
Highschool DXD: creative gamer

OC in highschool DXD, no rias bashing, no issei bashing, he will side character mostly,

SamiOyakodonLover · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

CH2: kendo match

As the school day came to an end, Kai had made effective use of his time to increase his Life Points (LP). One of his strategies was indulging in the most delicious meal the cafeteria could provide. While it wasn't cheap, it wasn't surprising given the school's high-class status. However, the results were worth it, as he gained a whopping 5000 LP from the delightful meal.

Kai couldn't help but marvel at the effectiveness of this method for boosting his LP. It was becoming clear that he could leverage various actions and experiences to strengthen his position in this deadly world.

He was walking home but an idea struck him, since he was loner before, he didn't bother joining any club, but the current him decide to change his lifestyle, so he went to a club that can be helpful.

Walking towards the kendo club, he saw a familiar trio, looking through some kind of window.

"Hehehe! Look, her underwear today is different! It has a cat face on it…cute!"

"Hehe, that girl flat bra is so good~ I want to smell it!"

"Ohhh! That girl bust has increase by few points, now it's 87! I wish I were the bra!"

Kai couldn't hide his disgust as he observed the trio's intrusive behavior. "How did these guys even get accepted? Are Japan's privacy laws meaningless?" he muttered to himself in annoyance.

Shaking his head, he decided to focus on his own actions and went to the kendo club's changing room. He knocked on the door.

"The room is getting used, please state your business." A girl with pink hair answered without opening the door.

"You may want to check the lower windows bit" Kai chuckled and said to the girl.

"Eh?? The window?? why would-!" the girl realized something, and went to see, she then saw the pervert faces of the pervert trio looking at them with disgusting expression.

"YOU ARE AGAIN!!!" she screamed, put on her kendo outfit, her scream notified the other girls, and they become furious, the followed her to give the trio a beating.

"SHIT THEY NOTICED US, RUNNNNN!" Issei screamed a run, followed by Matsuda and Motohama.

After 10 minutes of deserve beating, the kendo club girls felt satisfied and left the trio half dead beaten.

[500 LP+ for feeling satisfied by the beating the pervert trio deserve total : 6899]

'1 point for perfection…1 point!' Kai shook his head, and saw two girls approached him, the one he talked with previously smiled at him and said, "Thank you for telling us, otherwise we would take more to notice, and these degenerates would see more, I'm Katase by the way. Kendo club captain."

Katase's sentiment was echoed by the other girl, Murayama, who chimed in, "Indeed, it's becoming increasingly rare to encounter decent folks. I'm Murayama, the vice-captain of the Kendo club. Pleasure to make your acquaintance!" She flashed Kai a cheeky grin, appreciating his intervention and friendly demeanor.

Kai introduced himself with a hint of self-deprecating humor, saying, "I'm Hiragi Kai. It's quite unfortunate that I share a class with those guys. I guess setting the bar for decency isn't very high these days, is it?" He chuckled, and the two girls joined in with a slight giggle.

After some friendly conversation, Kai eventually broached the topic he had in mind, asking, "By the way, is the registration for the Kendo club still open?"

Katase responded to Kai's inquiry, curiosity piqued, "Today is actually the last day for registration. Is there a particular reason you want to join?"

Kai chuckled and replied, "Well, it's just in the nick of time, I suppose. I'd really like to give it a shot."

However, Murayama hesitated a bit, and Kai noticed. He inquired, "Is there a problem with me joining?"

Murayama clarified with a hint of embarrassment, "It's not that you can't join... It's just that so far, every guy who expressed interest had ulterior motives, and they didn't last very long in the club." She explained the club's previous experiences with male members, which had left them wary of new male recruits.

Kai couldn't help but laugh along with the brunette, understanding their caution. "I can imagine those guys didn't have the best intentions," he remarked with a grin.

Katase and Murayama exchanged a quick glance before Katase spoke up, "Well, as the captain, I believe we can make an exception for you, Hiragi Kai. We can have you as an unofficial member."

Murayama enthusiastically added, "Absolutely! We can work something out."

