
Highschool DXD: creative gamer

OC in highschool DXD, no rias bashing, no issei bashing, he will side character mostly,

SamiOyakodonLover · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
3 Chs

The white cat

It had been several weeks since Kai's awakening, and he couldn't shake the sense of urgency. The looming Conan event had no set start date, but Kai knew it had occurred during the second year just before summer. With less than two months to prepare, his sole mission was to accumulate as much LP as possible.

During this period, Kai left no stone unturned in his quest for LP. He crafted a cooking skill, allowing him to prepare his own meals to both sate his hunger and replenish his LP. Experimenting with various recipes became a daily ritual as he strove to maximize his LP gains.

In addition to cooking, Kai pursued other avenues to boost his LP. He immersed himself in video games, maintaining a regular exercise regimen to keep himself in peak physical condition. He even explored more personal methods, such as self-indulgence, all in the pursuit of raising his LP numbers.

As days moved, Kai had become increasingly aware of the sensation of being followed, though he couldn't pinpoint exactly how it was happening. Today, as he sat in a park, eating his food, he once again felt the presence of someone shadowing him.

He decided to use one of his skills, the "Mini Map." With a thought, a circle with a compass appeared in the corner of his vision, displaying his location as an arrow and the buildings around him. It was a handy tool for navigation, but it didn't reveal the identity of his mysterious follower.

Sighing, Kai realized he needed to upgrade his tracking capabilities. He reached into his bag and pulled out a small bag of homemade candy. As he opened it, a young girl with white hair and honey-colored eyes suddenly appeared before him. She stood at a height of less than 5 feet, with a petite and cute appearance, but her face bore a perpetually blank expression.

"Koneko-chan? The school mascot?" Kai inquired. Koneko was a well-known figure at school, her short and adorable appearance capturing the hearts of many students, even though she rarely smiled and preferred solitude.

Kai tried to engage in conversation with Koneko, but she remained silent, her blank expression unchanging. He couldn't help but feel a bit perplexed by her unresponsiveness.

After a few attempts, Kai decided to enjoy his cookies and shrugged it off. However, when he opened the bag of cookies, he noticed Koneko's eyes perking up, and for a moment, he thought he saw cat-like ears. He knew better, though; Koneko was of a particular race known for their cat-like features.

With a playful smile, Kai asked, "You want some?" Koneko unconsciously nodded, her desire evident despite her stoic demeanor. Kai, reveling in the opportunity to tease her a bit, smirked and swiftly devoured a cookie in a single bite, saying, "Too bad I ate it."

Koneko's reaction, though hidden behind her emotionless facade, seemed to involve some hissing. Chuckling to himself, Kai took another cookie and offered it to the white-haired cat girl, making sure to satisfy her desire for a sweet treat.

She took the sweets like a starved child, despite eating now long ago, Koneko savored the cookie taste, the mix of chocolate chips and cookie brought a pleased smile on her stoic face, Kai couldn't help himself and pat it her on her head.

"…!" She flinched and glared at him, but her stare disappeared at when he brought another cookie from the bag.

Kai leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "If you let me pat, I'll give you a cookie every day. What do you say?"

"…" she had a pondering look, maybe she's weighting the advantages and disadvantages of such offer, but the sweet temptation of eating extra cookie every day is really winning over her.

"How about this, not only cookies but other sweets as well, isn't this a sweet deal?" Kaneko might mistake him for a devil…if he didn't have the strangely pleasant human smell all over him.

"…It's a deal Senpai, but only pats…no echhi stuff, got it?" She gives him another glare, in fact she wouldn't even agree to this deal, but her Prez give her orders to keep eye on him, besides his smell is way better than the other senpai who reeked with lewd thoughts.

"Hehe, I wouldn't dare." He said, some cold sweet fell on his neck of course 'I wouldn't! you can punch building with ease, let's tease you more when I have decent strength…'

"Mm…" she nodded in satisfaction and continued to eat like a hamster, Kai continued to pat her, and felt the LP numbers rise in hundreds in seconds 'What's better than getting stronger while relaxing?' He thought while humming a tone for cats, Koneko closed her eyes and enjoyed the humming and delicious cookies…

"Koneko-chan, do you know any good gym the area?" He asked, maybe she has own to train after all.

Koneko, perhaps feeling a bit more relaxed in Kai's presence, replied, "I do. There's a mixed martial arts gym I frequently train at."

