

At the beginning of the Clone Wars, millions of clone troopers were created in Kaminoan labs to fight for the Republic against the droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems or CIS. Some batches of clones were specifically created to be more elite; to do tasks that otherwise normal clones wouldn't be able to accomplish. One of these such batches of clones is a squad of four elite commandos: Helios-Squad. Deployed on a Republic defense of the planet Mimban, these 4 clones accomplish multiple missions to aid the Republic effort.

SpilledMilk99 · TV
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3 Chs

A Star Wars Story: Helios-Squad / Introductions

*This is simply a fanmade story from the Star Wars universe with inspiration from the Republic Commando game and Clone Wars TV series*

"The next batch is done, doctor."

"Good, have them prepped for examination in about 30 minutes."

"Yes, Doctor."

"What's wrong with this one?"

"Let me see.. looks like some kind of accident happened with the frontal lobe. What should we do?"

"Exterminate the embryo, we need to risk nothing involving their inhibitor chips."


"Hey, commander!"

Wolf opens his eyes and looks to the source of the voice, a clone commando like him, one of his squadmates, CC-266 or otherwise known among others as Hare. The commando is dressed head-to-toe in brown, gray, white, and black fur-lined clone commando armor. His left hand rests on his knee and in his right hand is a loaded DC-17m repeating blaster. on his right hip, a DC-17 blaster pistol rests in its holster. Hare's boots are caked with mud and the armor is slightly dripping with water. His helmet has two antennae on each side around the ear pieces giving him an increased sense of hearing not only from creatures and droids but also boosts incoming signals to his comm systems allowing him to not only receive comms from greater distances but also can channel into enemy comms.

"What is it Hare?" asks Wolf.

"Figured you would want to know something, we finally got a new update from HQ." replies Hare.

Another clone commando lifts a mud-stained tarp on the other side of the room.

"Been here 2 months in wind, rain, and lightning with nothing to eat but worms, mud-skippers, and Republic rations and only now do those pencil-pushers finally give us something to do."

"Easy, Bear. I'm sure they have their hands full with managing the assault out in the mud-flats. Nobody said the campaign on Mimban would be easy, this planet is mostly mud after all."

Bear, or CC-268, wears the same fur-lined armor as Hare with different special modifications. His armor is denser and bigger to fit his body which is considerably larger and more muscular than the rest of the squad. Instead of antennae, bear's helmet is standard except for two rocket-dart launchers, each holding three darts on either side of his helmet. His gauntlets also have modifications to them. Instead of the usual retractable wrist blade that commando gauntlets have, Bear has sets of 4 claw-like metal spikes protruding from the knuckles of his gauntlets on both arms.

"Yes sir." Bear responded to Wolf.

"Where is Hawk?" ,Wolf asked to the two commandos.

"HAWK!" shouted Bear.

A sigh comes from outside the makeshift tent followed by footsteps in the pouring rain. The mud-stained tarp is lifted to reveal another clone commando with yet another set of slightly modified armor. This time the modifications are a visor like attachment over where the right eye would be under the helmet. This attachment automatically gives a display through Hawk's visor allowing him to predict a target's movements, the distance, and any visual details of the target.

"Yes?" asks Hawk, scanning the room now tightly packed with 4 clones.

"New details came from HQ, we're to move over the ridge we're nestled against and move on one of the clanker's comm centers." announces Hare to the rest of the group.

The entire group nodded their heads once in acknowledgement and proceeded about the tent to gather their belongings and check, double-check, and triple-check their gear. Wolf stood up and folded his water-proof sleeping bag into a tight roll then set it aside. He then unzipped a duffel bag sitting on the somewhat dry and muddy rocky floor, revealing his armor. Wolf's armor was the same as the other three: fur-lined with grayscale camouflage. Wolf's armor didn't have any special modifications to it like the others apart from a few black decals here and there. What set Wolf apart from the group wasn't his armor but his mind. Out of the Helios squad, he was chosen as squad lead because of his superior leadership skills, decision-making, tactics, and even his proficiency at speaking with others.

Wolf had a few different tricks up his sleeve than the others didn't in terms of equipment as well such as a modified DT-29 heavy blaster pistol, a laser-lined vibroknife, and a small portable shield generator.

Helios-Squad packed up their utility including the tent, carried by Bear, and began moving their way up the rain-soaked ridge they were camped under.