delicately around the dress.

"Quite covered, don't you think? I mean, wouldn't you want to show your husband the beautiful piece of art on your back?" She laughed before walking away. I looked at myself once more in the mirror feeling my eyes well up with tears.

It was situations like this that made me grateful for this marriage proposal.