Kai raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "You do martial arts, Koneko-chan? But you look so fragile and tiny."

Her response was as serious as ever. "Of course, otherwise, how would I defend myself against perverts?"

Chuckling, Kai continued, "So, can you recommend a gym?"

Koneko seemed to consider it for a moment before stating, "It would cost you more."

Kai countered, "Ten cookies per day."







Koneko finally relented, "Deal. Come tomorrow after school."

Kai couldn't help but ask about his kendo training, concerned that it might interfere with their agreement.

"Won't matter to me," Koneko replied with a shrug. "I'm getting my cookies anyway."

As they continued their unique interaction, Kai patted Koneko, who was growing more comfortable in his presence. Occasionally, she emitted soft, purr-like sounds of contentment, adding a touch of charm to their newfound companionship.

[LP : 58128, 500+ 500+….]

it increases steadily… Kai smiled gleefully, Koneko saw his smile and couldn't help but to puzzled. 'Did he really want to pat me…he's weird…but I don't dislike it…'


The next day after school, Kai made a deliberate decision not to attend his kendo training. He had been focusing on training his Swordsmanship skill for the past two weeks, rapidly advancing it to C rank. The kendo girls were taken aback by his accelerated progress,unaware that he was using LP to expedite his skill development.

Kai had a sly grin as he calculated that he could use the LP gained from kendo matches themselves, given his enjoyment of the sport and the delightful sight of girls in motion. He couldn't help but wonder how overpowered Issei would be if he possessed this ability, but for now, he was content that it was him who had it.

Kai considered the LP he gained as experience points for his skill, a clever way to mask the true source of his growth.

After finishing his school for the day, Kai waited for Koneko at the school entrance. She arrived with her usual impassive expression and demanded, "The goods."

Kai chuckled and retrieved a bag of cookies from his bag, handing it over to Koneko. She meticulously counted them, ensuring they were all there, before nodding in approval. "Follow me," she commanded, not waiting for his response.

Kai smiled wryly and trailed behind her. As they disappeared from view, two other girls with striking figures appeared. One had long black hair tied in a ponytail with an orange ribbon, her eyes full of intensity. The other girl had flowing crimson-red hair and piercing blue eyes. Both of them watched the pair as they departed, curiosity gleaming in their gazes.

"Rias, are we sure about leaving them?" Akeno asked, her brows furrowing with concern as she watched Kai and Koneko heading off.

Rias wore a confident smile. "It's fine, Akeno. Koneko mentioned that she likes Kai-kun's scent and prefers him over Issei-kun. Plus, there's a chance Kai-kun might open up about his abilities, considering what Yuuto reported to me."

Akeno chuckled softly, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Well, I can't blame her. Kai-kun is rather cute, isn't he? Even the kendo girls seem to have taken a liking to him. Do you think President Sona might have her eye on him too?"

Rias huffed playfully, considering the possibility. "Of course, she would. But my guess is she's more focused on recruiting Saji-kun. Her approach is likely to be much more subtle than mine."

Akeno then turned her attention to their plan. "What are our chances of convincing them to join us, Rias?"

Rias adopted a confident tone. "Considering Issei's perverted nature, I highly doubt he'd refuse. We can always promise him a harem once he becomes a devil."

But when it came to Kai, Rias couldn't help but express some uncertainty. "Kai, on the other hand... he's an enigma. He doesn't exhibit any perverted behavior, often falls asleep in class but still maintains good grades, and he eats alone without many friends. I'm about 90% sure he's aware of the supernatural. Yuuto even noticed that he used some kind of enchantment magic during their spars."

"You seems really interested in him~" Akeno teased Rias about her fascination with Kai's mysterious nature, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Blushing, Rias tried to steer the conversation back to their mission. "Let's focus on the present. This is our chance, Akeno."

Akeno's expression turned more somber as she acknowledged the gravity of their situation. "Don't worry, Rias... I'm sure you'll be free."

With warmth in her eyes, Rias assured her best friend. "Me too, Akeno. And you'll gain your freedom as well."

Their conversation shifted back to the present, and with light-hearted giggles, they made their way to their club building, ready to face the challenges that awaited them.


'So, they were watching us leaving, good I poked their interest' , Kai couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He had managed to pique the curiosity of the two girls, Rias, and Akeno, and they were now watching him and Koneko leave. It was all part of his plan to mooch off the devils and gather LP.