Kai raised an eyebrow, curious about the concept of being an unofficial member. "Unofficial? How does that work?" he inquired, genuinely interested in the idea.

Katase clarified the arrangement, saying, "Basically, you're welcome to come whenever you want during our practice hours, and you won't be tied to a strict schedule. However, you won't be able to participate in official tournaments and events."

Kai thought it over for a moment and replied, "That works perfectly for me. I just want the experience."

Murayama nodded in agreement, and Katase took the lead, saying, "Great! Let's get you measured for your gear."

As Katase left to update Kai's information in the school system, Murayama and Kai went off to get his measurements taken, excited to finally gain some action.


Kai, now dressed in his kendo outfit and holding a wooden sword, nodded in readiness as Murayama suggested, "Let's practice a bit to see how you're holding up. Don't worry; I'll go easy on you~" She winked at him with a friendly grin.

Kai returned the smile and said, "I appreciate it, vice-captain." He was eager to learn and improve his skills in kendo. With that, they began their practice session, and Kai used this opportunity to make some skills.

[Appraisal (active): cost 300 LP, effects : see target information, Rank : N/A]

[Movement control(passive) : cost : 500 LP, effects : increase control overall body muscles, increase precision and effectiveness, Rank : E, increase rank by exercising or using LP]

[Swordsmanship(passive) : costs : 1000 LP, effect : enhance swords-based movement and techniques, Rank : E, increase rank by exercising or using LP ]

[reinforcement(active) : cost : 1000 LP, effect : increase physical by 10%: uses magic power : 10% per second -user has 2-unit so 20 seconds - of magic power Rank: E, increase rank by using or LP]

'Perfect, let use Appraisal on her.'

[Name : Murayama

Age : 17

Race : human

Body state : 6, 5.5 ,2

Unique skills : N/A

Skills : Swordsmanship (C)

Unique Magic : N/A

Magic : N/A


'shit, her physical body is higher than mine…well she has been practicing kendo who knows how much, and her swordsmanship level is two level than me…'

[swordsmanship E->D : 2000LP, upgrade? Total LP : 4499]


[swordsmanship (D), LP : 2299]

'I feel my heart bleed!' As Kai engaged in the practice session with Murayama, something extraordinary happened.

Initially, he had created his swordsmanship skill as a beginner with only basic knowledge of how to use a sword. However, as they began to practice, it was as if he had been training for years without interruption.

Murayama couldn't help but notice the remarkable change in Kai. At first, he had appeared as a complete novice, but suddenly, his stance and demeanor shifted into that of a more experienced swordsman. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something unusual about his sudden transformation.

She thought to herself, 'Was I imagining it, or did he just become a much more skilled swordsman in the blink of an eye?'

Murayama decided to continue the practice and observe Kai's performance closely, intrigued by this inexplicable change.

Murayama's attack was swift and aggressive as she aimed for Kai's head, but he was ready. With a quick move, he left his weapon in place, creating a sharp, colliding sound as their swords clashed. It was clear that Kai was adapting quickly.

As Murayama continued her onslaught, aiming for his side torso, Kai reacted with surprising agility, changing his position, and successfully blocking her strike. They exchanged dozens of attacks, and despite the evident difference in their ranks and experience, Kai showed remarkable progress. He did get hit a few times, and even with the protective gear, it stung, but he managed to land hits on his opponent, which was impressive considering it was his first time wielding a sword, even if it was a wooden one.

Gasping for breath, Murayama finally asked, "Haaaah haaah, you aren't bad, Hiragi-kun. Did you practice kendo?"

Kai, still smiling casually, replied, "This is my first time using a sword." His natural talent and quick adaptation were certainly raising eyebrows in the dojo.

"What?! For real!"

"I guess I'm naturally talented~" Kai snickered, he wasn't as tired, despite having less physical value then her, its it averaged out, so while she has more speed and strength, he has more stamina and endurance.

Encouraged by Kai's quick progress, Murayama decided to push their practice further. With renewed determination, she launched a series of swift strikes and feints, testing Kai's reflexes and adaptability.

