
Highschool Paranormal Investigators

A group of bored friends decided to make a club to serve as a hangout area. After a bit debate on the name the club “Paranormal Investigation” was made. After word got out that the Paranormal Investigation club was fake, the group was faced with an ultimatum: Create a legitimate presentation based on the club’s activities, or be forced to disband. Not wanting their hangout to be disbanded, they begrudgingly obliged. Choosing to investigate the school’s most popular rumor. As they continued they found the activities to be much more fun than they thought. Leading them to decide that perhaps taking the club seriously would be an enjoyable option. Follow the group as they investigate and debunk rumors with facts and logic. After all, ghosts don’t really exist. … Right?

Stagiestpig · Horror
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3 Chs

Paranormal Investigation

"I'm telling you man, she doesn't want us to use the shed anymore.", Eric informed.

"Then where are we supposed to hangout? Are you sure she doesn't mind us camping next to the shed?" asked John.

"She just doesn't like us playing in it. It's really old after all."

"Ah, a bit of nails and wood and it'll be good to go!"

Kayla yawned, "We can just hangout at an Internet cafe or something."

John made a face, "And who's gonna fund that? Perhaps some millionaire will come by and graciously drop us a couple grand!"

"Oh shut up! At least I'm making suggestions!"

Sam sighed, "Alright, in that case let's just toss around ideas and see what sticks."

John nodded, "The blindfolded dart strategy, flawless."

Giving John a stare Sam continued, "I'll go first then. We can make a treehouse."

"Again, funding."

"Then you make a suggestion!"

"I already did! We could camp 'next' to the shed!"

Sam rolled her eyes, "Eric, any ideas?"

"Uhh, we could use that abandoned shipping container by the creek.", he said shrugging.

Raising an eyebrow John said, "Oh that's not a bad choice. Question is: have we been beaten to it?"


Kayla shook her head, "I'd much rather not hangout in a place that used to be, or is, the home of god-knows-what."

Shaking his head John said, "Then we have a handful of options, two which we need money for. One is risky, and the other we lack the permission needed."

Sam focused her attention on Tim, who was walking along quietly, "So you're next, what's your suggestion?"

Tim scratched his chin, "Funding troubles eh… Then why not have the school fund it?"


"We start classes next week right? So let's form a club and use the club room as our hangout."


John smacked Tim's back, "Brilliant idea, but haven't those been… pre-ordered?"

Kayla corrected, "The word you're looking for is reserved. Also my mom's friend works as part of the head board. I could just ask her for us."

"Then we shall leave this issue in your hands. I hope we receive some good news."

Sam faintly winced, "Erm, I was gonna join a sports club… I know you need five people to create one and everything…"

"No! How could you abandon us at our time of need!, John placed the back of his hand on his forehead, "Backstabbed by our trustworthy friend!"

"Look, I'm sorry alright? But I want to actually do something for my club."

"Can't you join two clubs?", Eric asked.

Tim answered, "Partially."

John paused, "You gonna explain or."

"Clubs are only allowed to 'host' once or twice a week. So as long your clubs don't have conflicting schedules you can join two. But there's a catch."

They waited for Timothy to continue, but he simply continued waking.

John frowned, "Damn you, don't keep us hanging like that. What's the catch?!"

"Hm? Oh, the club has to be already made. You can't be founder of a club and join another. Meaning Sam can't help us create the club and join the one she wants."

Kayla tapped on her phone, "That problem is solved, Elli doesn't mind helping us create the club."

John tilted his head, "Elli? Oh~ the shy one!"

"I'm surprised you remember her."

"Never took her as someone willing to participate in club activities."

"She's not, she says that she will only sign her name for the creation of the club."

"A ghost member!"


"Then we need a decent name, something not so typical?"

The group pondered for a moment. Their brains cranked to the max to think of a name.

Eric suggested, "We could do something mundane like Geographic Research."

That was quickly shutdown by John, "Too mundane, I'm not going to be a part of geologists."

Tim backed out of the naming, "Naming is 'not' my strong suit. I'll trust you guys."

Kayla tossed the responsibility, "You name it John, you're usually quick to do some funny wordplay on something."

"A responsibility has been handed to me, I do hope you do not regret the decision.", John announced.

"We're waiting."

"Hmm hmm. Something not mundane while being unique enough to not be already chosen…", John pondered aloud.

He snapped his fingers, "Paranormal Investigation then!"

Tim asked, "The reason behind this?"

"Because we have a 'ghost' member!"

Kayla rapidly typed on her phone, "Done and sent, we shall see if our club is accepted, and if we get a club room."

"I hope for good news!"

Oh woe is me, I can’t deliver the sarcasm right without italics!

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