He had created a map function that displayed two blue dots on his mental map. Blue meant neutral, and for now, he considered the devils as neutral parties. However, if things went well, they might turn green, signifying allies. Kai wasn't planning on becoming a devil himself,

but he was more than willing to help Rias avoid a forced marriage. Plus, he saw the potential for gaining satisfaction and, in turn, LP by humiliating the prideful devils. 'I'll make ton of LP from them, hehe' he laughed in his mind,

"Why are you daydreaming, Senpai, we are here" Koneko said, waking him up, Kai looked at the place and whistle in amazement, this gym looks for the super-rich, I can't afford this shit.

"Are you sure I can enter? This does look expensive, haha" Kai laughed nervously, Koneko just gives him aside look and go inside without answering.

'You a tough one to crack alright' , Kai thought and followed her.

As Kai and Koneko entered the gym, their presence didn't go unnoticed. Whispers and excited murmurs rippled through the gym's patrons.

"Oh? Look!"

"It's Koneko-chan!"

"Koneko-chan! Let's fight!"

"Who's that with her?"

"How dare he be near Koneko-chan like that!"

"Shut it, man. Koneko-chan could beat you with her eyes closed and hands tied. A random kid like him is nothing to fear."

"Hahaha, you're right. Don't worry, Koneko-chan, I'll claim my love for you after I beat you."

Kai couldn't help but chuckle at the reactions. It seemed that Koneko was well-known and respected here, and her admirers didn't hesitate to voice their intentions, albeit lightheartedly.

Koneko, however, remained unfazed by the attention and continued to lead Kai further into the gym, her expression unchanged. Kai couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her calm demeanor in the midst of such adoration and rivalry.

Koneko led Kai into the VIP wing of the gym, a section filled with advanced equipment and machines that left him in awe. It was clear that this part of the gym was reserved for those who were serious about their training.

She handed Kai a magnetic card and a stoic smile. "You can train here from now on," she said, "as long as you continue to give me cookies."

Kai chuckled at her straightforwardness. "It seems like you're really strong and popular here," he remarked.

Koneko nonchalantly continued munching on a cookie. "Yeah, so?" she replied.

Kai didn't care about her nonchalant attitude, he then hesitated for a moment before making a request. "Can you train with me?"

Koneko raised an eyebrow. "20 more cookies."




Kai nodded with a grin. "Deal."

As he agreed to her terms, Kai couldn't help but think about the 30 cookies he would have to provide each day. It seemed like a daunting task, but the opportunity to train and improve alongside Koneko was too enticing to pass up.

'30 cookies in day…how even I can buy ingredients'…Kai wanted to cry, but the grind is calling him to raise.

Let's make some skills.

[Exercise(C+) : costs : 1000 LP, Effects: increase desired results of any kind of physical, mental, or magical activity, after the exercise done recovery speed to peak increased, result depends on rank, ]

[CQC (E) costs: 200 LP, Effects : increase close quarter combat, and spatial awareness, all stat's increase by 1%]

[Mediation (D), costs : 400 LP, Effects : enter a meditative state where stats recovery increased, depends on the rank]

After creating the skills, Kai felt a sense of relief wash over him, but he could also hear the sound of his knuckles cracking as he clenched his fists.

"Let's start, senpai," Koneko declared, donning a pair of gloves. Her ever-so-slight smile hinted at the upcoming challenge.

'I guess she enjoys a good fight, or this time a good beating '…Kai used appraisal on her to see her stats.

[ name : Koneko (Shirone) Toujou

Age : 15-16

Race : Reincarnated Devil, Nekomata (Cat Yokai)

Body stats:

• Physical: 34 (strength and defense focused)

• Mental : 21

• Magical : 20

Unique skills : Senjutsu(E) (not used) , Youjutsu (E) (not used), Devil Magic (C+)

Skills: CQC (A-), Demonic power control (C+), Superhuman attributes (B), Aerodynamic(C-)


'What's are this stats?! How does these numbers compere to human anyway?!'

[Use LP to create rough estimate?]



1000 LP…calculating…

0-20 : low classes

20-40 : middle class

40-60 : high class

60-80 : ultimate class

80 – 100 : Satan-class

100 and above : unknown.

Note : this stats aren't linear! It scales very quickly!


'So, Koneko's nonphysical stats are barely in the middle class, but her physical one is very high, well it's reasonable considering she took the rook piece in the peerage system.'

she cracked her knuckles again, "Shall we begin, Senapi?"

'welp, I'm screwed…'