Kai, though initially caught off guard by the increased intensity, quickly settled into a rhythm. He parried Murayama's attacks with fluid movements, demonstrating a growing understanding of the art of kendo. Their swords clashed and resounded in the dojo, filling the room with the sound of their spirited practice.

Murayama's attacks became more unpredictable, forcing Kai to rely on his instincts and adapt on the fly. He managed to evade some strikes gracefully, while others he blocked with precision. Each exchange of blows displayed his improving skills, and the difference between their ranks became less pronounced as they continued to spar.

Sweat dripped from their brows as they continued to engage in a fierce, yet respectful battle. The dojo seemed to fade away as they focused solely on their swordplay, a dance of skill and determination that left both of them breathless but exhilarated.

As they took a moment to catch their breath, Kai's smile widened, and he said, "This is amazing. I never thought I'd enjoy kendo this much." Murayama couldn't help but nod in agreement, impressed by Kai's natural talent and enthusiasm for the martial art. Their practice session had turned into a thrilling and unexpected experience for both of them.

As feeling getting overwhelmed, he decided to use the skill he created,

'Use reinforcement!'

Kai activated the magic he had created, harnessing his magic power as fuel. In an instant, he felt a noticeable increase in his physical abilities, a boost of 0.5 in his overall capabilities. While it might not have seemed like a significant enhancement, in the context of their intense kendo spar, it could make all the difference.

His movements became even more fluid, and his reflexes sharpened. The boost in his physical state allowed him to react faster and strike with greater precision. Murayama, taken aback by the sudden change in Kai's prowess, found herself on the defensive as he launched a series of relentless attacks.

Their wooden swords clashed with increased intensity, and the dojo seemed to crackle with energy as their exchange continued. Kai's newfound strength and agility allowed him to keep pace with Murayama, and the difference in their ranks seemed to blur.

The boost Kai had received from his magic-enhanced reinforcement skills had a significant impact on their spar. His body felt lighter, stronger, and faster, and his spirit soared as he launched himself at Murayama once more. The sudden surge in his abilities caught the brunette off guard, and she struggled to keep up with his rapid and forceful strikes.

Recognizing that the magic-infused enhancement wouldn't last long, Kai increased the intensity of his attacks. This time, he targeted Murayama's torso, and though she managed to block his strike, the sheer force behind it made her stagger slightly. Kai seized the opportunity and directed his weapon at her hand, landing a hit that caused her to wince in pain and release her sword, leading to her loss in the match.

As the 20-second duration of his reinforcement magic ended, Kai felt a strange emptiness within himself. He realized that it was likely his magic reserves that had been depleted by the intense use of his abilities. Despite the temporary nature of his boost, he had managed to secure a victory and highlight his newfound skills and adaptability in the kendo dojo.

Murayama's disbelief was evident as she accepted Kai's outstretched hand, and he helped her up. She winced as she removed her gloves, revealing a slightly swollen hand.

Kai couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, apologizing with a warm smile, "Oh, my bad."

Murayama reassured him, "Don't worry about it. We're used to getting a little banged up during practice." She smiled through the discomfort, showing a sense of resilience that came with years of kendo training. "A few hours, and it'll be back to normal."

Kai contemplated his newfound abilities and the enjoyment he derived from the battle and victory. It seemed like the thrill of the fight had awakened something within him. With that in mind, he decided to make the most of this opportunity and further develop his skills, knowing that he had gained some LP from the fight.

He saw her swelled hand and decided to do something about it.

[Massage(D, passive) : costs : 500 LP, effects : increase natural healing, induce relaxing and feeling of pleasure, effects depend on rank]

As Kai created the massage skill, he felt a rush of knowledge about various massage techniques entering his mind. His smile widened as he realized he now possessed the skills necessary to provide relief to Murayama's swollen hand.

With a confident tone, he offered, "If you're willing, I know some massage techniques that can help with this."

However, Murayama responded with a hint of doubt, "You do? You aren't using this as an excuse to touch me, are you?"

