
Slap Bet

As Josh closes the door, he grins wickedly, holding the tie in his hand, and just stares at it. Looks like things are moving in a different direction than expected but that's ok. It shouldn't interfere with the plan, in fact, it just might be perfect! 

"Josh~ ah~ I-I can't! Anymore! I can't hold it~!"

Right. How could he forget his cute boy toy? It took a while for Josh to get Barney addicted to him, but the time and effort he made really paid off. He doubted Barney would even think about leaving him now at least he made sure of that. Making his way back to the bedroom, he haphazardly tosses the tie to the side, unbeknownst to him, it fell in between the couch cushions. 

Josh stopped at the bedroom door, taking in the scene before him. There was Barney, hog-tied, laying on his belling on the bed. His eyes were blindfolded and there were two small vibrators taped to his nipples and one vibrating dildo strapped to his thigh so the tip could better touch his balls. His hair was a mess and the part of his face that could be seen was covered in tears and drool slipped from the lips he was biting down on. Bite marks and hickeys were everywhere on his body, from his neck down to his tailbone and a couple around his thighs. His ass was slightly redder than his face. It was beautiful how the red contrasted with Barney's pale skin. 

"Sorry, sweetie. You're friend came by and wanted to give back something you lost. Don't worry, I took care of it~. Now then…"

He made his way from the door to his beloved darling. Taking his position on the bed behind Barney, he slips off the bathrobe and roughly grabs and messages Barney's ass cheeks. Slowly he uses them to rub his own dick in between them, teasing his hole but not going inside him. In a low growl, Josh spoke:

"Tell me the rules again~ Barney~."


"Ngh! A-ah~ r-rule o-one: I can sleep with any w-women but ngh-no men!"


"Ah!~ Rule t-two: G-gotta be home b-by seven~!"


"Oh god! Ru-rule three: y-you can do whatever you w-want with me~!"


Josh smirked and finally plunges his hard cock deeply into Barney. In response, Barney jerked uncontrollably, squirming to get away! It was too much, too fast! His stomach ached as it felt too full and his ass hurt like hell from all the spankings and yet it felt so good! He knew his wrists and ankles were going to be red and sore after all this but it was so worth it! Hearing a few clicks from the remote, the intensity of the vibrators sent Barney over the edge and he came hard all over his stomach and bed sheets.

"Huff, Huff You naughty boy~ coming before me like that. Huff If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were breaking one of our rules, hahahah~."

"NO! I-I'm sorry, ngh! I-I'll do better, please!"

The control, the power! Josh chuckled. Having someone depend on Josh was like a drug to him. He was close to coming. Quickly, he slid his throbbing cock out of Barney and flips him over. Then he roughly pulls Barney's chin down to open his mouth and sticks his dick there and begins pumping in and out of it. There was no rhyme just raw, pure desire to quickly release his seed. Finally, after what felt like forever of gagging and suffocating, Josh comes into Barney's mouth, choking him with his semen. After a few more moments, Josh slowly takes his dick out, a thin string of cum connects his tip to Barney's lips as he pulls out. They were both exhausted, as they had been going at it since noon that day. Barney couldn't take it for much longer, at first this was such an amazing deal! The sex was amazing, the guy was totally his type, Asian with some boob. Albeit, they're more pecs than actual boobs but close enough. He wasn't too demanding and he hardly took his money and the pièce de résistance; Barney could still get with the ladies even in this relationship. Now though, Barney could hardly get away from him. And he didn't want to… something felt off to him but he couldn't quite place what that something was… the plan was working…wasn't it?…

"Welp, I'm gonna take a shower now."

"W-wait, aren't you going to untie me?"

"Heheh, I don't know. You look pretty hot like that. My come all over your pretty little face~. I might continue with you after my bath."


Yeah, something was definitely off… but he could think about that later.


After another month had passed and summer was coming to an end, Lily had come back. Marshall had finished his final and was waiting on the results, Robin was following a source for a news segment and Barney…was still with Josh. Ted couldn't believe it. Four months… nearly four months and they were still together… While Lily and Marshall were taking it slow, it seemed like Barney and Josh were taking their next steps in their relationship. Needing a place to stay, Ted offered his spare bedroom however when he did, Lily went tight lips and shook her head violently. First Barney stopped speaking with him and now Lily? Was it something he did or said? Well, it was fine, as Lily was able to go out with Robin and shop for a new place to stay. Meanwhile, Ted was just about done with the plans for a new building his boss had requested. With some days before the deadline, Ted was able to relax a bit more and go drinking with his best friend again. 

"So, you're giving up on Barney?"

Marshall started, seeing as how Josh was still around, he guessed Barney rejected Ted. 

