
Highschool Paranormal Investigators

A group of bored friends decided to make a club to serve as a hangout area. After a bit debate on the name the club “Paranormal Investigation” was made. After word got out that the Paranormal Investigation club was fake, the group was faced with an ultimatum: Create a legitimate presentation based on the club’s activities, or be forced to disband. Not wanting their hangout to be disbanded, they begrudgingly obliged. Choosing to investigate the school’s most popular rumor. As they continued they found the activities to be much more fun than they thought. Leading them to decide that perhaps taking the club seriously would be an enjoyable option. Follow the group as they investigate and debunk rumors with facts and logic. After all, ghosts don’t really exist. … Right?

Stagiestpig · Horror
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3 Chs


"What exactly is the Paranormal Investigation club?"

A man dressed neatly in a suit lit a cigarette before answering, "Just your average group of teens in a Highschool club. Why?"

"We both know that isn't exactly true, these guys figured out things that stumped us for quite some time!"

"Why are you investigating a group of kids? I ought to report you to the authorities."

"They're infringing on our business, they're competitors!"

"You're being beat by a group of kids."

"Dammit man, just answer the question."

The suited man exhaled a puff of smoke, "So you want to know who they are? Then you better listen."

He leaned forward, "The first to note is Timothy, often referred to as Tim. Seems to be the leader of the group, but it may just be that he's more willing to take the lead in situations. Guy is a genius, measured to have an IQ of a hundred-fifty-six. Acts like a dumbass though. He's usually the brain of their activities."

"Then why is he in some club?"

"Not everyone wants to be the next genius."

"Seems like a waste of talent."

"Then tell him that yourself. Next up is Sam, she's the athletic one of the group. Plays a lot of sports and is quite popular. We believe she stays at the club due to how she's treated."

"What do you mean by that?"

"That club treats each member like they're family. Between friendly banter and insults to genuinely caring for one and another… though mostly the former. They don't care that she's popular, and treat her as much."

"Anything particular noteworthy?"

"Quite charismatic, she can usually talk her way out of any situation. Sometimes her words are a little on the sharper side if you get on her bad side."

"…I see."

"Ahem, next up is Eric. He's most notable merely due to how ordinary the guy is. He hardly stands out and scores average in everything he participates in. The only feature that stands out about this guy is that he treats others kindly, and never means any harm. Which is…"

"Which is what?"

"Nothing, in short the guy can be a pushover, but cares about his friends. But I believe it's some sort of front, the guy can be incredibly sneaky when he wants to."

"Then the fourth?"

"Oh not gonna comment on the last bit?Alright then. Fourth is Kayla, she's probably the most dangerous of them all."


"…Are you gonna let me finish before interrupting?"


"Good, she has connections just about everywhere. Friends, friends of friends, family, family of family. Between gathering information and spreading it, she can do so easily. She blends in with a crowd, if you're not careful you'll find rumors about how you ate street socks when you were twelve."

"…That's really specific."

"Don't worry about it. Besides her connections she's just an ordinary high schooler, completely unthreatening at a glance."

"Then the final one?"

"John, ordinary name, not so ordinary personality. The guy's a jokester, makes a joking out of anything and everything."

"That sounds kind of ordinary."

"Except he's unfazed by pretty much anything. I would bet in a life threatening situation, that guy would crack a joke. Because of it he's an ultimate team supporter, and sometimes the opposite. Sometimes he's funny and brings up morale, other times he fails to take a situation seriously and makes a joke at the wrong time."

"Are the jokes funny at least?"

"Depends on the situation. Between nonsense wordplay to genuinely clever jokes. Also just pure sarcasm, it's a hit and Miss really. It's worth pointing out the whole group is a bunch of jokesters, just that John takes it to another level."

"So… it's a bunch of somewhat ordinary teen high schoolers that I'm being put out of business by?"


"…Wait what about the sixth?"

"…I'm sorry who?"