Kai, not one to push if someone was uncomfortable, simply shrugged and started to walk away, saying, "Well, I'm not forcing you."

Panicking slightly, Murayama quickly stuttered, "W-wait, I didn't say no!" She hadn't expected him to give up so easily and realized that he was genuinely trying to help.

Kai, determined to help Murayama, gently grabbed her hand, and began using the massage techniques he had acquired. Initially, she winced in pain as he worked on her swollen hand. However, as he continued, the discomfort gradually lessened, and a relieved groan escaped her lips.

Embarrassed by the unexpected sounds, Murayama used her other hand to cover her mouth. But the pleasurable sensations from Kai's massage kept causing her to make involuntary sounds of satisfaction.




"hnn~ don't stop~" she couldn't help but express her appreciation for the relief he was providing.

However, just as she was beginning to feel fully relaxed, she suddenly realized that Kai had stopped. Opening her eyes, she saw him walking away with a wave and heard him say, "Your hand is healed now. I'm going home~"

Murayama blinked in surprise, feeling both embarrassed and grateful for his help. She flexed her hand, and to her amazement, the swelling had indeed gone down, and the pain was greatly reduced. Kai's impromptu massage skill had worked wonders, leaving her both surprised and thankful for his unexpected kindness.

"…Thank you." She muttered and felt her now healed hand, 'I want to feel that again…'

Outside the Kendo club, Kai walked uncomfortably, 'why she did have to make these sounds, now I have unwanted problem down here…at least it brought me a lot of LP…'

[LP : 7812]

'Just from that I got this much…what doing more pleasurable things would give me…I can't wait!'


Unbeknownst to Kai and Murayama, their practice session had attracted some unexpected spectators. As the captain of the Kendo club, Katase, finished the documents for Kai's unofficial membership, she bumped into Kiba Yuuto, the school prince and her longtime crush.

Blushing, Katase greeted him with, "Ah! Yuuto-kun!" She couldn't help but feel flustered around him, but Yuuto, known for his gentle demeanor, greeted her warmly.

"What a lovely day to meet, Katase-san. How is your day going?" Yuuto inquired politely, showing genuine interest in her.

Katase, still blushing, explained, "I was finishing documents for an unofficial member to the kendo club." She was about to share more when Yuuto's curiosity was piqued by the mention of an unofficial member.

"Unofficial member?" he asked with curiosity.

Katase nodded and replied, "Yes, he wanted to join us, but our recent policies prevent that..."

Yuuto seemed intrigued, and he requested, "I understand. Mind if I join you to see him?"

Katase's heart skipped a beat at the prospect of spending more time with Yuuto. "It would be my pleasure!" she enthusiastically agreed.

Together, they made their way to the club room, where they were met with an unexpected sight. Murayama and Kai were deeply engrossed in their sparring, completely unaware of the newcomers. Katase and Yuuto watched in surprise as the two fighters demonstrated their skills and determination, creating an engaging spectacle in the club room.

As Yuuto watched the sparring match between Kai and Murayama, he couldn't help but analyze their skills. Murayama clearly had better technique, strength, and speed, but Kai displayed impressive stamina and resilience. Yuuto recognized that Kai didn't seem to use his abilities for extended periods, indicating potential for growth.

However, what truly caught Yuuto's attention was the moment when Kai tapped into magical power during the fight. As a member of a race with heightened sensitivity to magic, Yuuto was keenly aware of this unexpected display of magic.

He found it intriguing since normal humans were typically unable to use magic directly. He decided that he should report this discovery to the club's president, as it was a significant development.

Meanwhile, Murayama was left in shock as Kai managed to defeat her, and her surprise only grew when she noticed the pleasurable sounds she had involuntarily made during the massage. She was too dazed to stop it, and it was only after Yuuto had left that she snapped back to reality. Blushing with embarrassment, she approached her friend, who's face filled with embarrassment when she knew they had witnessed the entire scene.

Kai, unaware of the impending trouble, continued on his way home. Little did he know that the events of that day would lead to unexpected challenges in the upcoming school year, with his newfound magical abilities attracting attention and curiosity from those around him.