"Oh, ummm… you know, I'm actually not that into Barney. Yeah, it was just a passing thing you know… yeeup"

Ted attempted to appear nonchalant about the whole thing, choosing to want to forget rather than face the fact he ran away. Justifiably, of course, though unwillingly as he still fantasizes about what Barney could've looked like inside that bedroom. Ted takes a sip of his beer just as Marshall speaks up:

"So you're not bi?"

"Yeeah, no. What can I say, it was the booze talkin'."

Marshall just looks at Ted, it's clear he wasn't telling the whole truth. He wanted to help his friend the way Ted helped him. In order to do that, Marshall needed Ted to be honest, not just to him but to himself.

"Prove it."

"Prove what?"

"Prove you're not bi. Go over there and flirt with a guy."

"What? Marshall, I'm not going to flirt with a guy I don't even know! First off, he could be straight, and second, how is that going to prove I'm not into guys?"

As Ted was raising his voice the more agitated he got, Marshall lowered his as if about to tell Ted a secret. To him, if he could get Ted to flirt with a guy, he was convinced Ted would finally be able to understand and admit how he feels towards Barney, it was drastic but Marshall couldn't think of anything else to do... Lily did most of their thinking for the both of them...

"You know what, you're right. I mean you probably couldn't even get a guy to hook up with anyway."


"Whoa, whoa, I'm not saying I couldn't get a guy, I just don't want to. Plus how would I be able to tell which guy likes men without getting my ass kicked, huh? You-you're just mad you didn't think that far ahead!"

"No, you're right. Even though there's a blonde over by the counter with an earring similar to Barney's over there. But yeah, you wouldn't be able to hook up with him at all."

"Marshall… wanna make a bet?"

"Slap bet?"

Ted gave Marshall a smile of confirmation. It was on! Gulping down the last of his beer, Ted stood up, a bit tipsy but still able to stand, and began to make his way to the bar counter. On the long way there, he tried to come up with every dumb pickup line he'd heard Barney tell and yet nothing seemed to work for him. Then he remembered what Barney told him a long time ago:

"Architects are hot~!"

Damn, why did he have to think about that now! Though he would definitely keep that sentence in mind for later, right now it could actually be helpful in another way! Getting closer to the blonde male, Ted got a better look at him. Obvious blonde hair that seemed slightly combed to the side like he had just run his hands through it. He wore black dress pants and a very large oversized pink hoodie. His earring was the only thing that could be seen from his side profile… wait, that earring really did seem similar to Barney's! Shit, was he just that into Barney he was starting to see him everywhere now? No, Ted needed to reassure Marshall that he wasn't into guys! Stay focused!

"Hey there, uh…handsome? I'm Ted Mosby and I'm an architect…"

"Sorry dude, but I'm take- wait, Ted?"

Holy shit… of course, this would happen to him! It really was Barney, but wait…

"You're not wearing a suit jacket?"

"Oh yeah, I was in a rush this morning and ran out with Josh's hoodie. It's cute though right?"

…Yeah, it really was. He looked much more natural wearing a hoodie, he just wished it was his hoodie Barney was wearing. That would look so much more better…

"...I guess…"

"Hold on, Ted. Were you trying out the architect play on me?"

Holy Fuck this just got worse! If Ted denies he was trying to pick him up, he'll lose the slap bet but if he admits to it, he'll have to admit to a bunch of other stuff he wasn't ready for…

"Haha! You looked like a girl with short hair from far away! Lose the pink, dude!"

Barney just gave an awkward laugh. It made sense to him as he still thought Ted didn't approve of his lifestyle. Nonetheless, he was still Ted's best friend! He'd just have to try harder! Giving Ted a winning smile, he just brushes off his comment as if it were nothing, even if it did hurt a lot. As the conversation died down to just standing there awkwardly, Barney finally noticed Marshall sitting alone in their booth. 

"Hey, Marshall! What's up? You still coming out with me and Josh tomorrow to pick out a new suit for yourself?"

"Oh…uh yeah, I don't know. I think my old suit is fine."

"Marshall, come on! You can't wear that dingy ugly suit to a wedding! Get something nice and you can pick up any chick you want. Weddings are easy hunting grounds!"

…Right… another wedding was happening. What with everything going on over the past few months, Ted nearly forgot he needed to find a plus one for his friends, Claudia and Stuart's, wedding… maybe he'll invite Robin or just go alone. Seeing that Barney had taken his seat across from Marshall and the conversation was leaning towards Josh, Ted was about to turn around and leave when Marshall called him out:

"Oh! Ted, you forgot something!"



Everything after that was a blank…